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Posts posted by Countesszero

  1. See? That's exactly it. That's where I was going with this new blend...hyeheheheh...


    Excellent explanation, Countess!



    Thanks Potion Master. I've proven this time and again with guys I don't know and even my husband who is such a gentleman and is not really aggressive. Add a dash of none and he goes from Dr Jekyl to Mr Hyde in a good way.

  2. I've always been able to wear None based products with great results. I think it brings out the beast in men around me who are otherwise laid back and maybe standoffish. Men around me can sometmes become timid or even afraid to talk to me when I know they want to. But when I wear anything with androstenone in it they come out of their shells and want to rip my clothes off. Oh BTW I wore more Woodland Man last night and the hubby was again a very adventurous sex maniac. He couldn't get my cloths off fast enough it seems. He even took my Victoria Secret undies off with his teeth. He also commented on the scent saying that I smell warm and intoxicating like a summer day. Ohhh la la.

  3. I'm layering mine with Stephanie's Jasmine, Oakmoss & Waterlily. I noticed the the Woodland Man had Oakmoss in it so I figured I'd give it a go. This seems to add some girl power to an otherwise very masculine scent. The combo is works and has stayng power because of the waterlilies.

  4. So I wore some more Woodland Man last night and the hubby ravished me shamelessly. Every time I wear this he starts talking about doing things to me that he hasnt done in years...(we've been together for 12 yrs and married for 5) Even I'm shocked. :lol: I can't wait for my new bottle to come. The attention I get from him when I wear this is very consistant. It drives him crazy. I havent worn this out in public...yet but will soon. I'm curious to see what effects I get from total strangers.

  5. So, Mr. Goddess says to me, "will you be upset if I don't like one of the scents you gave me?". I said, no, of course not!!! I couldn't have been more surprised when this is the one he brought out to me!!


    I think I'll keep it for myself!! Maybe I'll use it or put on the pillow before sexy-time.


    Still can't believe it!!


    Yes you should keep it for yourself. I've just bought a bottle because this stuff drives my hubby mad when I'm wearing it. He's like a sex maniac and I like it.

  6. Everything looks awesome. I love anything with pumpkin in it. And OMG what great timing. My money fairy arrives at 5pm today and she's bringing extra cash this time. I always go for the sampler but I know that at least 3 of these are going to warrant full bottles for sure. Flying Potion, Risen and Verhext are already calling my name.

  7. This one smelled pretty good on me (I got my share of compliments from it) but seriously, if I smelled this on a woman I'd follow her to the ends of the earth!



    I think I'd better go and hunt for my Black Candy that I bought many moons ago. Almost a full bottle. Hmm. I think this will be perfect for my Florida trip.

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