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Posts posted by starlitegirl

  1. Usually if it's like sexology. He's just like'I've smelled that before'. & that's only if I make him smell it. I forgot to add that he gets great self effects from Heart & Soul. I gave him the LP#9 I had boosted for myself. So basically when it's associated with me the reaction is for the most part negative( haven't tried Lace unscented yet). Yet when it's in his cologne(self effects), it mellows him the f$$ out? Maybe it counters the extra test. in his system?


    Maybe it's something in the whole nesting thing. EST triggers that nesting vibe doesn't it? Maybe it's the difference between coming across as a strong don't take any crap woman and coming across as a woman who is more about being cared for rather than can take care of herself. If you're general vibe is more of a strong confident woman (which on here it seems to be) putting EST into the mix might throw him. He probably likes that dominant vibe. How is he with Dominance? Or Leather?


    The self-effects are probably good for him because the nesting vibe is generally a relaxing one. So if he's not generally a relaxed person (you mentioned extra test. which is alpha male domain I would think), then maybe the est in H&S is just enough to relax him without being too strong. Also, it's about the blend as a whole. Straight out est or strong est might not do it for him whereas a blend with est that is more balanced might be just right.

  2. wish I knew what TAL was.

    it would help me to understand the reaction I get, which confuses me since I know the most dominant pheros are the 'nones and 'rones.


    Its like girl-'rone.


    It's a sexy confident strong woman vibe. I guess along the lines of Dom. TAH is the kitten version and might be more like Lace. TAL is the strong, sexy, confident and can handle herself one.

  3. Yup! same here, ditto. for phero affects, I cant seem to make up my mind or rather, it changes week to week. I think I saw another thread on fave pheros, but I *think* that was distinctly for affects, I just listed my fave fragrances above.. Btw, I loved Dom too, but the bf did not ;) He likes all the sissy blends. Just to give you an idea, hes most submissive to me when Im wearing Tah.. he calls me powerfully female (Lol).


    Ah yes, an est boy. I'm hitting the Dom for two reasons-

    1) kicks up the self-confidence and really helps me feel more like me

    2) helps me determine what guys can actually handle or like me for me

  4. Starlightgirl, Im digging your top 5 phero and unpheroed list format, much less stress!


    Gals like us HAVE to list phero blends (ok we don't have to, but it's so much more fun). We use them like perfume!!! Plus favorites do change periodically when new ones come out or we're choosing different ones based on life stuff. I just started using Dominance after reading a few of Dolly and Shelly B's posts. Dang, that one is perfect for me. Wouldn't have been on my top 5 a month ago though. ;)

  5. Treacle Trollop

    LP Black

    LP Red


    Passion & Desire

    (sneaking in Garland & Lace - trying to use it sparingly)





    Super Sexy for Women

    A-Nol & EST

    Open Windows

  6. I totally second that rec. My So and myself had very rough patch last year. Scented Cuddle Bunny got us through that and enabled us to bond again, Sexology took it ti a deeper level. I would also try the new release Return to Me. Lover's Reunion Potion is one I charged and used with vigor as well, but for pheros those are the two. The one I would add after that is Treasured Hearts for nesting and permanence with the new found bonding.


    Oh very great recommendations with explanations. I love it when people add specifics about their experience with them. Thanks for taking the time to do that. Always gives me a better feel for which ones to use in which circumstances. Thanks TG!

  7. Anybody else get a headache a half hour after Lace2x? Has happened twice - not once with Lace in 1x...will test again in a few days to make sure I wasn't simply coming down with a bug.


    I only need two sprays on a good mood day and 4 on a depressed day to get me to a happy place. More than that does give me a headache. So with 2x if you're doing more than a few sprays, I can only imagine the headache your getting.

  8. OK, here's the plan.......


    LP Red oil.....Unscented Blatant Invitation in a silicone base....Combining the two.


    I'd like to mix a bit of the Blatant Invitation in with the LP Red but I'm wondering about mixing an oil with a silicone. Will this work? I'm assuming it will be a mixture I will have to shake each time before I use it. Is it best to let it sit for a while before trying? Just a bit confused about combining the two mediums.


    What's going to happen is dilution of the scent because you're adding all that extra silicone. Also, dilution of the phero because you're adding all the oil. And it would have to be shaken but it's going to be diluted, or at least I think it would be. If you were going for an ounce spray bottle with 20ml of perfumers alcohol then you could pour either in and it would be fine. You might be able to go down to 10ml of alcohol and add the red and BI, but I would think you'd still need to shake it before application and with that little alcohol it might not diffuse well and might clog the spray nozzle. Not sure though.


