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Posts posted by Crash

  1. I'm not sure if my sample is from 2015 or the earlier version, but in the vial the alcohol had a really astringent scent that was pretty harsh to my nose. I put off trying it for a little while because of that, and because I'm not usually a rose person, but as with a lot of things here at LP, I wasn't going to let a little thing like my preconceived notions of what scents are "right" for me in other perfumes stop me from trying one of Mara's creations. :D 


    That said, unfortunately this one is not for me. Rather than bringing out my inner Goth, it feels like it's for a far more sophisticated lady than someone with my jeans-and-T-shirts style. It's beautiful -- brings to mind a tall, beautiful, velvet-and-lace clad woman in some Edwardian castle sipping rich red wine and leafing through dusty tomes by candlelight -- but that's not congruent with my personality. Still... I'll save this for a day when I have something special to wear it to, though I'm not quite sure what that occasion will be just yet.

  2. It's funny to me, in the bottle I mostly got a maraschino cherry scent, and on the skin, I mostly get a dark chocolate with a hint of cherry and honeycomb scent. Not musky, not sugary, not lemony--just a dark, decadent, chocolate covered cherry that I just want to nom on. I don't get any of the other notes at all, but that's just fine. It's still a delight, and I'm bummed I only had enough left in my sample (I think it might have been from a trade?) for one application. The mister really loved this one on me, too!  

  3. When I got the bottle, I absolutely could not wait to try it. I spritzed myself minutes after I opened the package, and at the time, the honey was soooo sweet and prominent, and it smelled fantastic on my skin. It evolved from sweet and dessert-like to sweet and sexy as hell. Lasted well into the next day until I showered it off, too.


    Fast forward a few days. It's calmed down a bit. I put some on today to take it for a test drive out of the house, so to speak. 


    Let's just say I don't think it was necessary for three guys to scramble all over themselves to replace my windshield wipers for me. Gotcha! :smiley-laughing024: 


    I really love this one and can see myself reaching for it often. 

  4. I feel a bit strange for absolutely loving this. I can see where people are getting the (hospital-like?) basement vibes. To me, the scent embodies something more like a gypsy tent, thick with some kind of exotic musky incense and strange potions as spirits are invoked in a secret late night autumnal ceremony. It definitely gives me that dark and slightly wicked vibe, of something not of this world creeping in the shadows just beyond the reach of our senses, leaving little trace behind but perhaps the scent of Ectoplasm. Heh. There's really something magical about it, too. I'm very intrigued, and I'm most likely going to be wearing this one again near the end of October to see what ghosts and ghoulies it might inspire to come closer...

  5. As I wrote to myself in my own notes:


    This scent is Nightmare Before Christmas in scent form, and no one can convince me otherwise!




    Seriously though, I love it. It turns into a smooth, velvety, delicious pumpkin treat with a side of pumpkin spice coffee, just waiting to be nommed up. The perfect autumn delight! 

  6. Ahhhh, I was SO excited to see the new scents drop! Immediately grabbed an FB of Ebil-ish and a full sampler set. I am thrilled to have the chance to try them all!


    On 10/1/2018 at 11:05 PM, missdarlyncherie said:

    Yay super excited! Got the sampler and two bottles of Black Velvet Pumpkin which I thought was SOLD OUT! I went through two bottles last year!!!

    I loooooove Black Velvet Pumpkin! Grabbed that one and White Velvet Pumpkin during the last sale. That reminds me, I should pull them out and use them more, because it's absolutely the right time of year for them both! :D

  7. I fell in love with Crayons: Violet so I've been doing what I can to get my hands on some of the others. Lucked into a bottle of this one, and it's so soft and delicious, I absolutely love it. 


    In the bottle, it felt to me like getting a whiff of an exotic lake surrounded by wildflowers at that moment of twilight just before it becomes full night, when the sky is that perfect shade of indigo with a the first few stars peeking out. Lush, watery, a hint of musky spice -- gorgeous. From the moment I put it on my skin, it was like that image just blossomed in my mind, growing more real and solid. It was almost like I could smell lily flowers in there somewhere. I'm not too familiar with the scents of pansy or morning glory, but I suspect that's what I'm picking up. 


