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Posts posted by starlitegirl

  1. I'm quickly becoming convinced that the magic of Leather has a lot to do with self-effects because I've been wearing it to the gym where it's one big sweat factory, so much so in this current weather that the giant plate glass windows steam up completely. I can be 20 feet away from a guy and just happen to make eye contact and he'll smile, say hello, nod, give some kind of friendly response before I do anything other than make eye contact. This isn't normal for me, at least not in the past several years, which has to do with me rather than the men.


    Here's the even more interesting thing. The ONLY guys I seem to get this response out of are guys who seem very confident. The kind who I'm sure have no problem dating. Not necessarily the God's Gift type. Actually those men seem to LOSE confidence because I treat them more or less like they're invisible. But even they tend to linger around me and sneak glances at me (a few who were even outright rude to me in the past when I started at this gym because I wasn't little miss perfect body or part of their clique). But the average guy who seems nice and doesn't carry himself like he's got self-esteem issues is openly friendly. In the past, even these guys didn't notice me. I kind of made myself invisible or avoided eye contact and kept to myself. Kind of a leave me alone attitude, which when I'm wearing Leather, does not exist. So I'm fairly convinced that it's the self-effects of Leather. It's the ultimate self-confidence booster while having some kind of relaxing effect like maybe DYG had. Or maybe when you feel self-confident you are more relaxed and your guard is dropped rather than always being on defense.

  2. Oh wow, I surprised that most are finding it (V2) spicier. I must have strange chemistry. To me V2 is pure gingerbread sweetness with spice. Just ordered more since this scent doesn't normally stay on me. V1 to me is all spice. Even turned my skin red a bit. Everything else in it vanished.


    Still love both though. It's like two completely different yummy holiday scents amped with Lace. Both of them delicious to me.


    Sorry some of you aren't liking V2.

  3. That's part of my reasoning too (the other part is that I do not want to use alcohol-based scent products). But the other thing was that I have been phero-bombed in the past (not as a result of my usage/experiments, but someone doing it to me deliberately) and it was not wholly pleasant. That same person had used a much more discreet dosage when we first met and I responded far better to that than when he pulled out the big guns. Then again, I have characterized myself as overly-sensitive on many occasions.


    Big guns? That must have been horrid.


    I don't think I'd respond well to most male pheros given that from the small bit I remember about them, they seemed Alpha male sex oriented, and Alpha males repel me almost instantly as does any sexual vibe I get from a guy. I think it's the whole caveman thing. Yuck.

  4. Lor, what's the A word? My simple brain does not comprehend.


    I've gotten acclimated to Lace because G&L V2 almost daily due to yum and happy factor. Sadly, happy factor is almost gone. So I'll have to do without that one for a bit and just be content on smelling delicious. Of course, next week is all sorts of snow predictions which means I'll probably just stay inside. Perfect time to not wear pheros.


    Glad I made you laugh, Mara. Being a Goddess does have it's perks. ;) Though I am feeling that I should have far more minions at my disposal. :blush:

  5. Not to mention that male privilege means women are more invested in male validation than the opposite...which says to me that women don't have the kind of value to men which we unfortunately allow them to possess.


    Thankfully, I am not one of them. I come AS IS. If they don't like it, they can move on to the next gal who is willing to be devalued. Sadly, this was not always true of me. However, during the past several years, I've realized that I am worth more than what some random male thinks of me, unless of course he thinks I'm a Goddess, for then his opinion of me will be 100% accurate, and only then shall I allow him to become one of my minions. :blush:;):2743:

  6. I am not normally a carpet bomber BUT I can't take liquids on the plane so it meant spraying it on before leaving. And u know what - I can live with my conscience this time. :blush:


    up up and away ya'll


    I didn't mean anything by my post other than there's no point in me being a phero-bomb. You're out and about and dealing with people. If I were, I'd probably bomb too. You never know who you're going too see. Someone you might like to see again. For me, I live in a certain comfort zone that's pretty small and the odds of me crossing anyone's path that I'd want to see again or make an impression on are relatively small. So I'd just be wasting pheros. But that's for me as I take into consideration my life and lifestyle. It definitely is not meant to imply anything for anyone else.


    Have a blast Shelly. I hope you get lots of DIHL looks and that you enjoy everyone of them!

  7. we have discussed in the past not using another companies pheros in high concentration because its no longer desirable to be a "phero-bomb".


    I guess its okay on occasion then? :blush:

    Dolly knows what im sayin'.


    Now I remember us discussing that.


    In all honesty, the phero-bomb thing isn't something I aim for. I just want to have enough on to have some effect from it. And given how I'm such a domestic gal, I sometimes wonder why I even use pheros, which is why I'm all for self-effects these days. I wish I'd discovered them when I was in college or working in an environment that was conducive to using them. I work with schizophrenic adults and there ain't no way I'm wearing these to work. Actually, it makes me laugh and even think "well, of course I discovered pheros when they are least useful to me."


    I don't do phero-bombs anymore. It's a waste of pheros. If there's no specific target, then it's just amusement factor only how amusing is it if some grocery clerk gives me a DIHL look? Not very unless I need a self-esteem boost, which these days, I don't find myself in need of a self-esteem boost from some random clerk. But I'm weird like that. ;)

  8. I put it on this morning after working all night as a relaxer before sleep time. And the gingerbread is more prominent. Spice is there but much less so (to my nose) than V1. Maybe cakey isn't the right word. Maybe just gingerbread and spice. There is a subtle creamy undertone. I never notice creamy so much in any scent that's creamy. I never noticed egg nog in V1. So maybe that helps. But less spice and maybe a bit different spice. More gingerbread. And yesterday the gingerbread stayed prominent when it dried. It vanished on me in V1 but perhaps that was because the spice was different/stronger.


    Again, both are great but to my nose distinctly different. I'm glad I've got both and quite likely I'll be getting more of V2 because YUM!

  9. The two that I've really liked in straight alcohol blends are the 2X Leather and the 1X Open Windows. Both you really want out there and both get really out there.


    This makes sense even to my half asleep brain. LOL


    I only use OW when I meet with my closest friends. And it adds to the fun aspect, but it's good enough since we could also get along great without it.


    But the Leather 2x in alcohol is definitely worth exploring.



  10. YES HE IS!!!



    I noticed the same thing Shelly......I decided to keep some unscented 2X in alcohol, just for the same purposes! Diffusion? Absolutely WOW. No question......


    Dang it ladies. Ya'll ain't making this easy. I've avoided 2x on everything and have avoided straight alcohol blends. But here I sit thinking this might be a must have for special occasions. Of course, given how insanely solitary I am, the bottle should last me forever plus infinity!

  11. No DPG at all. The throw is HUGE. It had me laughing to myself as realized how big it went. One of guys in the office went so far as to wink at me. And then hung out with my reports that sit outside my office. too funny


    HSF is doomed..... Bwahhhhhhhaaaaaaahhhhaaa


    Oh crap! Now I'm going to have to try leather in alcohol only.


    How many sprays did you use? I'm on 1x with dpg and the self effects are good. But knowing that without the dpg is so much stronger... hard to not want to try that.

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