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Posts posted by Goddessinjapan

  1. Eggers, I was in the same situation: I checked the tracking, and on 4/2 the package was at the Vancouver, WA sorting facility, and on 4/8, no change, but then it arrived today! I was signed up for the USPS email tracking updates, and also checked on the USPS website, so it was like the package fell out of the clear blue. But what an excellent surprise. I was expecting I'd be waiting another 3 weeks!!


    I posted my update/ review on the Welcome page, and already submitted Order #2.

  2. My order arrived today!! Just one week to get to France!


    I ordered Empathy Potion, Garlands and Lace, Cougar Potion, and Papal Purple with Heart and Soul.


    Here's my report:


    Before my Narcissistic-Personality-Disordered soon-to-be-ex got home, I slathered on some Cougar Potion and took the bus to downtown Paris, walked around in crowds of tourists and went to the bookstore.


    I think I slathered too heavily for indoor use...one guy covered his nose and moved away. I don't blame him...I thought it smelled too strong, too. But I got smiles from a group of guys outside the cafe in front of the bus stop. I put my coat on for the bus ride home so as not to cause offense.


    Hopped in the shower and washed that all off, sprayed on 4 or 5 sprays of the unscented Empathy Potion along with my regular perfume.


    Within 5 minutes of walking in the door, my husband offered to give me his entire summer bonus, "...because I understand that you'll need some cash to get started on your own". And told me I HAD to take his bank card in case I wanted to go shopping (?!) and handed me 20 Euros in cash, "...because you are always taking the bus, and you should be able to take a taxi tomorrow".


    Um, could be the best $85 + shipping I ever spent.


    The dog acted goofy, too.


    Fortunately I didn't get such empathetic self-effects that I said let's call off the divorce!


    Anyway, could be coincidence, but the timing was certainly interesting!


    A couple of questions:


    -how much should I be using from one of the small trial vials? I couldn't really figure out the best way to apply it, so turned the little vial upside down against my skin and made 5 or 6 long swipes. Evidently that was too much.


    -from the descriptions I thought I was going to love the smells of Cougar Potion and Garlands and Lace. No. Both of them have some top note that smells really bad to me. It gets better after several hours, but there's something I really don't like...kind of cloyingly sweet, like dead flowers, but more artificially-chemmy smelling. Any idea what that might be? Is there anything the same in both? I didn't think so. Could it be vanilla? Or maybe one of the pheromones that's the same in both?


    Of course part of my problem was putting too much on, but there's something in both that Isn't a nice smell for me.


    I got 2 free samples, plus fantastic rainbow crayons...such a neat surprise!


    The samples were Brother's Brew (stinky! But interesting.) and Bridezilla...which for some reason I keep wanting to go back and keep smelling. I'm not sure I like it, but I must have gone back and smelled it 6 or 8 times to check. Never had THAT happen before with a perfume.


    Before I ordered, I thought, "why would anyone want to buy 10 different perfumes every month?" Now I think I get it.


    And, of course, I already put in another order!! This time (following the recommendations of forum members), I ordered The Big Easy, which has Teddy BB in it. I got a full-sized spray, but it sounds like it's a very herbal-fresh scent, so maybe I won't run into whatever it was I didn't like.


    I also ordered the Newbie Sampler, plus trial sizes of Crayons: Gamboge with Levitation Potion and Unbridled, which has La Femme Noire.


    Um, FUN STUFF, guys!!

  3. Got my shipping notice from PayPal, announcing that everything had been sent to...Spokane. Noooooo...but the folks at LP quickly reassured me that everything WAS in fact on the way to France, not Spokane. Whew! Sorry for the panicky emails, guys!!


    So now I am patiently/ eagerly waiting!

  4. Thanks, Eggers...nice to hear from someone who's been there.


    One thing I'm sure of is that the people at LP are working overtime to make us all happy! But I think that it's only called "overtime" if you work regular hours usually....so maybe I should just say "all the time".


    Coming on the forum and seeing so many people who ARE so happy, that's got to be great for them to see.


    And as a new customer, there's nothing more reassuring. Except maybe a note from the concierge to come down and get my package!


    Problem is, in the meantime I already thought of 15 other things I want to order too....

  5. I hate PayPal...it says that you can pay by credit card even without a PayPal account...but if you DO have a PayPal account, it won't let you proceed without entering the password, even if you don't want to pay using PayPal!!! And it wouldn't let me input a non-US billing address OR shipping address. It would calculate international shipping charges, but that's kinda not so helpful if there's no way to pay them.


