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Rose Blackthorn

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Posts posted by Rose Blackthorn

  1. Wild Autumn, that woman was horror, but I really think you can chalk it all up to her just being a miserable bitch! Had someone pulled that shit with me, I would have turned to my kids and started sweetly talking to my kids, loud enough for her to hear what I was saying, while explaining to them that the "lady," must be having a bad day, to please ignore her, that she clearly lacks manners, needs to learn respect for other people's boundaries, mind her own business, and that I was so proud of them for having the good manners that I try to instill in them, all the while, smiling sweetly...even as I finally turned to HER and flashed her my famous "look of death!" (I have been known to inspire people to make the sign of the cross over themselves, even when I was just being nice, smiling and saying,"Hi there" and I am serious about that). Ahem..anyhow I have never known LFM to elicit the sort of response that you are describing here. I would also say that the bit of anxiety you were feeling was in all probability, due to the caffeine. The ONLY possible negative I MIGHT have noticed with LFM on a few times, was what seemed like an air of slight mistrust from other females who were witnessing its affects on males. But THIS??? People have NERVE!

  2. I have completed the transition. My focus is on the self effects of the sexual blends, given the often lagging libido these days. For me, Sexpionage works best for this, but I am still experimenting with this. As luna has said, I am not really interested in the whole attraction factor, which is actually refreshingly liberating! I am finding that the upside of this phase of life is the awesome, unapologetic selfishness that I now easily allow myself. I do tend to focus on many social pheros and the ones that are good for mood issues. Hopefully, others will weigh in on this. I'm glad you brought this up, Wild Autumn! :)

  3. I never tried Beautiful Dreamer. But this is the perfect bedtime scent. It feels like it is whispering "You've had a hard day. Come to bed." I normally put it on my wrists and have a cup of Stress Relief tea before bed. This scent is exactly what I imagine heaven and angels smell like. Hopefully I will be able to confirm this one day lol. But I don't think so.....I keep getting advertisements in the mail for air conditioners, which makes me think that where I'm going it is gonna be hot..... :faint:

    LMAO!!! That's too funny! ;)
  4. I loved this one at first, but I tried a bit of this the other day and oddly, upon aging, for some reason I am now amping the caramelized sugar quite heavily. So odd, but it is rather overpowering. I had said in my original review of this that on me, it is sort of a French Toast like scent and that is still true, but now it is almost coming across on my skin as having a slightly seared French Toast which is overpowering the other delicious notes. I will have to give this some more time and revisit. It's definitely possible that it is my skin chemistry.

  5. So happy to hear that it makes you happy too, Nutrix. :) I don't really think that I have been using too much Teddy BB at all. This one is unique to me, in that even a little will put me in that happy place. My first reaction to Teddy BB was in a Nox wax melt. I accidentally lit it at bedtime, thinking that it read B2! I finally figured out why I was so wide awake and still happy. lol But without any pheros involved at all, Nox still has a very decided comforting effect on me. I think Mara must throw a little extra magick in this one. ;)

  6. Thank you, Mel. I have Teddy BB and Balm Bomb if need be. Not happy to hear that you have the same problem with TH, but good to feel a bit less of an oddity, not that being odd is a negative! I love my oddness! ;) Phero effects are much like medications to my mind, in that while they are going to yield particular effects for the majority, there will always be those who experience reactions that are not the norm. For instance, I can take a sedative to calm myself, and it will calm me, but it also seems to prevent me from sleeping! On the other hand, I use Sudafed for sinus congestion, and while I hate the speedy effect, it can make me sleepy. This is why when we read up on a medication, they have listed every possible side effect imaginable, no matter how unlikely. We always need to allow for atypical responses. And am smiling at your comment, Tyvey. :)

  7. Thank you Tyvey. XO Beccah, at this I think I am going to just use whatever feels best for MY emotions if I decide to go there. If that turns out to be Dom, then so be it. No doubt you may very well be right, but at this rate, what's a little more piss between friends? ;) What's more, I will leave her pissing up her own tree if it comes to that! How much would THAT suck for a competitive person? All that piss, and no contest! See, ladies? I am already feeling more lighthearted about this thanks to all of you. I seldom talk about anything really personal, but I am so glad that I ran this by all of you. You rock!

  8. Agreed, BB and Tyvey. I would like very much to have a non emotional, candid discussion with her regarding my feelings about things, and simply asking her what she feels/thinks with respect to why we keep returning to the same scenarios with each other. I wholeheartedly agree, Tyvey, that to allow this to continue would indeed constitute not only aiding and abetting her, but also me being complicit to her misbehavior. I have no desire to either allow that abusive treatment, or to find that I am inadvertently abusing MYSELF, by proxy, through someone else. At the very least, I would like to try to address this with her. At best, I might actually receive some validation, at worst, I reach a point where I can allow myself some closure on all of this, however half assed, move on, knowing that I gave it my best shot, and begin the New Year with this in its proper place, wherever that may be. And Dolly, you may very well be right about the Dom for this purpose. Honestly, people have some amazing advice here, and I truly appreciate it. Thank you all.

