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Posts posted by Blanche

  1. Welp...today is the day when I become a solid LFM fan and believer. I have tried my scented sample many times before and received good respect hits but no attraction noticable hits or instances of women looking up to me (now that happened first time out with Cougar- the women wanting to be like me thingy)...until today WHEN I FINALLY FOUND MY SWEET SPOT...on me LFM has a sneak up on ya (and others) effect. Most of my life, when receiving compliments from other women there was usually a mix of envy or jealousy. Wearing LFM the compliments are more like the other women want to wear what I'm wearing/look how I'm looking, without any negativity on their part. Its very nice. I also get that people seem to want to please me or what to give me what I want...but not in a dominant way...more in a softer way...but not in a way that they are babying me...if you get my drift. I doubt that I will be without a bottle (or a blend) of this or the Cougar potion.

    And what is your sweet spot dose, please?

  2. Thanks, StacyK. The thing is, I just smelled Kiss of Nectar and I discovered what honeysuckle smells llike. Is either of them similar to Kiss of Nectar? I am guessing the FC would if either of those.

  3. For those, who tried both this and sugared honeysuckle - what is the difference? I usually have problems with honey, which in many cases turns very unpleasant on my skin. But I hope I will be OK with honeysuckle. But there is honeyed vanilla in the Fairy cake honeysuckle. So I am not sure it will work for me. On the other hand, it seems more complex (from the descriptions only) than the sugared honeysuckle.

  4. I must say that I was wearing it today and got a little rash on the neck where I wore it. But I still love this scent and will wear it nevertheless.

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