    I could probably have gotten around it by using another email address, one not associated with a PayPal account, but I haven't got one, and I was kind of peeved that I would have to make a whole new email account just to do something I should be able to do anyway!!


    LP's CS was great about figuring out how I could order, but now it's 2 weeks later and I am sad because, were it not for dopey PayPal, I could be perfumed up all that much sooner...


    : (

  6. Seriously hoping everything's on target for my order. I had to ask for an invoice in order to override the US address and ship to me in France. A glitch with the invoice meant I already waited longer than I'd hoped. I haven't gotten any confirmation, except the one from PayPal that took my $$. Does no email mean it's still being processed?


    Now I sure wish I'd hurried up and shopped instead of browsing at leisure. But there's so much to browse through!


    I have to say, Heather in CS has been great, and SO responsive...on weekends. Even huge companies haven't got that level of service. When people at LP say they're working hard, it's true!!


    Super-eager to try out my pheromone orders on personality-disordered on-the-way-out hubby, and maybe the unsuspecting folks on the Paris public bus! Actually...there's a business college right next door and the 18-to-22 set congregate on the sidewalk...I have to weave through naturally on my way back from shopping or when walking the dog. Might try some of my Cougar Potion sample, just to see what happens.

  7. <== look! I got a picture!


    Responses are VERY helpful. Still using the cheap stuff while I wait for my order, but as StacyK said, it's pretty tough to know what's in it...probably not a whole lot of anything. But I'm getting some reaction there. Today he said, "you always smell so good...I can't believe we use the same shampoo". I said, "maybe you smell good, too, but I just don't tell you", LOL.


    But anyway, no Rumplestiltskin fits as long as I wear it...and a horrid one the day I didn't, so that was enough research for me.


    On a semi-related note, when my Love Potion order arrives, I plan to wear various types on the bus to see what reaction I get! Fun fun fun fun fun.


    Vladmyra, I very much appreciate the heads-up on potential effects...makes sense to me, plus I won't persist if something seems to be causing a different result than others have reported. And parasitic entity is right.


    And thanks for the suggestions! Sounds like I need to make another order with LFM, Teddy BB...

    ....what about Balm Bomb? Heart and Soul? Mother's Little Helper? Perfect Match?


    I gotta be careful...the sum total of my worldly possessions fits into 6 suitcases, but I might have to add a seventh, all perfume!

  8. Adorable kitties, Rose Blackthorn!


    I have been very pleased with Customer Service so far, helping me to order when PayPal is being annoying.


    Mage, I'll be sure to get samples of the ones you mentioned.


    Believe it or not, my therapist says that maybe my S-T-B-ex husband might be one of those rare people who have Multiple Personality Disorder. Apparently it often co-occurs with NPD.


    OOOOO....KKKKK...that'd be kind of a shock after 23 years together, but it would sure explain a whole lot of things.


    Good news would be if some of those multiple personalities are responsive to pheromones, or even just nice perfume!! But I might have to buy out the whole store to check! But at least I'll smell really, really good.

  9. Thanks for responses, everyone! I got the idea because I got a cheap vial of "pheromone" perfume in my Christmas stocking (I won't give the name, but its initials are Pure Instinct), and my soon-to-be-ex-husband gets noticeably nicer when I wear it. Can't wait to try with the real stuff! But I won't get my hopes up too far.

  10. Hi! I have kind of an interesting question: has anyone tried pheromones on someone with a personality disorder?


    I didn't know a darn thing about personality disorders until I stumbled on a description and recognized my soon-to-be ex, to a "t". First, personality disorders aren't like mental illnesses. They aren't medically treatable, or really very treatable at all, since they are basically self-developed coping mechanisms, not chemical disorders, and these people cause so much damage within relationships. Generally the only solution is to get O-U-T. Common personality disorders are Borderline (extreme attachment and control), Narcissistic (lack of empathy, manipulative in the extreme), and Histrionic (extreme need for attention, whether positive or negative).


    In my case, we're talking Narcissist, and that means lack of empathy. After 25 years, there's a bit there, maybe, when he sees me as vulnerable and weak. Since we're going to be working out a divorce settlement (no kids, thank goodness), I need him to at least not feel threatened suspicious, and hostile, which is basically a Narcissist's default setting.


    Anyone tried pheromones on someone with a personality disorder, or am I breaking new ground here?


    I'm planning to get Empathy Potion (of course), although if it only works on me, I'm in trouble...I'll end up an empathetic puddle of mush. And LACE, to see if that brings out any protective qualities.


    Any other ideas?

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