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Posts posted by FlowerPower

  1. How do you usually wear it? In oil or spray? And always in Phero enhanced Fragrances? Every person responds differently to every Phero blend, molecule and dosages. Sweet spot testing is always required and it sounds to me like you need to use less since thats what has previously worked well for you. Try using 1/3 the amount you tried and did not get the same effects from. Because thats the only difference, the strength. A lot of people really fall into the less is more category. Which is great, because you get a lot more bang for your buck. Also pheros smell differently to people. Some people smell a very bitter smell from certain molecules, metallic, sharp chemical smell etc. Some people cant smell them at all. LFM does not have a super strong odor to me at all and I can definitely smell pheros well enough to differentiate between different molecules and blends. Some even smell like pungent male body odor. I really think that this sounds like a case of needing to find your proper dosage for maximum effects. For sweet spot testing you need to start with a very small amount like one inch in oil or one spray in an alcohol base. Then try that several times, taking notes about self effects and also how it affects others in your cloud. Then add more to the amount used until you get really good results. Then go a step further and use more and see how much is too much. Not so much as to purposely OD in a bad way, but just to the point of seeing diminished returns. Hope that helps. Feel free to email me at the customer service email if you need more help with this.





    Hi Halo,


    Thanks for your response. Yes, I usually feel the effects when its in a blend. I tried to put just a few drops of the oil into another non-pheroed LP blend that I like. Not sure if that dosage was too much. I will try maybe with 1 drop by my chest and see if I notice anything. I have done sweet spot testing before and usually know how to work with UNs as this is not my first UN. I have 7 other UNs (4 from LPMP). Well, it's worth a shot. We'll see how it goes. If this doesn't work I will contact customer service.


    Thank you! :Love09751:

  2. I received​ the Pherotine dropper bottle of this and was super excited as I had waited a long time. I'm sorry to say that I'm disappointed with my results. I usually always feel self effects with LFM and I practically feel nothing with this UN formulation.My bottle also has no pheromone smell which im very familiar with what most unscented phero formulas smell like. I'm not sure if I just have a bad bottle.


    Please help @mara or @luna

  3. I received this as a sample and not only does it smell divine (I m a rose lover), but the most remarkable thing happened. I felt a stirring feeling in my chest, started coughing a little, but instantly felt calm and good about my love life. I also felt a sense of openness to suitors that I didn't take as seriously before and a sense of just being open to whatever may happen and calm about it. That was last weekend. Since then, my dating life has taken on a new freshness, a new openness and has become more active. I really like this. I may also try some of the other chakra oils.

  4. Well, I road tested this one on Monday. The fragrance is indeed awesome, very work appropriate. The addition of the SWS made me very focused, but since I was so sleepy I had to trade pheros almost in the middle of the day. I needed to add something with DHEAS. I had a purpose for wearing the SWS, to get my way when it came to something. Not sure if it did, that remains to be seen. I think I need to road test this a bit more.

  5. I received this as a freebie with a recent order as well and all I can say is BEAUTIFUL. This scent is so super gorgeous that I'm looking for any excuse to wear it. It is very lady-like and elegant (how I like to see myself). I think LFM or Popularity Potion (which gives me more of a graceful vibe) would pair well with this.

  6. UPDATE: on dry down some of the yumminess floats away and it becomes more resinous (on me). Why is this scent reminding me so much of Verdian Muse?


    Well I'm not really a sandalwood, Tonka bean, incense smell lover, so this one will not be in my rotation unfortunately. Also, I was quite shocked to see that I really got no selfies with Leather. Or at least none that I could discern. My goal was to road test Bad Girl w/Leather at dinner with a girlfriend yesterday, but it was so blah on me that I ended up just going with my guaranteed feel-good mix, Cougar Potion, and boy did my dinner mate enjoy my cloud. I have never seen her this giddy and talkative ?.

  7. Hi Eastwood! Yes, I do have Winter in the Tropics w/LFM, but LFM doesn't give me near the selfies as Cougar. Now this Mega Watt is my 2nd favorite in terms of selfies. Also, I lean more LFN than LFM. I feel like a total bad bitch with LFN.im slowly coming to discover I am a None girl when it comes to selfies.


    I do have Drive By Fruiting, yes it's a bit fruit forward for me. I will look for that other floral/citrus blend you named however.


    I remember I had a sample of the Rose Dust with Popularity Potion. It sold out before I could buy it full bottle. THIS ROSE SCENT WAS GORGEOUS (Mara could you bring this back ??)

  8. I have this sample. I must say this smells good. Refreshing. Very unisex-y. On me, the Bergamot and Violet are "all the way live"...Since I love a good ole floral touch, I am very pleased how this violet is peeking through. This is a very clean scent, very work friendly. Can't wait to try it at work next week. I have never tried Swimming With Sharks so I'm looking forward to how people react to that as well.

  9. Halcyon Daze really is lovely. Have you tried the Sugared Homeysuckle? Or Totem:Lamb? (Mara, is that totally off? I'm just thinking honeysuckle. I think there are a few summer scents like Parasol that do the tea and flowers. Rainbow Mango has tea and hibiscus. It's not a "me" scent, which is good if you read my Tea and Flowers review, but I love L'eau de Orchide.


    As far as tea scents go, I really like LP Ceremony and LP White, but they're not "delicate."


