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Posts posted by Gale

  1. I have a fortune cookie every night, and I get some extremely strange ones--I call them the "night shift cookies". For instance "Remember, you are always on our minds."..."If it seems the fates are against you today, they probably are."...and the best so far "It's over your head now. Time to seek some professional help." obviously referring ot my hopeless perfume, er, habit.

  2. There's no review for this, so here's mine:


    On wet, it's pure apple. Sweet, strong, and true. On drydown though, that's where the magic happens. Up close it's still that wonderful apple single note, but when I was wearing it and typing, I kept getting these wafts of candy apples, like you get at a carnival or make at home. I love the way it smells different up close and from a distance. Like pretty miuch all of the sugared scents I 've tried, it lasts without morphing much. Delicious!

  3. One of my closest male friends has always smelled fantastic. I always figured it was his soap, but he just smells so good. Clean.


    On the flip side, in high school I had to break up with a guy because I could not stand the way he smelled. He didn't smell bad, it could have been his laundry detergent, but I just couldn't stand it. I didn't mention that was why I was ending it (but it was).


    I don't mind men wearing scents, except patchouli--that drives me nuts, and not in a good way!

  4. AD-Frog.jpg



    Our absolutely euphoric, nature-soaked ode to Earth Day. The aroma of rain soaked earth and wet moss, green plant life and watery florals, tempered ever so slightly with the soothing, sweet scent of incense.




    Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
    WATER LILY ~ Purity of heart.
    LOTUS ~ Makes a woman irresistible to a man, lovers reunited.
    BAMBOO ~ Protection, hex breaking, luck and wishes, fertility, wisdom, feminine energy.
    WHITE AMBER ~ Fertility, love, luck, riches.



    When I first put this on, I actually exclaimed out loud "It's Green!" And it is--pure green of grasses, moss, and I swear I smell a pond in early evening, no joke. This is such an outdoors scent. No pine, not floral really, not an idea of what the outdoors smells like, this is it--green.

    So I let it be for awhile, and now I can smell a breath of incense and amber, but this lays on top of that incredible green scent like lilies floating on a pond. I didn't think recreating this sort of scent so exactly was possible. I am extremely impressed!!

  5. Not only is this the sweetest label, this is the gentlest, most quiet scent. It smells so familiar, but I can't place it. Creamy, and there is some floral also, but oh, so soft and quiet. I can definitely see wearing this in the evening after a tough day. Or maybe whenever I want to wind down. Nice!

  6. This was one I had a feeling about--and boy was I right! Not what I was expecting. No, even better.This is resins, woods, and sweetness. It isn't heavy, but it is dark. I'm certainly not putting this away for the Summer. I've only had it on for about 30 minutes. Just a dab, it's quite strong. I am questioning my ability to drive while wearing this. It's that distracting. I could hyperventilate trying to capture every nuance in one breath. Must not do this in public...


    I will update if it changes during the course of the day.

  7. Peach scents can so often smell horribly fake, but this is gorgeous! Juicy, sweet, and rich. This is a perfect, true peach and makes me yearn for summer. As a huge bonus, it lasts and lasts.

  8. Indeed--Good luck!


    I tried Egg, and I adore it. It is so light and sweet. I will be getting a bottle because it smells so incredibly, unbelievably wonderful!

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