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Posts posted by androstenol

  1. I bought this in the spray form. My daughter and I spritz it on our pillows when we feel drawn to do so (stressed, PMS, can't sleep, etc). Also becoming the fast favorite of a neighborhood teenage boy. His eyes just lit up the moment he smelled it. For me, it just gives me that impression of "everything is ok". It has a childlike, positive energy to it.

  2. LoveStruck,


    That is very deep. I had an experience of applying Totem:Beaver in spray form and feeling like about 3 feet around me on all sides I was in the woods. Then I added a swipe of aja on my left wrist and suddenly I felt like there was a bees nest at my 11 o'clock. It was wild, like walking in 2 realities at the same time.


    I'm also enjoying being able to spread my calmness and joy to others, relying more on the scent ingredients and intent than pheros. This is a big switch from the way I did it when I started. I'm finding less is more. A "dab" of cops or one spritz of something is better for me and doesn't overload my receptors and there's no rebound effect the next day. I used to try to hit DH with the strongest sexy blend I had, but now I prefer the subtle...and apparently so does he !

  3. You guys are touching on something very important here. I too have found that I can't cover the fact that I'm stressed. No matter what sexual blend I wear, I will not get any hits and barely any self-effects if I'm stressed. And since I have adrenal fatigue, and don't cope well with just 'day to day' stress, it forces me to do a lot of self care and be honest with myself as to whether what I'm shooting for is even good for me that day. In the last few days, I've started focusing more on staying calm and grounded than projecting a sexy vibe...and that ultimately leads me to projecting a sexy vibe :) Fascinating stuff.

  4. Memorare,


    I'm so excited for you that your relationship is better. I had a similar experience last night, just from cuddling with Totem: Beaver. Not the normal use for that business blend but it worked for us. Feels so good to be connected again. Can't wait to hear more of how things are going for you two.

  5. If this is the wrong place, feel free to delete my post. I'm a newbie to sugareds and would love to know what that actually means. What is done to the essential oil ? How does it change the vibration/intent ? And do most people add several sugared notes together to create a complex sweet blend or do people add them to existing blends more often to lift/brighten/whatever that blend ?

  6. First effect on others: DH comes home, totally stressed after a long day at work, but assures me he won't need to nap. We start to cuddle and he goes very relaxed and drifts off. I feel like we are in the woods, and I share that with him, he responds" funny, I was just thinking the same thing". I feel both of our third eyes opening and after a while, the other chakras follow. We are both open to each other and feel protected and in a sacred space. I've gone back to look at each of the EO ingredients and their effects and I'd say we are definitely getting the "protection" "sensual atmospheric' 'clairvoyance'. We completed each others thoughts a few more times. Reminded me very much of our courtship phase. Unbelievable for a blend designed as 'corporate'.

  7. Second day of my period, very low energy and a tiny bit anxious. Something in the back of my brain told me to put this on. Within about 5 minutes I'm feeling CALM, super calm, like "everything is going to be ok". I have seen others talk about good phero blends for them to calm down with, never saw mention of this one. I get almost no selfies from Balm Bomb or even B2.2. But this...I lay down and went into a deep meditative state for about 15 minutes, then felt very energized and now ready to tackle my day. The scent is very subtle on me, I have to bring my wrist to my nose to be able to actually pick out any notes...mostly I'm getting cedar which reminds me of the woods and feeling expansive and calm.

    Is this my "calm" blend ? It just may be. Time will tell. The only other mix that makes me anywhere near as calm as this is Sogni Incantati. If this is how it affects me, I can only guess how it could calm those 'sharks'. Amazing. Thank you Mara.

  8. CloneClubSestra,


    The tingling you mention (and I'm no expert, so this is my guess) is the residue of the essential oils and/or the pheros. One of the things I test for when I put something from LPMP on my skin is whether it's 'lickable" . The ones that cause that tingling I then either apply to sneaky places like behind my knees, elbow crease, or I put them in my scent locket to prevent that reaction. Even for social interactions, I had it once where I had applied a mix to the nape of my neck and then when I was hugged, someone accidentally swiped their lips across my skin and reported the same tingling. Now that doesn't happen anymore. Also helps with awareness when interacting with pets.


    Maybe that helps !