    Eastwood, I just got a whiff of LP White...DI-VINE...gorgeous... I am interested in the Mango because I also like fruity/citrusy smells (like Cougar Potion), although a floral bouquet is my favorite. Freesia, gardenia, orchid, honeysuckle (yes!), violet, jasmine, love rose and tea!! ...funny story. There was at one point in my life, in my twenties when I was well know for this honeysuckle scent LOL


    I actually have a scent from an apothecary that is simply called "The Tea" by Outremer...it smells divine

  10. FlowerPower, your recent review inspired me to try this today and actually wear it to work. I loved this one when I first got it but I work with scent sensitive people so I haven't worn it in awhile. OMG it's aged so well! It's so soft and beautiful and so very light. I can actually get away with this at work too. Yay!


    So happy to hear this :-) Yes, I have been wearing mine all week :Emoticons04235: just ordered my full bottle. Don't want to run out. Had a great meeting wearing this, had an awesome effect on the person I was meeting with. Yes, it does dry down nicely.

  11. I think I did Gotcha for the first few weeks, then branched out to try different ones.


    Thanks Bella! I'm really liking the effects of Gotcha on him.


    What do you all think of throwing in some Cougar every now and again so that he can see me as HOT along with really getting close? Are they too in-congruent? I'm cool to just keep doing my Gotcha for a while too. He already thinks I'm beautiful.


    Hmmm, I would say similar scents might be Vampire Bait, Mystic Mountain, Supernatural and A Kiss of Nectar. I don't think there's anything else which is exactly alike to this one.


    Ok thank you Luna. I am ordering a full bottle of this with my Pherotine order this week. I wore this to work today and it has skyrocketed to the top as once of my favorite blends to wear. Those DHEAS are everything and I am definitely an epi-androsterone and an androstenone girl. This may be my HG blend for work!! :bday1029:

    By the way, I do have the Vampire Bait with Aja & Gotcha, but it's not my preferred carrier for Gotcha. I like the Honeyed LP with Gotcha (this was my first full bottle).



    Mara, Luna, Halo...if you ever see any florals, kind of like this one in future sampler sets, just tag me in the post and I will try them out!! I love soft sweet florals (I guess that's why they call me FlowerPower :say66: )

  13. I am not the best to answer this, but how often do you see him? With my TG, I was wearing PM for awhile, then switched to LFN...they both seemed to bring good results, just different results. In the last 6-8 weeks, I was doing a combo of LFN with just a swipe of Gotcha which really seemed to amp up the reaction. BUT I only see him 2-3 times a week so I figured I wasn't wearing him out on it. I did PM with PheroGirl with him for months. The LFN I did solo for maybe 2 months before adding in the Gotcha regularly. He hasn't seemed to stop reacting to ANY of them.


    Thank you! I think I will keep the Gotcha going for at least 3 months, then decide on something else.

  14. Hello my good friends! I have been dating this guy for just around a month. We have already become very comfortable with one another (nothing physical yet). We really like each other's company and I can see this developing into a rewarding a memorable relationship. He responds well to Gotcha, actually Gotcha is very much our vibe. Caring, close, sharing. But here's the thing, I love being spoiled and the reactions that I receive from men when I wear Cuddle Bunny. He is DEFINITELY an EST responder. I think I want to wear Gotcha around him like 3 or 4 more time to seal our bond, but I also want to get him used to spoiling/taking care of me (he likes to spoil). How long do you think i should keep with the Gotcha? I have made the mistake of switching from Gotcha to Cuddle Bunny too soon before. And although I was spoiled, what the guy I was dating really dug was the "in love" feeling that Gotcha helps. I don't want to switch too soon again.


    i.e. first 3 months Gotcha then 2 months Cuddle Bunny? OR

    first 2 months Gotcha then 3 months Cuddle Bunny? or....something else!!


    P.s. when it's time for us to get intimate, I think i may try Sexology, which I have yet to try. I LOVE LFN but I don't think this would be the right signature for us...maybe during a kinky role playing sesh LOL


  15. Ok, today I test drove Lumina around other people. I had only done that in a limited setting (salon) before. I wore it many places today, work, train, bus, store. I have to say, I do like how this one made me feel. I had that "I'm cute" feeling all day...and the men certainly thought I was cute. It also made me want to go out for "Happy Hour"...It was very, "I look cute...lets go out for cocktails...and have a little fun" vibe. Not as much as Cougar which makes me think i'm John Travolta in Staying Alive LOL...but in a "I need to go find the chicest bar in this town" way. There was some DIHL's with this one too.


    I just read my last review of Lumina. Maybe I'll take this puppy out for a spin again this week.


    Yes. They are mega labor intensive and I had to get through the scented ones first, so now I am going to work on the UNs. Realistically, I should have them up 1 week from now, Jan 29th. Maybe sooner.



    CANNOT WAIT for this! I just ordered samples of the Bad Girl 2018 w/Leather and Sharp Dressed huMan w/Swimming with Sharks. I will be ordering the UNs as well once Mara posts them.

  17. Its intresting. I havent noticed much with women at all with LFN. With men it intensifies their attentions a bit but I have not recieved that " intrested caring male" that comes with LFM. If i want to kick that up adding cops alone works better. IDK why. Its very intresting though.


    If I want to be spoiled by a man, it's usually Cuddle Bunny. Now if I want a man to do what I say, LFN whips him into place. Lace is a good one too for chivalrous favors. LFM seems to be a good one for respect from the opposite sex.

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