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Posts posted by knjsavy

  1. Not sure how true this is or if i will get a refund and out of stock email - i will have to check when i get home


    last night i checked magicalomaha for scandalous 09 - not there and i did not get a response to my email about advance orders - anywho - when you put in bunny in the search tool you get a page with scented cuddlebunny and scented cougar on it - i ordered both - went in the cart fine and to paypal fine - no out of stock messages or anything.


    I'll keep everyone posted as to if i actually get some

  2. tried this today - was putting it off b/c in the bottle i got a heavy powdery smell - boy was i wrong - this is a bright clean fruit cocktail (not the sugary sweet canned kind - the freshly made kind) that has a nice throw - so far it has been 7hrs and no refresh - i do have to get a little closer to smell it but it is still firmly there


    As far as intent/pheros go - on the way to work i passed threw a group of high school boys and two of them hit on me - i don't look my age (i'm not matronly looking) but i sure don't look like a teen - or do i ?


    Also on the train this little boy (8 or so) insisted on sitting next to me - although i did not understand a word he said (he was speaking an asain dialect)


    Maybe if i put a little bit more on - i get hits from older guys ?



    Update: on the way out i said my usual good bye to pops the security guard -he usually just grunts at me but today he actually spoke and tried to a conversation going


    i have to find the right mix to get the inbetweens (not too young and not too old)

  3. Oh my goodness, these already look really, REALLY good!!


    *fans self*


    I think I might go for some bottles unsniffed this time and a few samples.........*or*.......I buy bottles and just get the sample pack too.......since nearly all sound promising, it'll be more economic, I guess.....


    *glory* :) (oh and the label art looks fantastic!!)




    that sounds like a good system, it doesn't matter what i say i'd do, items just appear in my cart and my paypal acct just gets smaller - it seems my addiction and hands have their own system

  4. I took awile to try this b/c in the vial i kept getting powder no sweet or honey - boy oh boy was i wrong - on this is delightful - soft, sensual seductive honey sweetness - the throw in this is amazing - i see why so many love this


    i layered it with my earlier sugared banannas and the combo is great - too bad right now there is only me here enjoying it - oh well

  5. LOL C-Mama


    Did you shake the bottle first - like your life depended on it?


    I am no expert but i had the same reaction with phero girl {metalic cat pee} but eventhough we (female) smell it and go uggh they (male) smell it and go ahhh



    Just read through the reviews posts and answers - that is why i was so glad i found this site, the ladies here are so willing to share their knowledge and experience

  6. I ordered this after seeing it repeatedly in the potion of the day post - wet it was sugary banannas, dry down the sugar smell deepened - light caramel and the bananna softened - i got almost a hint of a nutty flavor - the cinamon is there but hangs around in the back


    Really nice scent - for children and adults - anything my finicky near 16yr old gives thumbs up to is definitely worth the bottle purchase

  7. I get a light sweet chocolate and jam pastry, not foody but foodish (if that makes any sense)


    If you found la boom too chocolatey i would recommend this one - has a very subtle hint of chocolate but so many other good things mixed with it, the chocolate aroma is not overpowering


    Really glad i was sent a sample of this - definitely enjoy this

  8. When i saw this on endangered list i ordered another bottle before my first one came - so glad i did


    It is warm creamy dark vanilla with a hint of caramel softness and a touch of light florals and the yang yang supports it all. It is warm and inviting and has a good throw, i only put on a test swipe on each arm and the aroma is enveloping and surrounding me.--ahhhh


    i do find the scent calming and relaxing

  9. This was not as foody as i thought it would it be


    It is warm doughy bread with light caramel and a hint of cloves? This has the clean hay scent i like - fresh hay drying in the sun with a bit of spice, fruit and honey - delicious


    So glad i got a sample to test - this goes on the big bottle list

  10. Got a sample with the last order and i tried enticement - soft pinkness, sweet bublegum florals with of touch of a high end parfum with a hint of fruit - i would call this an adult pink scent


    Definitely a bottle purchase (as soon as some funds become available)

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