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Posts posted by goddesslynne

  1. Thank you Dolly, I'm loving all the stories!!! One reason for my question is that a friend of mine came here and purchased Girl/Girl and Super Sexy (both unscented) and has been slathering both with no effect, and I was wondering if maybe they were cancelling each other out. Is that possible? Her idea was that she was gonna get attention from someone, anyone, and it just hasn't been working for her. Could she be using too much? She mentioned that years ago she had used some kind of pheros without any response, so could she be "immune" to them?

  2. I would love to hear some tips and suggestions about mixing different pheros. I've been reading about Blatent Invitation mixed with Super Sexy, and other combinations. Are there any combinations that are NOT suggested? Maybe they work at cross purposes, or have caused bad results.


    Now that I have a few in my hot little hands, I'd like some guidance with my experimentation.

  3. I wore this yesterday, and it had a lovely effect on my honey! As with Super, he was very sweet and attentive. Although we didn't get to spend any "alone" time (as we did when I wore Super), he was quite romantic. Unfortunately, I was also so in love with myself that I tripped walking into the pharmacy and fell flat on my face!! A couple of customers helped me up, and I had a lovely conversation about my shoes with an older woman waiting in line with me!! I did notice a man behind us looking at me with goo-goo eyes...not sure what that was all about! He never spoke to me. And, I'm sure I mentioned my hubby a couple of times in the conversation with the woman.


    I ADORE the scent of this blend. This will be a part of my next order, for sure!!

  4. Wearing this today - I received a sample in my order! I like that the scent is light and fruity - and it's the first time I've tried anything with EoW. Yes, I can definitely smell it, but it seems to be well covered once it dries down. I went to the bank this morning and the male teller was so friendly!! Even with the thick piece of class between us, he was as sweet as could be!! Chatted me up about the weather with a huge smile on his face, and continued talking after the transaction was complete. Interestingly, hubby didn't say anything this morning when I was leaving...


    Now that I'm at work (all women) I am not noticing much of anything in the way of a response.

  5. I love the scent! Perfect for work because it stays so close to the body, it won't overpower those near me. As for the phero effect - maybe it's my imagination but my boss seems happier and more at ease today. Before this she was constantly muttering about finances (this is a skin care salon) and the slow down of client traffic. Today she seems much happier and easier to talk to. She didn't mention my scent - if it's too strong she always comments.


    I'm very pleased so far!!

  6. Dolly, thanks to your raves I got one of these in the sale and I'm so glad I did!! I wore a bit last night and it's wonderful!! And talk about staying power!! Still very present this morning!! Thank you for some fabulous enabling!

  7. Well, my first order (all phero samples and one full size!) hasn't even arrived, but I'm considering another order of samples:


    Sugared Magi

    Love Potion®: RED

    Forever After - Pheromone Enhanced Perfume for Women

    Sugared Amber™

    Sugared Honeycomb


    I'm ready to push the button, just one more quick look around the forum for people's favorites that I might want to try.

  8. Hello! Just joined today, after making my first order! I have samples of Phero Girl: SUPER , Phero Girl™: Cougar Potion , Phero Girl, and a full-sized Phero Girl™: Cuddle Bunny on the way.


    I decided to jump into pheromones with both feet!! I'm really enjoying reading reviews and advice. Thanks for a great forum!!


    Info about me: I'm goddesslynne on every forum I enjoy. I'm an esthetician in Los Angeles, married and 46 years young. We're vacationing over the holidays and I'm really excited about trying my new perfumes with hubby!!

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