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Posts posted by donsie

  1. I will show my age here and say I prefer the original. However I do think JD did bring an interesting read to the character with the Marilyn Manson look and the way he treated the children.

    Age has nothing to do with it, as NuTrix pointed out! The original is a treasure of my childhood and I will guard it as such. I love it.

  2. That is interesting, Anastasia -- as you point out, Vladmyra. I'm starting to look more at some of the socials and their capacity for lovey-dovey stuff alongside the sexuals that are more for lust (not that there aren't sexuals that do lovey bonding, or that the two are mutually exclusive, or anything like that). For guys who are sweet already there's the BLAMMO! sex bomb stuff *but* I am reminded that the world is also full of guys whose, erm, direct enthusiasm can sometimes feel a bit, well, make you want a bit more on occasion. And it sounds like TH helped you get some of that, Anastasia. Very interesting indeed.

  3. Well, having read this thread and just applied some Seer I am very surprised to find it smells of... creamy pineapple. WTF? Good thing I loooove Dole Whip! Is this the balsam going fruity?



    Edited to add: now that it has dried it's much more vanilla-y. It reminds me of my late grandfather's pipe tobacco, which I always liked to sniff when it was in its container.

  4. Slap on some Sexology III (not at work as it's very sexy and I think most of us would rather be taken as serious, capable, platonic folks at work rather than sex kittens -- not that they can't also be capable). It's scented and only 1/3 as strong as UN pheros and so that should help you to get a better sense of how much to apply: you'll be able to smell as you go. As for selfies, it helped sooth my headache yesterday, and I can't really think of a better one than that.


    Good luck, welcome, and enjoy!

  5. Oh my stars but this is lovely. Unsurprisingly I adore it because it smells so much like Phero Girl, chock full of lovely sticky (not too sweet) honey but without the beeswax and powder. In their place was the tiniest hint of cinnamon when it first went on. I think maybe I can also detect a touch of the ambergris in there, too. Not sure about the civet but my cats are going bonkers. We'll see how it settles into drydown.


    As far a pheros in the 30 minutes or so I've had it on my tension headache has finally started to ease off. I don't think it's a coincidence, as the headache was the worst it has been all day just before I applied. I have no idea why this would be so I'll chalk it up to my favourite explanation: bodies are weird. I've yet to see how other people react but at the moment I could certainly see getting this one again when I want something with pheros that are a bit more complex than just the cops in Phero Girl.


    Edited to add:

    It lasts FOREVER and stays pretty true even after drying for 12-16 hours. The only difference is that the honey fades slightly more into harmony with everything else and it all turns a bit creamier, for lack of a better word. What a stunning fragrance. And it seems the scent and the pheros combine makes guys horny but cuddly, admiring (but not distant and in awe), and very complimentary. One exclaimed that something smelled like inside a witch's cavern and then elaborated to explain it smelled like incense. So, if you're a sexy witch or just want to smell like one then apparently Sexology is for you.

  6. Some people get boosted fragrances. Personally I prefer the versatility of UNs so I can wear them with whatever scent I am in the mood for. I would say since you're new and don't know how each phero works on you you should try UNs or phero enhanced fragrances. What if the phero doesn't agree with you? You're stuck with a perfume you love with a phero you don't.

    I'm worried about not having the scent as a guide and using too much of the phero because I'm a newbie, which is why I was considering a boosted fragrance. But you make a good point!


    Donsie I have this one unscented, and I love it. Since I wear it alot (probably more than all the other blends combined, honestly) I got a pretty good idea of how much to wear pretty quickly. I think there are still unscented trials available on the artfire site if you don't want to pay for a full bottle right off the bat. But I also think I read that there is actually more La Sylphide available now, so if you'd rather try it in a fragrance you might be able to get a bottle.

    It looked like it was gone again but now it seems to be back, so I might even try both the UN and La Sylphide. This seems like one of the UNs with the most popular appeal. Do you have yours in a spray or oil?



    Edited to add: Thanks Stacy and NuTrix - I only saw your posts after I replied but they are nudging me toward the UN route!

  7. I tend to slather my unphero'd scents just because I like to. But I still only apply my regular amount of phero'd stuff. Trust me, you don't want to over-do the pheros. You don't want to OD on them. I haven't done it myself, but I hear it can be pretty nasty and gross. Plus, LP pheros are *extremely* concentrated, so the common adage around here, "less is sometimes more" is very true - wearing more pheros will not necessarily net better results, and often it will give bad results.


    Also, in terms of scents, keep in mind that after a while, your nose becomes accustomed to how you smell, so you won't consciously notice your own scent, while other people still will. You could try Mara's trick - apply your scents in an inverted lollypop from between your breasts, down around your belly button, and make sure to get a little on your clothes - your bra in particular will help diffuse the scent. Body heat is the best. Fabric a close second. They work like a charm.


    Anyway, all of that to say, I know it's tempting to use more and more, but even normal doses will get "out there". The temperature here has been around -20C for the last month, sometimes colder, and I'm under about 4 feet of snow, but my pheros are still working just fine.

    I heed your warning but I'm new to this and so while I started with a less-is-more approach and a fear of ODing I'm not seeing any definitive hits. I'm not sure of whether it's me needing to increase and find my sweet spot or whether it's more of a diffusion issue with the weather and season.

    I'm not exactly impatient about the hits themselves. It's more that I don't want to go through my of my order never getting an accurate sense of how much to apply or how the phero blends work on me (and so what I might want to get in the future) because I didn't give my trials a fair run by being too sparing in application. If yours are working fine in the cold then maybe it's not the weather and thus what I need is a better sense of how much to wear and how close people have to be to be effected... which is all newbie stuff I'm still trying to figure out.


    LOL NuTrix!




    Donise you may have a point about the alcohol. :)



    Hi Amalthea! I can smell them when I apply, but it feels like the hits diminish in the colder weather or something. Maybe I need to moisturize more.



    This is good to hear black cat. Now I am wondering if I should chance it...I would hate to waste my LPs though.


    I'm really thinking strongly about an alcohol base because I don't want more scent or pheros so much as I want them to just get out there more, which I understand is the difference between changing the base and just wearing more oil.


    This is really helpful and echoes advice I just got in another thread. I tried it today, slathering coconut oil on all the places I wanted to apply perfume, and so far, knock wood, it seems to be making a real difference.

    Is that making a difference in diffusion or in staying power, or both?



    Maybe the solution is secret aerobics every time I step out to make tea or use the toilet.

  8. I really think I need to start trying, like 1/2 of a trial vial at a time. It's cold and damp here and I don't think the scent or pheros are getting out there. I'm normally not someone who wants to have people smell my perfume unless they're very close to me (I am one of those people who get grumpy if I can smell other people's scents in public), but in the case of pheros I think I have to work differently. Or start mixing things in alcohol.

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