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Posts posted by donsie

  1. I so wanted to be in love with this one after reading the description and seeing the sexy label, but unfortunately it goes all cherry cough drop on my skin. So bummed!!

    Basically the same here, but actually I get more intense !GRAPE! flavouring screaming across my skin. However, after several hours that toned down and it was gorgeous honeycomb as the standout. However, (and luckily) there are lots of lovely LPs that get straight down to honeycomb business without the fruit candy/medicine bit at the start, so I don't think this one is for me. I was also sad that the sandalwood didn't seem at all noticeable on me.

  2. I don't get any cops at all from this, just the most absolutely exquisite scent: thick, sweet incense and maybe a few beeswax candles with a touch of dust/powder (something like that -- I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to how to discuss these things). I want to roll around in it like a dog on the grass. As soon as I applied it I rushed to the main site to make sure it's a permanent scent. I see a full bottle in my future.

  3. I assume so about the travel shock, Storemy. Of course I don't really know about it, having never experienced it before. I'm going to give them another sniff later/tomorrow once they've had a chance to come up to room temperature though, to be sure! It was quite something to see just how much I'd actually ordered when I opened the parcel. :blink:


    The wait wasn't too bad in the end. I was hoping they'd come today so I could wear one with SWS for an interview on Monday, so I'm happy that at least that worked out.

  4. Bloody posties!


    I just happened to be out in the garden when I noticed something odd near the gate and decided to investigate. I had seen it a few time out of the window over the last week or so but hadn't thought much of it. I share a back path with the neighbours and so sometimes they put things near my gate. However it has been there awhile and I was putting things in the bin anyway, so I took a look. And what was it I found, dear reader? My damned LPs that I had been pining for that the postie had just stuffed into a section of the gate without leaving a card to explain (as they are supposed to if they leave a parcel in a "safe place"). Thank goodness I found it, it wasn't stolen, and nothing appears to be any worse for wear.


    Thanks so much for the sniffies, Mara, and the lovely bag!

  5. Welp, it didn't seem to do anything to the intended target when I wore it (in Bonded) yesterday, but it sure made *me* feel soppy... and gutted when he didn't pay me enough attention. Which is, erm, not how this was supposed to go! However it did bamboozle (as it does consistently) my main man.

  6. You guys are killing me...I want my shipping notice...not that it would matter, the weather here is so bad that the mail's not running anyway...

    Well, if it makes you feel any better I am also going bonkers waiting for mine! I had the shipping notice two weeks ago on Tuesday but because I'm overseas I have to keep waiting.I had my notice and got excited but as yet no payoff. My parcel is out there somewhere, wending its way to me but I can't grab it yet. Oh, the exquisite torture!

  7. I could use a little of your spikiness here Donsie! But none of the awkward- I already have that in abundance, lol.


    I know what you mean about it being a nice idea to play someone else for a bit- that's why I'm trying to eventually work my way up to something bold like Dom. I have always admired and envied women who have that naturally confident, "out there" aura about them.

    It's hilarious to me because I know, of course, how soft I actually am and how emotionally vulnerable, but I have had a number of men tell me that before they got to know me they were afraid of me and really intimidated. It must be an M&M-like hard shell that I wear!


    I bet if you love the idea of being a bit dom when you decide to try it then you'll wear Dom better. That's my understanding of the point up-thread, about either having the pheros fit your personality or having them fit the persona you want to evoke and being totally committed to running with that. So yeah, play a bit.


    Donsie just be careful...I started out wanting to try all the "sexy" pheros on this guy at work. Kind of felt the same way you do, that "sexy" just isn't me and hopefully the pheros would help. They seemed to at first, but after a little bit they started making my "target guy" noticeably uncomfortable. You may be in a completely different situation than I was, but really, when I stopped wearing heavy cops, our relationship improved dramatically. Things didn't work out with this particular guy, but really no phero in the world can make somebody love you if they just don't. I'm finding that some of the softer pheros, like Est and Empathy Potion, are helping build our friendship back up. That's one of the reasons why I'm so nervous to try out Leather. In most aspects of my life, I think it would be seriously useful, but I've been working so hard on fixing this one friendship that I just hate to try something that might throw things off again.

    Amalthea, warning noted. Sorry you had that difficult experience. I also have some socials and softer blends coming. I actually branched out from my initial idea to get all teh sexyz after reading about other folks on there and how varied people's magic blends actually turned out to be! I'll avoid sexy ones at work, but I can't make promises about the cathedral choir! :2705: (sorry for the WTF emoticon -- I saw it and couldn't stop laughing)


    You have to look at the location, too. Perhaps he was uncomfortable with the sexiness you were displaying at work, Amalthea. Don't be afraid of the sexier pheros, Donsie. Just be sure you know your audience when you wear them.

    Thanks for the advice. Got it: avoid cops at work... depending on where you work, of course.

  8. Resident experts, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was looking at the individual pheros for PM last week (because I have a trial vial of Bonded) and there are some in there that seem more all-purpose than just for romance. I actually thought of wearing some for an interview because I don't yet have my blends with SWS.


    The description "Promotes attraction, bonding, trust, communication, conquering of nervousness and happy, good-time mood elevation..." might be useful for a job interview that's as intimate as a one-to-one meeting and the self-effects could be useful (especially around nerves, mood, and communication).


    Ignore me.


    Good luck!

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