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Posts posted by Kayla

  1. 2 hours ago, tink333 said:

    If you have made it this far and are on the fence about buying the full set, just do it! 

    So, I  read your post and decided to do just that - buy the FB set. I had the set sitting in my cart for about a week or when they came out and kept going back and forth about whether or not I should get them. I kept reading the descriptions of each one and couldn't find one that I didn't need. Besides the OCCOs, this is the first full set that I've purchased. I am looking forward to receiving and using them for both scent and intent. ❤

  2. 24 minutes ago, Angelic said:

    Ha ha, I'm only almost embarrassed. But seriously, I've no sooner put in an order than I've already got a full cart waiting for the next time I want to put in an order!


    Thank you for the welcome! 😄

    Welcome, Angelic!  It looks like you're already fitting in nicely - with the full cart just after ordering, lol! Mara's perfumes are addictive! 🙂

  3. I tried my sample of Unisexy again last night after having put it away several summers ago. I have really been into Perfect Match lately, so I dug through my samples to locate it. After almost 24 hours of wear, I can still detect a faint vanilla musk remaining  on my wrists. I am not sure how I overlooked this gem and almost forgot about it. Upon first applying, it smells a bit masculine with the tobacco and sandalwood, and also a bit powdery.  After about 30 minutes, the vanilla and musk come out and it develops into a beautiful, deep skin scent. I just ordered a spray bottle with PM and a virgin roll on to be able to wear alone or with other pheros - plus, I was able to use the Gratitude coupon for 20% off. Thank you, Mara! :

  4. So, I let this settle for a few weeks before reviewing it because I wasn't getting much of anything besides berries on my skin, and I knew that it should smell more cakey.  Honestly, I was afraid that the blue raspberry was going to ruin the scent for me because it amps something awful on my skin. Well, today, I am FINALLY getting some creamy pumpkin, maple and vanilla along with the blue raspberry, and I am so happy because it smells delicious! It is still very sticky and sweet, as expected, and I am really enjoying it on what is a rainy, blah day.

  5. Just now, Potion Master said:

    I have the Private Edition page turned off still. I am sorry, I simply don't have the time. I have to do taxes next, then move to a new location, there won't be time before the new year, I apologize.  It will be there eventually!


    Oh, for the ones that are already made, we are going to do what we did previously, which is have those listed on Etsy since there are so few of them. So all the GGG, low stock and PEs are on the LUV site or on Etsy. I didn't want to bog down the new site with too many things that were almost sold out.


    Thanks! I wasn't looking for any at the moment - just curious.  :)

  6. 28 minutes ago, Potion Master said:

    go to....




    Try out all the lovely functions. EVERYTHING WORKS!


    This is a BRAND NEW site that I built from scratch over the last month.


    Let me know what needs fixing if you find any errors, thank you! More info later.

    Are the PEs going to be loaded later? When I looked, there weren't any listed.

  7. 4 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

    Please do and report back! I must live vicariously through your exploits until my box arrives....

    I tried it last night and the OCCO Mocha overpowers the Velvet Kisses because the coffee note is so strong.  I layered the two scents instead of placing them in different application points, which was definitely a mistake because I lost the chocolate smell from the Velvet Kisses.  They are congruent, but when you try it, don't layer them. I will try again another night with separate application points.

  8. I am wearing this again tonight because I slept so soundly last night with it on.  In the beginning, this reminds me a bit of Coquette (maybe the same type of fig mixed with vanilla?).  I really love it and am probably going to get another bottle because it is so comforting to me. 


    ETA:  Plus, I am in love with the label! There is something enchanting about it, and I love the birds.

  9. This is really lovely on me.  It gives the feel of mouthwatering, fresh, drippy/juicy fruit with a nice base to ground it. I don't get any smoke, but it definitely has a richness to it and it lasts a long time on my skin without being overpowering. This would be great combined with EOW or one of the OCCOs!

  10. 7 hours ago, luna65 said:



    But it's not quite what I expected.  It's very spicy, but then again I am All Spice when it comes to these kinds of blends.  However, I really like it because the spice mingles just right with the coffee and creamy notes.  The creamy part is not that present, in that way it reminds me of the first version of G&L (v1 and v2 were very spicy on me, v3 was very creamy), I think this is what I wanted A Wake to smell like on me.  I would even want to layer this with something creamy like BBM or OCCO White.

    Luna, how does this compare to Lina's Latte? I didn't order the sampler and was curious if it is similar or had a completely different feel.

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