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Posts posted by donsie


    FB set woohoo! One of my forum freebies was LP Pink too, I have had yet to try it in the almost 3 years I've been LP-ing.


    It had such a serious fan base that I was convinced to give it a go. It is so not something I'd buy for myself... which demonstrates what is lovely about the freebies: the risk-free chance to experiment!


    All these full bottle sets!! Smart. I only got four for now but I am definitely going back for One True Love and maybe a back up of Van Van. Waiting for my order first to try Open Roads...I am very excited to hear about how all of you use your magickal oils (well, if you want to share that is).


    I will be happy to but it may take a long time for some of the intents to become needed. I will be giving them all a first sniff, though!



    Whoo-hoo indeed! :)


    I know! The problem is that I still want a bunch of other FBs as well but I could hardly justify it! I'm hoping I'll get some birthday gift certs from family that I can use for the other things. Most of them are permanent so there's no big rush besides my own grabby hands. And the fact that NRs will just keep coming! :Emoticons0424:

  2. I got this yestarday in the mail (spray 60%alcohol-40%oil).

    I put three sprays on (2 to schest and i split between wrists). What's weird is that i can't smell anything ... I've read here how strong the cops smell in this is but honeslty if you talled i was spraying water i would believe you. Could it be travel shock?


    ETA: I can smell the cops in Bang! and LFN for sure but not in this one.


    I don't find this stinky either. We must have wonky sniffers.

  3. The original pheromones designed for same sex attraction were Boy/Boy & Girl/Girl. The pheromone designer that Mara originally worked with dissolved that business, so LP found a different designer for the formulas that were lost with the company(but this time kept the recipes); this is how we ended up with G2 & B2. Teddy BB was also a remix of Boy/Boy. It's awesome that Mara has gotten to be a pheromone expert in her own right AND has given us the Mad Scientist option, so we'll never have to mourn the loss of a favorite blend again, lol. But, yes, you're correct B2.2 is geared for male to male romance.


    Thank you for the LP lore! I forgot entirely that Teddy BB was also a Boy/Boy remix. I lurve it and I should have learned its back story!

  4. I really liked this fragrance. It is a very pretty floral. The only issue is that my skin amps this hard. No matter how little I wear it smells like I bathed in a bottle.


    Oh, do you think you'll still be able to wear it? It sad if you like it but just can't get on with it even so.

  5. Aw, bummer, tink. It is amazing on many of us but sorry to hear it wasn't amazing on you! That's what really matters when it's you wearing it, after all!

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