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Rose Blackthorn

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Posts posted by Rose Blackthorn

  1. Ahh.. see the heavy floral was what made me feel this would be a fail for me. If I am going to pull off florals then most of the time I need them to be well balanced with spices and/or resins. There are a couple of exceptions to this. Orange Blossom, Apple Blossom and sometimes certain types of spicy Carnation or Poppies. I adore so many florals OFF of me but once they hit my skin we are talking dreadful collision. :(

  2. Aww... I'm sorry this didn't work for you Lady V. I know what you mean about the "churchy" type smell, that would be the resins that they use in the incense, but I don't get the motor oil or any oily smell really at all. Could be a PH personality clash?

  3. This is just beautiful! I was a bit skeptical about sandalwood since it seems to have a strange effect on my moods oddly. I think it is a negative association thing, but whatever. The sandalwood was NOT a problem at all. In fact it is so very well blended and balanced that even the patchouli did not steal the show which is rare on me since I seem to amp that. The Amber, the Musk, the Patch and the Sandalwood all seem to melt together beautifully on this one with a pretty and sweet hint of sugar topping them all off nicely. This is a rich and heady potion as one would expect of a resinous blend, but let me assure even those who are intimidated by dark resins, this one is NOT too intense or too dark at all. Somehow, it manages to be sharp and smooth at the same time. Dolly mentioned its remarkable throw and I do have to agree with that. Just the tiniest dab on one wrist and that was hours ago and I can still smell this wafting off of me as I move around. This is going to last me a long time. When people think of the resin scents, DARK comes to mind. This one is a bit dark and nicely sexy, but it is not the total darkness/blackness that might make you hesitate. I could personally go much darker without woods in it, but this is lovely. i do think that this could easily be a unisex fragrance. I think this would smell just as nice as a man as on a woman. If you had this on and walked into a room, people would definitely be wondering what that exotic smell was which is something I really like. I am a fan of the old Purple Pitch and to my nose this is similar to Purple Pitch but without the Violet. So having said all of this, my final thoughts on it are don't be afraid! I went FB on this one and don't regret it a bit! Beautiful job Mara and great input Dolly!

  4. It might help with the social anxiety by helping you feel more connected to other people and they feeling/acting that way to you. I am not sure about the mild depression. The potential problem I see with using the beta-nols for self-effects is that some people report that the self-effects and lessen and eventually seem to disappear when you use a given pheromone or pheromone mix often. I always use pheromones for their effects on others and really try to be mindful of or avoid self-effects.





    Rose, the links Mel and Halo gave are really great for reference. I actually printed out a copy for myself so that I could reference it if I wasn't sure about something as I looked at perfumes. The Wiki is about five or six pages I think but having a hard copy, if possible, helps if you want to mark it up or what-not. Or you can be like a co-worker of mine and put everything in an Excel spreadsheet.



    I am sure this requires some finesse in application. I wouldn't want to "truth serum" myself! LOL! :)




    I think it just kinda happens to a lot of people with self-effects until you get used to the pheromone. Just remember it happens and try to bite your toungue haha! B-nols are actually one of my favorite individual pheromone molecules. People just feel very connected to you and open up to you at multiple levels. Great for romance. I also used it a lot at work. I would rotate pheromone mixes at work to keep the effects "fresh", that is, use different mixes so people would not get to used to one mix and have it lose its effectiveness. When i would wear an authority heavy type mix as my base, I would wear b-nols with it to balance it out. You would still get that authority figure vibe, but the b-nols would help people feel connected to you and keep them talking about whatever they felt was important for you to know. It is up to you to keep the conversations aimed at the work important rather than the "personal" important although to be a really effective leader you need to have/show a genuine concern for people at the individual/personal level in as much as they want to share.



    You are so awesome quietguy! I deeply appreciate you sharing the depth of your knowledge. One day, after I get over my fear...I will try b-nol blends. :)




    My thanks to all of you! I think I am likely always going to have to have something to refer to handy when it comes to these. Especially when the names of them alone are so close similar to one and other. Must think of clever mneumonic ways to recall!

  5. I did not like this one at all. Where was all the honey softness?? This smelled like something a guy would wear. Way too strong!


    Then I checked the vial.


    Hah. Both Poudre and Captain Fantastic have similar blue labels with females legs sticking out on the left. I had grabbed the wrong vial.


    Poudre is beautiful!!!!!! So soft, so pretty! My checkbook is quaking because I'm seeing FB for this one, too.


    Now if you'll excuse me, my other arm has a date with soap and water. . . . darn men's colognes, anyway. . .

    LOLing here JD!

  6. I think dbot has pretty accurate description of the effects, esp. the beta androstenol. I found this part to be accurate from personal experience: "Beta androstenol is widely reported to induce a sense of comfort, familiarity, and intimacy. At doses above 20mcg, it may exhibit a "truth serum" effect, causing both the wearer and those around them to blurt out thoughts which would ordinarily be censored. Some have reported that beta androstenol tends to increase sociability and approach behavior. .... Many have compared the social effects of beta androstenol to its alpha isomer by saying that alpha androstenol increases the volume of conversation while beta androstenol increases the depth of conversation."