  9. Memorare, hiyas, I'm a squib like you


    That's an interesting experience ! My hubby says it makes him think of me "barefoot in the kitchen" (not pregnant) and he does give me a lot of attention as well. As I don't get any selfies from it on its own, it's kinda fun but wasted effort on his part..unless I add androstenol to the mix :hearts0425: then I'm good to go as well. Fascinating stuff.

  10. I've bought some Un's but found that emotionally, they don't have the same selfies for me without the scent. And I've tried covering with an LP scent but if they don't have the same intent, then it gets confusing energetically for me. I'm guessing that in time, as I get to know what each blend makes me feel, I'll be able to combine better on my own. But for now, I will trust Mara to combine intents and effects.

  11. Bought this in a sample for my daughter, who read the ingredients and was in love. Prior to this, I had bought her Skoolz Out but she didn't care for it. This one she just gave me a big smile, applied it everywhere and scampered off with it clutched in her hand. I'd call that a success. To me it smelled very much like a fruit salad, a very happy scent.

  12. This one is quickly becoming my favorite scent to wear. The scent on me, my clothes, even my watchband lasts for DAYS. I guess my chemistry agrees with it. Whenever I open up my closet, all I can really smell is the Rouge, even though I have plenty of others and I have never spilled my roller-bottle. I'd have to say the scent is closest to how I view myself...intense, feminine, seeking balance.

  13. Greetings 7omislov,


    I'm wading my way through the men's collection for my hubby, I get to do the fun sniffing and he gets to experience the results of the pheromone products. Fun times ! I'm new too, btw.

  14. NuTrix,


    I do find myself not being able to handle certain scents and pheros during PMS and my period. But 2 of the 4 people who smelled my bottle when it was sweet were male, and now that it's vinegary they agree it has that new smell Something does appear to be happening to the substance as it's sitting in the dark bottle. Anyone else have this ?

  15. Aja and I are complicated. I had read all of the reviews in this very thread when I purchased it in June. I opened up the bottle and was assaulted with the MOST delicious honey scent. I wanted to lick the applicator. I was thinking to myself: "what on earth are those folks talking about who say they smell vinegar" ?? Maybe it's one of those scent blindness thing ??


    So I used to happily for 2 days with everything I could think of. And then I let the bottle sit for a week, opened it up and just about gagged. 100 % vinegar flavor, so strong I felt I could taste it. I resigned myself that something had happened to it...contaminated from my bacteria ? Travel shock ? (except I live in the same town as LPMP and so it doesn't travel that far...) and put it into a deep corner of my closet.


    Fast forward to July...I keep reading about some scents needing to 'settle' and change over time. So I open it up again, and it's about 80% vinegar and 20 % honey. No can do.


    Now it's August. It smells like 50 % vinegar and 50 % honey when I put my nose right up to it but the oddest thing happens to it about a foot away from my arm....it smells powdery sweet in the air. So for other people, it's doable....but on me...I can only handle it behind my knee, but the occasional whiff of vinegar is still offputting.


    I have put it under Love Potion Rouge but it changed the scent so much I had to scrub it off.

    I want to love AJA. I think the concept is amazing. I'd like to send Mara my bottle so she can verify what's happening inside of it, but the policy says she would have to destroy it so there's no real benefit to that. Mostly at this point I want to understand what is happening. It can't be my skin chemistry, as the scent itself in the bottle is changing. And I doubt I contaminated it after using the applicator only for 2 days. I asked everyone in my house to smell the bottle when it first arrived, everyone agreed it smelled like honey, now everyone agrees it smells like vinegar. So it's not my particular nose doing this. Insights welcome !

  16. Greetings,

    I'm in the same boat. I've been reading you guys for months, been buying mostly pheros.

    I joined in June but only just now figured out the password situation and BAM ! it's sale time and oh my goodness...I reserved my first bottles, just moments ago finished placing the largest order of my life. That's quite the introduction to the forum.


    I already feel like I know some of you, for instance I catch myself saying "what fresh hell is this??" to my kids sometimes. And I love the one forum member who has synesthesia and reviews the products from that perspective, it's super interesting. Each of you are so very wonderful and unique. Am a bit shy about joining groups, but I'll give it my best.


    I'm an RN, supervisor, Mom, and do tantra. Have already found myself very drawn to LFM and LFN, as well as Dominance for my job. I'm super interested in how the mones affect me at different parts of my cycles. I feel like I'm getting to know my body much better.


    Cheers !

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