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Posts posted by starlitegirl

  1. Maybe it was her look and behavior as well. She sounds like an extreme personality almost attention seeking and demanding from her outfit and behavior toward you. So add some flirty behaviors toward the men and there you have it. Easy catch slore trumps respectable woman most every time in certain social settings like clubs or places where the men aren't looking for a woman for the long haul but rather for short term fun.


    I'll add that I think the new rule of thumb should be to sit downwind from your competition. Or is it upwind? My brain is very tired today.

  2. 'Adrienne imagined a lovely combination: the sparkle of pink and ruby red grapefruit made shimmering with pink sugar and sugar cane meets sensuous creamy ylang ylang EO upon a smooth powdery base of white amber and musk dusted with powdered sugar and layered with subtle hints of dark amber.'


    Are the musks & ambers what bring it to a more full bodied version? Gah I can't wait to try this incarnation!


    I guess so. It was a simple three mix blend before. I think she must have given it a little more staying power and rounding it out. Can't wait to try it and see how it compares.

  3. The more I hear about it, the more I'm glad I ordered and positively can't WAIT to try this fabled Tangy Ylang you speak of! Of course I'm sure after I do I'll look something like this: 019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.com].gif


    It was vanilla, ylang ylang, sugared grapefruit and pink sugar if I remember correctly. It smells tangy like the name. Sweet and citrus.

  4. I'm planning to get another one with Stone Cougar and one un-phero'ed.


    It's awesome as a spray! I got one with H&S and for the warmer weather it is fantastic. I love it. Mara did a great job on this one. YUM!


    Cougar is awesome for this one. I think Lace would be too. It sings 'happy, happy, joy to the world!'

  5. Starlight - I didn't realise the scented ones weren't as strong, I'll have to try slapping on alot more of them and I'll use a lot of OW next time I'm going to be around people.


    Thank you everyone for all your advice, I'll let you know how I get on :)


    I didn't realize it either until recently, and I've been doing labels with Mara for many months now. :blushing: I knew they weren't as strong, but it was only recently when someone was asking about the strength that it sunk in.

  6. The Love Scent EOW used to do that to me. Me, Jane burns when I apply it so I have it in a spray now. And G&L turns my skin red sometimes - almost always if it catches under my pendant - I'll have a pendant shaped red blotch for hours probably from the spices.


    EOW is basically a bunch of vinegars if I remember correctly, so it's going to be acidic. Maybe that's why your skin is having this reaction.

  7. To go further into the reason for offensiveness to gay men....

    I watched this really interesting doc on BBCA featuring John Barrows (Gah I love him). Anyway, he was really curious as to why he turned out guy. So he delved into the whole genetic issue. Which turned out to be a bust. The researchers did find an interesting stat that male children are 30% more likey to be gay if they had older male siblings. So the researchers put forward a theory that during fetal development, the gay male brain lacks adequate test. @ a certain developemental point & in essence develops more like a females. Which to me would explain why most of the gay guys I know are so talented ( using both centers in the brain), & the adversion to cops. IDK I would watch anything with John Barrows in it !


    There's actually a semi popular theory that soy milk during infancy and youth can cause this. It's an endocrine disruptor and also triggers early onset puberty. My brother was given it because he couldn't have milk. He's gay, and I'm a believer in soy as a trigger.


    ETA: I LOVE John Barrowman... and I find him ridiculously sexy. He's perfect for captain Jack, which BTW got picked up by STARZ.

  8. Actually, I think I'm seeing what might be the issue. The pheros you seem to be using are generally the monthly amped ones that Mara makes. Those are a chance to get a nice scent with a sample of the phero in there, but it's 1/3 strength which is why they're only $30 since the pheros are rather pricey. Rocket Fuel, Magnet and maybe phero girl are the only ones that are full strength if I'm remembering correctly. RF might actually be stronger than full strength. Not sure but I know it was higher than the average monthly amped blend. Open Windows looks like the only one that would be full strength. Cuddle bunny if it's not the scented one would be also.


    So I think what's happening is that you're not getting effects because your getting low dosages of them. You'd have to put on a lot to get effects and they may wear off with time as you become accustomed to them. They do with me. Garland and Lace gave me self-effects initially but not for more than a month. Cougar doesn't even touch me. But like I said earlier, I need four or more sprays to notice effects. Roll-ons where more like covering my neck/chest area and down between my cleavage. I get much stronger effects with sprays than roll-ons.


    I think you need to pick one you think you really want to give a shot and go for the UNscented version and apply a lot around key areas where you would get some self-effects (neckline and between cleavage) or if targeting others I'd say pulse points (wrists, neckline, between cleavage and if you talk with your hands a lot the back of them or back of your wrists would be great also). Pick a phero that would best suit the situation for which you want to use it and that is most likely to give you the best hits... like OW for social settings or even just when you're around people.

  9. I don't think I saw any effects for a while. I mainly wore them at the gym because of my lifestyle and I'm really not around people much being that I'm a monk in training and all :censored: After realizing that the hit/miss factor at the gym was more of a pain in my butt than fun I decided to go straight for self-effects. Also, what do I care if some guy gets the mighty hard one during a workout next to me? Do I care? Unless it's my boyfriend (and being a monk in training I'm currently boyfriendless) then no. I do not care if my pheros give some random dude a thrill. In fact, being boyfriendless and all, I'm feeling more like it's the last thing I want to do. Now, I order oodles of the stuff that gives me a big :lol: and to hell with the rest of the population in general.