    That's kind of what I gleaned from those links too quiet guy. I am looking for something to give me a nice, calm, happy feeling that will assist with social anxiety and a bit of depression. Would you agree that anol fits that bill more. Honestly, the names of the stuff alone confuse me!

  7. Sorry Donsie! Keep the faith! And you never know, if for some reason this one doesn't work out for me, maybe I can trade or sell this one to someone who wants it. We shall see. Will review it once it arrives.

  8. OK, so am feeling that I want to venture out more with the pheros, but am still essentially clueless about many. I realize that somewhere within the forums, this topic must have been addressed? But I can not find it if so.

    So.. could someone please explain to me what each of these does ( I hope that I even got the names of the pheros right!) and how they differ? And in practice, in what situations are they best utilized? I know that to so many of you here this is really old news, but please bear with me as I am still learning and I really am trying. I typically retain info really well but for some reason, retaining info on the various pheros and what they do is difficult for me. Maybe I should just find and print a reference chart on them and their effects somewhere! Any help/input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  9. BI with Lace! New found favorite! (for me at least, lol) Way awesome social! Please try and post findings :D


    Hmm, I hadn't thought about it like that. I think as often as I wear them for my pleasure I tend to consider my day and possible situations and how I want to influence other people - if possible. I pick my pheros for their influence on others (I don't get strong selfies with most of them). Will they lighten people's moods? Chill them? Seduce them? Reign in an otherwise domineering personality? I LOVE laughter and spreading happiness and I think I often choose and plot to create an atmosphere as conducive to those things as possible :lol:

    The way I look at it is, if I take care of how I feel and focus on influencing myself, that is after all what matters most to me with this, then once I am right with myself, it is bound to get the desired reaction I want from others.



    Why can I not get my damn quote button to work? :smiley-angry016:


    Nutrix: Yes, I will definitely have to experiment more with Leather at work. As for your motivating androstenone pheros- Sexpionage scares the crap out of me, lol! Can't see myself ever touching that. Dom merely terrifies me in a vague but intriguing way so I may work up to it eventually. I actually have a bottle of Soaked with Audacious, but haven't tried it yet. That one I am prepared to take on though, at the right moment.


    Miss D: I also love cuddle bunny, but haven't worn it too much cause I only have it in velvet kisses. I love the scent, but I need to get the Cuddle Bunny scent for times when I want something lighter and cleaner. People are very kind to me with this on, and men call me "Love" a lot. I find sexology works for me in a similar manner too, maybe even better.


    Rose: That's an interesting way of looking at it. I definitely get the idea of Yin and Yang type pheros, but haven't really chosen what to wear based on balancing my mood like that. I tend to almost always wear the Yin ones even though I usually have an overabundance of this energy already, simply because they feel so me. I expect them to work because they're already in alignment with my energy. I also find most of them are great as socials that also have the attractor factor.

    In my natal chart, I have m y moon in Libra so for me, life is a constant challenge to balance. I love having an arsenal a l of supplies to help me do that. Hell, I NEED it! LOL!


    This is a great topic! I'm debating on trying out some leather, since I LOVE my little sample of Absinthe of Malice, but I'm afraid of using a more dominant phero since it's SO at odds with my personality. I've been working on repairing a friendship with a co-worker lately, and for the past couple of days I've been wearing straight Est and Topper with fantastic results. So even though I really really want to try out leather, I'm sort of afraid to switch to something so opposite. But I really feel like it would benefit me overall at work. Maybe next week...

    Something at the Yang end of the spectrum is definitely in my future Amalthea! It's all about the balance for me.

  10. I am not at all experienced with any of the dom pheros but have been curious to try. I guess I tend to look at the pheros as either Yin or Yang in energies. Just like when I work with gem stones, colors, etc. Speaking for myself, I feel as if my need for these energies tends to fluctuate. When I am feeling angry or agitated for instance, I would be inclined to reach for my Yin resources such as my cool, receptive, feminine gem stones, cool colors and feel I benefit from the more feminine pheros to offset this and soothe me. I admit that I need to acquire some of the more Yang pheros for when I need to get active and make concepts manifest. This is just the way I have personally approached the pheros. I tend to need the Yin more often, but there are definitely times where that Yang, dominant type is what's called for. I am thinking this is probably true for most of us?


    Haha - at least she got a "guy" in there someplace! :D



    Despite our best efforts the default term slips in now and again. :P








    Well, we allllll know that guys *are* evil and debaucherous. We ladies are just MOAR evil and debaucherous. And lecherous and potty-mouthed. :)


    Welcome back and Happy Birthday, Rose!!! :bday1032:



    LadyV, I sort of asked about that back on the first page. Mara said that if you order a FB set, you get all 11 lady scents by default, but you can switch one or two out for the guy scent/s. I think her answer is post #36. Anyway, I did that. I put my request in the customer notes in the LP order form and in the paypal notes to vendor. :)

    LOL at all of the above! Yes, I admit it, "you guys" is sort of a non-gender specific term for me. Thank you for the welcome back Halo and the happy Birthday Elizabeth! So in conclusion... I say I think all of us should just go ahead and push the button and indulge! :)

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