    Potion Master (Mara) might have a better idea. I'm just basing this on my own experiments.

  9. I'm afraid to try this too, although it sounds less fierce than Dominance. I'm like Starlitegirl 5'9" and I refuse to wear flats. I always wear heels, preferably higher than 4 inches :666: So yeah, maybe a bit to much.


    What would work better business wise? Dom or Leather? I'm guessing Dom right?


    5'9" with 4" heels? You are rockin' it. Dom straight up me thinks. If you have anything with est or est straight you could always add a spritz of it if you want to lean more toward leather.


    I've come to picture Dom as the full on Dominatrix with her whip ready to go and Leather as the sexy woman in leather who keeps a whip in her bag. Yeah, I'm weird.

  10. However, if it's the man himself who is making you feel insecure and therefore needy, then I would trust my gut instinct and ask myself why.


    I absolutely agree on this! I dated one guy who turned me inside out feeling needy. Also, if you're attracted to someone and don't know how they feel about you that can create needy feelings, as can just feeling a void like you want to be with someone and are not.


    Dominance is good for all of them to some degree, but getting to the root of that feeling and addressing that is what will do the most good long term. Dominance or even leather is great to get you started.

  11. Welcome Angelrose!


    I agree with the Open Windows for the social side of things, and a dab of OCCO for the sexxaaaay vibe.....if you personally need confidence you could always do one spray (or dab) of Leather to your chest where YOU are being affected by it more than those around you.....


    I love the spray of leather to the chest for confidence. Awesome idea! I don't have leather but I think I'll use dominance with a shot of est for those days I'm off my game. Thanks!!!

  12. I ordered the kit. I was on the fence because I have a bunch of hoodoo oils (none that match these YAY!) but I'm a dunce about remembering to use them except if I'm anointing candles or money. Mara pointed out that with the carry case I'd always have them with me and that could help me remember to use them. D'oh! So now I can have them with me and use them at a spur of the moment. Such a good idea!



    ETA: YAY! We can get more sample sizes. I'm so glad to have this option. Thanks!

  13. I was thinking about dabbing my cash with Return to Me before I spend it,lol.


    Hoodoo wise, Return to Me is for having a lover return to you, but I don't see why it couldn't apply to money. I think it would depend on the specific ingredients. If there are ingredients that are specific to love, using it for money might not work as well. Otherwise, I don't see why.


    The Hoodoo ones that are for money or can be applied to money are Lady Luck (especially if you buy a lottery ticket with the $), money drawing, wealthy way, prosperity oil, attraction oil (works for attracting just about anything you want), and money stay with me. When I used this one I somehow kept close to a hundred dollars in my wallet and didn't spend it for months. Next round I didn't use it and it didn't stay with me. I never gave it any thought until after the fact.


    Check the ingredients or check with M&D. It might be more of an all purpose.

  14. OK Shelly.....you talked me into trying this one.....have been putting it off because high levels of Est have mixed effects with both me and my man.....BUT I am just recovering from being sick, and am in a foul mood because of all the stuff I have to do today.....wasn't expecting much from the Lace, but said....what the hell, I'll give it a shot......glad I did.....it is an "upper".....maybe it will urge me to go wash dishes....hmmmm, not holding my breath on that one......


    It's definitely worth a try. This is THE happy phero. I've worn this when my mood was depressed and it brought me from depression to totally content with a side order of not caring and destressed. If it can do that for me, I can only imagine what it can do for the average person.


    I'm seriously thinking this stuff should replace antidepressants.

  15. huh - that could be a benefit. :-)


    Except I am already getting crying and tears and I will never be with another person since I took my vows to YOU - I'd be worried about intensifying his need to snuggle.




    Then be all Joy to the World TO him. If you're nice when dealing with him, he will start to mellow out. I suspect he's only that way when you're 'I'm leaving' so if you're nice (which Lace does make you happy and things are like one big no worry - at least it does with me) then he won't get that sense that you're out the door. He might even feel like there's a chance and stop with the guilt. Heck, you could even say that when he does the crying guilt thing it makes you want to get away from him ASAP. That might give him a reason to stop. And then you can have one less drama to contend with.

  16. Yee Haw - I know what Cougar does - but my Lace 2 X plus 2X cops is waiting for me at home. And I have my first real official DATE next week. It's just dinner and bowling or dinner and dancing - but I'll be dying to try this one out.


    I want to be cute and snuggly and happy... :-) I want the whole Joy to the World thing. What fun!


    :Xmas-Hug: :Polar-pressie:



    While dealing with Mr. Shelly, I'm sure the Joy to the World feeling would sure help quite a bit! Might put you in that 'whatever' zone so that he doesn't drive you batty.

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