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Posts posted by Countesszero

  1. I really love to read your posts ;) ...the new Sexpionage with heavy Cops and Androstenone should be amazing for you :)


    edited cause my keyboard hates me :lol:



    You are so right Calii. I may have to buy 2 bottles of the Sexpionage. But oh does the Woodland Man turn him on. And I know that its the WM because when I'm not wearing it he's not as aggressive.

  2. All I'm saying is this combo works for me. I wore Woodland Man with Neanderlicious last night and my husband turned into a sex crazed acrobat. We were on the bed flipping each other around. He had me in positions I didnt think I could get into again. It was HOT!!!. I have come to the conclusion that everytime I wear Woodland Man with cops this happens. Me and the hubby will be testing my theory again tonight. :D

  3. OMG I just fell out my chair. I've been saving up for this and lookie here my money fairy has just arrived. I call that good fortune. I don't know how I'm going to get any work done now. I am overjoyed and everything looks awesome. I've got $250 burning a hole in my pocket and I'm ready to go for it. Popularity Potion OMG OMG.


    So when can we order. I must have them ALL. :(

  4. I was looking through my goodies last night and discovered a full bottle of this and Leather in Spray form. Needless to say I'm wearing this today at work. Let the Dangerous Games begin. :abfx: I love the bite of the raspberries and the hint of vanilla on drydown makes this scent really sexy. I put a dab on last night and my husband instantly got turned on. He said and I quote "you've got on one of those oils that make me want to bend you over don't you". And he proceded to bend me over in the kitchen before realizing that we have company in the other room. Me thinks he likes it. :lol:

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