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Posts posted by Countesszero

  1. I'm ordering more Lady Luck. You all have got to believe me that this spell oil works like a charm. Last month a boat load of money just dropped into my lap. Which was the reason I was able to buy all the 10 bottles during All Phero month. And yesterday my wonderful husband surprised me with a new car for Christmas. I'm attributing all of this to Lady Luck. God and reading the book "The Secret". So more Lady Luck is going into my next order for sure.

  2. I'm so excited. I've just ordered the 10 full sized bottles of the All Phero New Releases for $299.00, 2 of those $15 sprays and some Lady Luck. I cannot be without the Lady Luck that prescious spell oil is the reason why I was able to buy all of this. I cannot wait to receive them. God is good.I'm in shock from all this excitement now and must go lie down.

  3. I've already ordered 2 monthly samplers and a large bottle of Velvet Kisses. I received my goodies on Friday. Thanks to me dousing myself with Lady Luck I have just found out that in about 2 weeks I will come into enough cash to buy the enire set of New Releases in full sized bottles. Oh how sweet it is. Now I can only hope that it wont sale out before I receive my cashola.

  4. I love Cat's Eye. I've worn it straight up and also layered. I must say the scent is sexy and intoxicating. I still have a full sample of the original Potion Bastet and it's still very potent. I would say that CE has a little lighter scent initially then it dries down and the scent is so close to PB it's scary. Potion Bastet is still darker in nature for sure. That being said this scent still gets me just like Bastet. It haunts me and gives me a feeling of deja vu and lingers forever. The Civet is so kinky sweet smelling on me and it definitely has aphrodisiac qualities. Whenever I wear it my husband talks dirty. He talks dirty to me most of the time but when I'm wearing Cat's Eye the talk is even dirtier more suggestive. I've actually found myself saying "your going to do WHAT to me" What fun. I've also been layering this with All Hallows Eve which amps up the spice meter a notch. Sorry it's all gone but I did snag some samples yesterday. I give this scent 3 thumbs up.

  5. I received mine also but still havent tested it. I'm going to give it a try tomorrow. I loved Potion Bastet and I agree this one is even deeper and richer if that's possible. Hopefully there's more in stock because I'm in a buying mood today.

  6. Ooooh, heck yeah.


    I'm going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in October. These couldn't have come at a better time!



    Me and the family went a few weeks ago. It was awesome. If you like rollercoasters then you'll love the HP Theme Park. The Butter Beer was too die for. I would suggest you get it frozen. I had it both ways and the frozen for me was better. Plus they serve actual beer at the Universal Parks in FL. I never had so much fun. Oh and make sure you go to Olevanders (sp) The wands average about $40 bucks but they are well worth it and the show is great too. I just know you'll have a great time. We did.

  7. Last night I sprayed some LP#9 on just for kicks and grins. I have had this same bottle for about 2 years now and the scent is still as fresh and clean as ever. My husband almost tackled me onto the bed when he got a whiff of it. He said that LP#9 was the best thing he's ever smelled and it made his mouth water for me. Hmm. I had completely forgot how good this one was. I'm off to the store to buy some in oil form today. Good stuff.

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