    The musk, patch and frankincense on this is so gentle but mixed with the sweet florals it gives it this lasting impression that sticks with me. They do amp a little bit as it dries down, but it only makes it more huffable, IMHO. I keep bringing my arm up to get another sniff of myself. :D This is a brilliant blend. It's making me even more excited to try out the other Crayon scent I managed to get my hands on (Cerulean Blue) and see if I can find the others I put on my wishlist.  


    Like someone else said, I can see this being a stunner with Treasured Hearts. It's just so gentle, sweet, and soothing -- a very comforting blend all on its own. Though with the hint of exotic spice, I could also see it being a good one to use with Cuddle Bunny if you wanted to give it a cuddly yet sexier edge, too. Something tells me if you wanted to really rock the feminine mystique on a quiet, intimate date, this would also be killer with LFM...

  8. Hi @oceanjewel, certainly. I was using a FB roll-on of Odalisque and did a smaller than usual lollipop and a small dot at the crook of each elbow, a dot on the back of each hand, and a dot in my cleavage. With the other pheros I am a bit more used to, I am a little more careless and usually do a stripe on the girls and my elbows/inner wrist and slather a bit more rather than just little dots, but I wanted to be cautious given it was the first time using it and because of the cops (though I also added a couple swipes here and there of a non-phero'd vanilla perfume just in case). I just let these air dry.


    After doing more reading on the forum, I'm thinking I am going to try again adding a spray or two of DHEAS to soften the blow, so to speak, and see if that makes a difference. It could have just been a fluke, maybe a reaction with another phero I thought was already washed off and out of my system or something, but I'll experiment more and see.  

  9. This is a beautiful scent -- the musky vanilla with just a hint of coconut is so fresh and huffable! The other accords are definitely present but not overwhelming. Aside from how delicious it is, I'm thinking the PM is what's brought a big smile to my face every time I get a whiff of it, too. It feels like a sexy night on the beach, when it's just a smidge too cold to do more than dip your toes in but you want to walk the boardwalk and maybe spend a bit of time cuddled up next to your honey to watch the play of moonlight on the water. 


    Lovely, and I think I'll be keeping this for myself instead of giving it to the mister! ;)

  10. Thanks for the rec, @Eastwood22! I don't think of myself as a knockout, but yeah, I suppose I could have been putting across too threatening of a vibe to them. It was actually in an oil (Odalisque in a roll-on, but since this was Bang-specific rather than scent, I figured better to post it here), but this is Florida, so I'm sure the diffusion when I walked in was pretty good given it was hot as heck outside. 


    Funny you mention Treasured Hearts. I tried it once, and it resulted in the mister's mom blabbing at me like I was her BFF for a couple of hours over dinner, being very emotional and huggy with me, and all of the guys acting like I didn't exist--including the mister. LOL! I thought maybe I wore too much and would try it again some other time, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.


    I keep seeing mention of DHEAS. I guess I'll have to toss a bottle in with my next order, because it sounds like it's a good thing to have on hand regardless -- I just hope it's not too much since Bang already has that as an ingredient. A little more can't hurt, right? :D



  11. I have a question for the more experienced Phero Queens out there. I had some amazing hits with SS4W around other women. They all wanted to talk to me, buddy up with me, being super friendly even if they didn't know me, and it worked very well with the mister (for some reason I didn't run into many guys while wearing it out and about, so no big hits to report on that front). With that experience, Bang seemed right up my alley. I always get some great responses with cops and SS4W was such a hit, I gave this a try.