  9. Thank you, everyone for all of this great input. StacyK and tyvey, you are both touching on the heart of where I am at with this. To open this door or not, is where I am conflicted. On one hand, she is someone I will always care about, on the other, I know full well that this is quite simply, who she is. Age has not mellowed her strange tendencies at all. As for my reasons, I suppose I am at an age where most of my family and friends have passed. I lost many, starting pretty early in life, and it's a lonely feeling. I do realize that sentiment and nostalgia can cloud the way that we view old relationships and the way that we deal with them. I also know that this can often be counterintuitive to one's well being. I quit smoking cigarettes back in 1997, but as crazy as it is, there are moments when I still miss those! Also, as much as I adored my mom, who passed in 2000, as time has passed, I realize the ways in which I do not want to take after her. I saw that for the last decade of her life, outside of me, my partner, and my stepfather, she was very much alone, and it was not what she wanted at all. It was, to a large extent, self imposed, since in those later years, she became highly critical of the people who did make efforts to befriend her, as well as some family, and really did alienate more than a few. Her standards were impossible to live up to. So.. in spite of all that I know about this strange old friend's tendencies, I can't say that I know anyone, myself included, who is not in some way, strange. And finally, this is just one way in which I never want to some day find that "I have turned into my mom." I am pondering all of this. I do see also, that if I do decide to keep this woman in my life at all, without burning bridges completely, that one way to do so would be to redefine the way that I relate to her, and in this respect, it would no longer be HER issues at the heart of the matter, but my own, which would require further examining. This is in part, both the curse and the blessing of having my moon in Libra! So, here we are. I can't thank all of you enough for taking the time to read this rant and taking the time to give it your consideration. You're the best!

  10. Thanks Rain Dancer and Dolly. And yes, Dolly, exactly! It's a very long standing issue, and it is not exclusively with me. I have seen her become intensely jealous of other females with absolutely no reason whatsoever. Sadly, this woman has a hard time forming and maintaining long term friendships with other women because her jealousy and insecurity always become a problem. I think that the bond that she and I have is the closest thing to that awesome experience and sense of sisterhood that women can have, that she will ever know. I have never understood where this comes from with her. I have never been this way, myself. I know that neither she or I can change that, but given how pheros can assist successfully in so many ways, I felt that perhaps I could try to stack the odds in my favor as much as possible, and give this a try. I hate to write her off again because if I do, I know that it will be the last time that I do this with her. :( ETA: Am going to use my p pendulum and ask if G2, Balm Bomb, or OW would be best. Thanks again, for your input.

  11. Thanks, Dolly. I didn't mention TH because as strange as this is, it seems to flip my bitch switch in a huge way. So much so, that I actually sold my nearly full bottle. I tried it 4 times, using different amounts, in completely different circumstances and the results were the same for me. MEGA bitch! I am pretty far from perfect, but I am usually nothing like that. So..not sure what misfired with TH, but will need to avoid that one.

  12. Hi everyone. I have a long time friend, I have known this woman for over forty years. We go back that far! We have been estranged from each other over that span of time two times. Each period of estrangement being long, 10 + years. The separations have been due to my reaching points where I can simply not deal with her insecurity, unwarranted jealousy, and her seeing everything as a competition. I have a choice to make regarding letting her back into my life again. I suppose I am looking at the situation and thinking, "Okay, life is too short for this BS, no one is getting any younger, and no one is perfect." I realize that she will always be the somewhat crazy, insecure person that she has always been, she is this way with ALL women, and I have no expectations that this will change. We have been as close as if we were sisters, I am wondering if wearing the right pheros around her could assist in at least taking the edge off of her issues, but upon reading up, am confused. Empathy *might* be helpful, but would either G2 or Heart and Soul, or something else be better choices in dealing with someone like this? I am losing my patience with this and this will be my final effort with her. I would appreciate and welcome the thoughts people here! Thank you!

  13. Hi Blanche and everyone. My experiences have been variable. Just like fragrances then, the reactions to different pheros, seems to be all over the place. With UN LFM, LFN, EST, DHEAs, Stone Cougar, Teddy BB, B2, I can always count on the same results. Typically, I use one spritz on each wrists, rubbed onto my forearms, and one one on my neck/cleavage, with the tiniest dab rubbed under my nose. Any less, no results. Any more, no results. This includes self effects. A couple of these are in 2 x strength, and I might need to go even lighter with those. Even though these are pretty predictable for me, for whatever reason, it can still vary. Some pheros will either do nothing at all for me at any dosage, others will yield exactly the opposite effects, for instance, using too much Levitation has actually made me weepy. As others here have rightly said, it can take quite a long time to get the hang of it. In general, the best way to go is to always start extremely light, making a point to stay aware of what, if anything, is happening. If you see it working at a low level, you have found that happy place. Write it down! If not, keep gradually increasing until it either works, or you can deem it as one that just isn't going to do it for you. Since the ones that are working for you seem to be in the scented versions, I think it's safe to assume that you are one of the people for whom, "less is more." Also, another thing that I have had happen is a sort of cumulative thing, where if I use any one phero on consecutive days for too long, it will stop working. I try to mix them up, or go without when this happens. Applying more will not work for me when this happens. I very seldom get effects from the amount in perfumed pheros, which tells me that I need at least more than that. Keep trying. Don't get discouraged!

  14. Teddy BB has moved to the top of my phero chart. I can not sing its praises enough. Seriously, I try not to use it too much because I never want to build up a tolerance to it. The holidays have been emotionally and physically challenging to me this year, but a few days ago, I finally caved and broke Teddy BB out. OMG! What a beautiful difference in my outlook! I love the mildly euphoric feeling that washes over me when I use this. I am seeing that some people use it for sleep, but it does not work that way on me. Yes, it is calming, but it also cheers me up and motivates me in a non speedy way. When I accidentally used it once at bed time, I felt ...sort of too happy to sleep! I am so grateful that I broke this out in time for the rest of the holidays! I only hope that I never do build up any resistance to it! When I use it, I just feel, "Ahhhhh..." I love you, Teddy BB!

  15. I have been layering this one with the 2009 version, Beccah. I feel confident that this is going to age beautifully. It hasn't been long at all, and I can already detect a slight change. Mara's pairing of Nox with Teddy BB, is nothing less than perfection! To me, Nox has always invoked the feelings that Teddy BB does. I love both, but together, it doesn't get much better IMO.

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