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Posts posted by lalaDinky

  1. Hey! LalaDinky! Where you been? :D

    ETA I love these labels so much, I keep coming back to gawk at them! Damn! I just... I love them!

    Hey Eggers! I had to back away for a little while after the sales last year to allow my funds to recuperate...that meant no temptation from raving forum reviews, too :P


    And these labels are so friggin adorable! Again...BAT!


    (but no snakes? hehe)

  2. I finally have an official OCCO in my arsenal--red!


    Storemy and the many other forumites are right when they say that it's a simpler LP Red. It does have that sparkly topnote from the apricot, but no longer has that smoldering, burning scent from LP Red that I love. Yumm yumm, absolutely indispensible.


    I also have another phero scented with noco black, which smells like a low-calorie version of LP Black; dark and muted, with a demure sweetness. Not at all fatty and sugary like LP Black.

  3. Coming back to say this one truly is a kickass blend. Literally, it kicks me off of my procrastinating ass and makes me WORK.


    I haven't gone back to University for years now, and now that I AM back in, I feel like I'm dragging through with all these reading assignments and homework. I guess graduating uni is part of the big plan for my dream career though, because as soon as I put on the Mistress of Fate, I'm suddenly in high gear about it.


    Whenever I smudge a little of this on, I ask for the safest and most direct route to my dream career. This must be it.

  4. My nose is not up to par from my sinus cold, but from what I can tell about the smell, it really is soft, warm and cozy. I can smell the nutty vanilla, and it makes me think of some kind of almond spread or peanut butter...not one in particular, but just something like that.


    More than the scent, however, is the intent in this thing...can I say WOW???


    I used to use Road Opener as my "getting things done" blend, but I think Mistress of Fate actually does a better job at it.


    So recently I'm headed back to University avenue after a long hiatus. I've been working on the dolphin boat in the meantime. Unfortunately, the job reeeeaaally did NOT want me to go, and school kept getting delayed and delayed. I actually got threatened with getting fired if I quit. WTF??


    The school's been giving me a lot of shit as well. Oh, well you can't register because you have to take an English placement test...WTF? I, uhh, grew up in 'Murica, and I'm half white??


    Then my health clearance form wasn't up to date because my chest x-ray was one day past one year ago, which is the acceptable date for tuberculosis clearance.


    Then I needed to show proof of the negative results, because my doctor signing the form wasn't enough proof.


    Well anyways, enough bitching... I put this baby on today, and everything just went so smoothly in one day. I removed all my holds on registration, picked and registered for classes in one motion (which is a miracle that the classes I needed still had openings), caught up with everything I needed to for 2 out of 5 classes (I've already missed a week of school thanks to my job), and managed to start my court case mojo ritual for my traffic thingy. All in all, I feel incredibly accomplished and relieved today.


    I felt calm and truly in control while getting everything done today, and I'm still amazed at how smoothly it went. Fate just seemed to take the path of least resistance in my favor all day. Seriously, if you need an alternative to Road Opener, try the Mistress of Fate.

  5. I'm smelling through only one nostril right now, but from what I do smell I really like this one!! Since when have I become such a flower girl??


    The first product that ever got me interested in smelling nice was a sweet pea scented lotion from Bath and Body Works. Now, later when I revisited that lotion, I'll admit I don't like it as much or my tastes have changed, but when I smell this it brings me back to my initial impression of "wow I actually want to smell like this!"


    I smell predominantly the sweet pea, which is a soft, fleshy edible flower--just like the description states. It evokes feelings of the skin soft, velvety, dewy petals of the flower...


    The transition to the musk is very natural, it just kind of softly supports the delicate flowers. All in all a very clean, innocent scent.

  6. hey bby I wanna harvest your cops....


    just kidding. Hi anon2F!! Welcome to the uncontrollable whirlpool of scented oil, where your self restraint gets wrenched from you along with your money. Hehehehehe!!!


    no but seriously, enjoy your stay with the olfactophiles that live here.

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