    Holy heck, it was everything I hoped for with the men--amazing hits, exactly the responses I was looking for--but have any of you run into the ladies suddenly treating you like you're their version of the Mean Girl Arch-nemesis or something? Given how well perfect strangers were responding to me with SS4W, I was not expecting to be treated so poorly. When I went out to dinner with a few friends, I was the first person to arrive and went in to grab a table. There were two women at the hosting station who wouldn't look at me even though I was standing there waiting to reserve a table. A male server came running to see what he could do for me even though there were several other people who were there before me, obviously waiting for a table (ha!). He then rushed off to find a table for me, which was pretty funny given there were others waiting who had obviously been there a while. 


    As soon as he left, one girl immediately called me over and then took me to an area in the far back of the restaurant, opposite the direction the guy went. Looked like where they dumped all the families with kids, which... uh, no. Not what I was there for. That was followed by our waitress giving some of the worst service I've had in a LONG time. Barely checked on us, long waits between stops at our table, wouldn't look at me, etc., even though it was not terribly busy in there. Our friend's girlfriend sat across from me and buried her nose in her phone almost the entire dinner, barely talked to me, etc. It was like I was persona non grata to her. We don't cross paths terribly often, but it just felt... I don't know, colder and more rude than I would have expected, even out of an acquaintance? And in the parking lot, as I was getting into my car, I overheard her complaining to her boyfriend about the dinner taking so long and some other stuff I don't want to repeat-- and that was despite that the mister and I were perfectly pleasant to her the entire time even if she wasn't to us. 


    I mean... the heck? Has anyone else experienced anything like this? The guys were chatty and flirty and having a blast, including me in everything, but it's like every woman I interacted with thought I was the devil in heels and decided to slip into Passive Aggressive Mode to show it. If SS4W worked so well on ladies before -- and I have not experienced those crappy responses when wearing cops-heavy blends around women before (if anything, the total opposite--in a similar situation, CB + Sexpionage gives me the kind of responses from both sexes one would expect out of Pop Potion) -- what the heck was up with Bang? Anyone have thoughts on this or what I could do to make it a little less "off" with the ladies around me next time I wear it? Under other circumstances I wouldn't give a flying copulatory act but I really, really love the selfies and how it affects the menfolk around me, so I'd really like to figure out how I might be able to salvage the usage of this blend if I can.

  12. The cops on this one during dry down were something else, lol! Once it dried, that scent was faint but scrumptious, like a creamy, nutty vanilla. I don't know why but my skin ate this one up in record time for some reason.


    Still feeling the effects of the Bang from yesterday (loved the SS4W selfies from something else, so the added cops from Bang in this one gave it an extra "oomph" I adore even more). The mister really liked it too but the stars must not have been aligned or he was too tired, because it didn't escalate beyond a bit of huffing and obvious interest from him early in the evening, and a bit of biting (which is unusual for him). I'm thinking I may have applied too soon after the shower or didn't do enough lotion or something given how quickly the scent faded, but I'm going to reapply tonight before we go out for dinner. I'm curious to see how Bang "test drives" in the wild too since SS4W gave me a lot of really good hits when we were out and about on Saturday. 

  13. I absolutely love this. I never thought I'd meet a floral that sat so well on my skin, but the violet in this is almost candy-like (possibly with the help of the grape?). Not in a childish way. It's more like a breath of fresh air, sweetened with a suggestion of bright, spring flowers. It's really lovely and gentle, not overpowering at all, and never fails to put a smile on my face when I wear it. :D

  14. How did I miss reviewing one of my favorite scents?! :D  It's a sexy, sophisticated blend that blooms into a delightful range of scents every step of the way, from bottle to application to dry down. I absolutely love how the leather and honey notes in this come together to make me give off the impression the label implies, too. :Emoticons0424:


    This is so, so good on me. Mr. Crash never fails to be bowled over by the Leather, either. I've gotten some great hits when wearing it out and about, too. I don't know what it is about this one but it's like my catnip for random dudes -- I get more whiplash head turns than anything else I've tried yet. 


    This also pairs very well with a dash of OCCO: Cherry Tobac.

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