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Posts posted by Countesszero

  1. I too like how Blatant Invitation makes me feel and the smell of the copulins really enhance my feeling of sexiness. Super Sexy for me is more of a stealth bomber pheromone you know it kindof sneaks up on others. But for BI I think the name speaks for itself. It's Blatant and in your face and I like that.

  2. The name fits this one. My hubby liked this instantly and has requested that I buy a large bottle. The orange for me is what stands out the most. It's like Pow in your face. The Mango, Pineapple and Peach set the mood. The scent made me visualize myself by the pool sipping fruity drinks with umbrellas in them. The hibiscus and caramel add to the intrigue and make this scent linger on my skin beautifully. I find myself asking what smells so good. The answer is me wearing Tropical Temptation

  3. Nakai Nectare is everything I was hoping for. The hubby really..really loved this one. Heck he hurt his back over the weekend but a couple whiffs of Nakai's yumminess made him forget all about it. He was aroused instantly and felt the need to jump my bones. Oh My.


    Your right Dolly this scent is definitely juicy. And the Sugar in it makes it really sweet as well. Yum. I like it. The copulins are well covered by all of those melons. I can hardly smell the EOW. When I first put it on the cantaloupe and Honeydew were very dominate. The scent took me back to summer days as a kid when my mom would give me slices of fresh cantaloupe. It made me smile. I bought a full sized bottle of this and will most assuredly buy more.

  4. Your right there is quite a lot of phero's in the air. I wouldnt have it any other way. Esmeralda you should try Blatant Invitation I'm on my second bottle already. Thus far this morning my HOT CFO has gone out of his way to say hello to me and has commented on how good I look in my jeans. I'm going to stir things up alittle latter. I know my mix is working on him but now I'm searching out other targets. You know I'm just trying to spread the love around.

  5. I actually do have a Witch's Hat somewhere in my closet. As I was mixing all of this up I kept taking little whiffs to make sure it didnt reek. It was lots of fun.


    Yes Dolly I do have a feeling that I'm driving him crazy. But heh there's nothing wrong with a little Dirty fun.


    I'm off for home now. I will try this mix out on my hubby tonight and then be back at it tomorrow.

  6. I am having a lot of fun. I figured I'd touch all the bases with this mix. It has a bit of everything in it and so far everyone has been really responsive. I'm going to try it out on my hubby tonight. That's when the fun will really start. I do think that adding the Breaking the Ceiling to the mix has given me an air of sexy/professionalism.


    I almost forgot I covered this brew with Love Potion Perfume Original and a couple sprays of Aquolina Pink Sugar. Yummy yum.

  7. So today I'm trying out my new brew and have had excellent results thus far. I'm calling it Witches Brew#2 because my first Witches Brew was made up of phero's mainly from another site. WB#2 is made up of all Love Potion pheromones. This is my first day wearing this. I just made it up last night. It consist of CFM,Blatant Invitation, Me,Jane, Unscented Cougar, Synchronicity, Allegro, Forever After, Phero Girl, Super Sexy, Popularity Potion, True Confession, Breaking the Ceiling and Essence Oil. I know, I know I should call it everything but the kitchen sink instead of Witches Brew#2.


    First thing this morning I run into my HOT CFO who comments on how radiant I look and how sweet I smell. He's walking toward me getting closer and closer all the time and suddenly he stops and looks deeply into my eyes and grabs my arm playfully. He then asks me to come down to his office for a talk. We get there and he closes the door. Picture this Me, him alone in a closed office with my WB2 wafting through the air. He asks how I'm doing in my new position and recommends me taking top management courses in order to further advance my career and proceeds to make all the necessary arrangements. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. It's early around 8am and we are the only employees at work at this time, so we thought. He doesnt bother to get up and answer the door but only stares at me with this wanting look in his eyes. He's so DAMN HOT. He comes around the desk, I thought he was going to open the door for whoever was knocking but instead he moves a chair closer to me. He then asks what perfume I'm wearing and says that it's driving him wild and making him feel very hot. I suggest opening the door to which he only smiles. When his hand lightly brushes my leg I make this my cue to end the conversation and leave his office immediately. He looked heart broken. He's been following me around all day every since this morning with this look on his face. OMG I know my mix is working on him big time.


    Also the responses I've gotten from others (both male and female) are priceless. I've had a couple guys just walk into my office,sit down and just stare at me. DIHL effect I do believe. Other's have been following me around audibly sniffing the air. Oh My. And the females have been friendly, playful and downright accommodating.


    I think I'm on to something.

  8. I'm wearing some today. Went out to lunch with my HOT CFO, of course there were other's there as well. But he couldnt get enough of me. Kept asking what perfume I was wearing. Said that today was my special day and he was really taking me out to lunch but other's wanted to tag along. Oh MY. Seemed like wherever I was he was right by my side. Maybe he wants to CFM. I could really get myself into trouble here but I'm just having too much fun. He is so HOT.

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