    My current favorites are:

    • Leather for feeling like a queen and not giving a damn what any of the minions think.
    • Lace for feeling relaxed and happy (joy to the world!) and even a little buzzed at times.
    • Heart & Soul for feeling peaceful, at ease, soothed and increasing my tolerance threshold for said minions.
    • Cougar for when I want to remember what it's like to feel sexy/horny and if I'm feeling devilish I might just wear it to tease the men.

    Ones that are more for the effects on the other person (which ultimately benefits me because it makes them more enjoyable - how selfish am I ????):

    • Open Windows - people are more fun with this
    • Treasured Hearts - the minions are much tamer with this or perhaps I'm a little nicer to them or maybe both?
    • OCCO/LAM/BAM- I'll admit that men can be much nicer when I'm wearing these but I really like them because Mara made them smell yummy and monks in training shouldn't really take advantage of horny men. :cry:

    Ones that have yet to do a thing for me personally are:

    • Alpha-nol (I thought it made me happy but apparently I was ACTUALLY happy that day and it wasn't the phero since I've yet to repeat that result)
    • beta-nol (who really wants to be a motor mouth?)
    • Dominance (unless I want to feel like I want to rip someone's head off this one is kinda lost on me... depends if the minions are pissing me off, otherwise I just feel plain old bitchy on it and, heck, that's most days anyway, hence the monk in training...)
    • EST (unless I'm adding it to tame dominance it's kind of useless on it's own, but if I had a boyfriend I'd probably spray the house with this stuff just for kicks - me loving minions and all)

    Have but haven't even tried - Blatant Invitation, Cuddle Bunny, Sexology - kind of useless since I'm not in a rlshp and all...


    Did I forget any? Probably. But I know I remembered most of the key ones, which are the ones I love.

  10. Scents are things we become accustomed to after wearing regularly. This is why you might notice someone who wears a specific scent regularly one day seems like they are swimming in it. They have gotten so used to the smell that they put on more because THEY can't smell it like they once did.


    As for pheros, Mara (potion master) and I have discussed this several times. Some people don't seem to get any effect. Others get a lot of effect. I tend to adapt to ones and have to switch off what I wear in cycles because after a while they have no effect on me (though they may on others but I'm a rather solitary individual and it's rare that I'm interacting with people except at work which has a no scent policy and I don't wear pheros there because I work with mentally ill adults.)


    So it is absolutely possible that phero blends have no effect on you. It could also be that you aren't wearing enough or haven't found your sweet spot as people call it. For me, I need at least 4 sprays of anything to notice the self-effects and even to notice anything when I have them on when I'm out on errands. So maybe you just need more. If you aren't doing sprays then the roll-ons tend to be more intimate and you don't get as much throw from them. The person has to be rather close to you to pick up on it.

  11. I wore this today for taking my mom to a doctor's appointment. Loaded it on. Spare nothing for this adventure. Mom has the tendency to drive me frakkin nuts with endless complaints and general unhappiness plus pessimism. So yes, I took a sedative then sprayed oodles of H&S on me. So in a sentence... this is THE phero if you're with anyone who let's say makes you want to run screaming from the building or swerve into on-coming traffic. It's THE phero for people who are difficult to deal with or tend to just have an aura of pessimism. Not only does it make you much more able to tolerable them but it seems to make them more tolerable or, dare I say, likable in general. She actually laughed when I teased her about some things she does that are... well... INSANE. She never laughs. Seriously. Or she laughs so rarely that whenever it happens I'm a bit thrown and wonder if I'm in bizarro world where everything is opposite.


    Ail, I applaud you once more for this magical blend. Makes me salivate at the PMS one you've got coming. H&S is nothing short of a miracle if I can be trapped in close quarters with my mother and not want to impale myself onto a sharp object. No. Really. That is not an exaggeration. The trip to the doctor today bordered on pleasant. That's just not heard of... until now!

  12. I just got my sample. Delicious and yummy coconut wet. On dry down, my skin devours it like it's... food. The complex deliciousness of it as it dries on me (because my skin eats certain foody scents) reminds me a bit of Me, Jane. The sweetness and coconut aspect. Sadly, it's fading quickly. Dang chemistry. It was yummy before if faded.


    I think many will love this one. I'm jealous of everyone whose chemistry doesn't eat it.

  13. I am thinking about getting this one for the boyfriend for Father's Day. I have a feeling I will love it, but not sure about him. He likes the most commercial mainstream men's colognes. I am King and Angel for Men because I have tried to steer him towards gourmands but he used to love Aqua di Gio. My head can't handle the aquatics, I am wondering if this might fall into the inbetween area and satisfy both of us.


    It's on sale... use the samples and specials link. It's $10. It's worth a shot if you think he might like it.

  14. I've had this since sometime around when it came out but never really used it enough to determine if it did anything for me. My mistake. I used it yesterday and today because I have Tangy Ylang amped with it and that's the perfect scent for 70+ degree weather. Now I think I'm in love with this one. I'm relaxed and content and calm and even a bit on the amused/happy side, which is quite the feat since my mood has been depressed for the past several days to the degree that I decided I needed to increase my medication to keep from doing a complete crash and burn.


    So yeah, I LOVE H&S. Time to get this one amped with favorite scents. I'm so glad I grabbed for it today. It really feels like a happy little miracle in a bottle. Bless you Ail for another brilliant blend.

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