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Ail )O(

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Posts posted by Ail )O(

  1. :blue_dancing_banana: Skinned knee or not - I now has a glass of Merlot Sangiovese Sicilia in my hand. Life is GOOD!


    Yes, the comic book idea would have been fun, but the resulting label is really gorgeous.


    Glad my post helped people. I'm aware that sometimes I get FAR too passionately-technical and have to stop myself from spouting "science-speak," but I think I stayed within the realms of "Fairly-easy to-understand," this time. That cannot be said for EVERYTHING I post about pheromones though, and I am WELL aware of that - so I do try to keep an eye on it.. ^_~




    Ail )O(

  2. Ahh..Thanks for this, Rosebud..


    I hesitated to post my own review, because since I created the formula, that seemed a silly idea, and I really have been hoping for some feedback on Ail's Open Windows. Your experience is right in line with the effects the ratios WERE balanced to bring about. In every way.


    I'm very happy to read your review..And now I think it IS wine time! :blue_dancing_banana: Thank you!




    Ail )O(

  3. Mara and I had this fantastic idea for the label of BAM! But we were thwarted at the final fence!


    BAM! Was supposed to go inside one of those BAM! POW! SPLAT! bubble-type things you get in superhero comics, or in Popeye, but Mara couldn't find any PD pictures or stock photos to suit, so that idea was sadly canned.


    Shame too, as I think it would have been fab! ^_~


    I love BLAM! It's hysterical. Another two hours and I would have had a monitor to remove wine from again after reading that SWBookworm, but as it is, I just nearly fell off my chair from laughing, & now have a badly skinned knee..:blue_dancing_banana:




    Ail )O(

  4. In addition to what Luna has said already about Beta-Androstenol (Beta-Nol) I just want to say that when you slather BAM! All over, you have to think a LITTLE bit more carefully about application points, than you do when you use LAM..


    Here's why:


    BAM! Contains a high concentration of Beta-Nol, and in all seriousness you should NEVER use heavy amounts of high concentration Beta-Androstenol unless you are fully prepared for all you will hear, and ALSO for all you will perhaps let slip.


    Yes, it DOES indeed foster deep communication and bonding - but in very high concentrated amounts, it definitely and seriously DOES act like a somewhat crude form of liquid truth-serum. I have used it for that very purpose to get to the bottom of something when I knew a friend was in trouble, and the results were let's just say, shocking..


    In order for Beta-Androstenol to affect you as little as possible, and to very much affect those around you or your partner, you should AVOID applying it to the wrists, inner elbow crooks, face, or neck. Keep it to the hair, back of the neck, backs of knees and cleavage.


    With BAM! (and LAM) I would NOT advise it going in the hair, as copulins cling to hair for DAYS, so you really shouldn't be putting any blend containing copulins in the hair at all.


    If of course, you want to also be Little-Miss-Honesty, then apply to the places I just said you should NOT apply it to (except the hair) unless you only want to mainly affect other people.


    Beta-Androstenol lends a "Best-Friend" vibe to things even with people new to you, but I have only noticed that effect at low concentrations, and the concentration in BAM! Is anything BUT low..


    What you get from an application of 50 mcg and above of Beta-Nol, is that it brings to conversations within a relationship a slightly more serious side, and you really can have some very good heart-to-hearts if that is what you're looking for, by just using this level of concentration.


    I use Beta-Nol and copulins a LOT, and it's absolutely one of my favourite combinations for giving a relationship a very empathetic loving feel to it. Add a spritz or two of EST to your hair and it's a wonderful bonding formula, and creates a great sense of comfort and unity in a one-on-one situation between two people. The addition of copulins to sex it up as in BAM! Means you can take that deep communication right to the next level, and sex will almost definitely have a caring side to it, and will feel almost cerebral at times.


    Beta-Nol is well-known for causing people who have literally just MET you, to feel like they have known you for a very long time, and in MEDIUM-high doses such as the dosage in Sexology, it doesn't so much act as a truth serum, but more like a bonding agent. It really can promote a sense of trust and a level of deep comfort. But in LAM! The concentration is HIGH, so just be aware that you MIGHT affect yourself and could give away things you really had no INTENTION of giving away..


    I guess you could say LAM is great for really getting things hot, and definitely for playtime, whereas the formula used in BAM! Is very much something that can enhance a relationship or can help to draw someone you would like to perhaps show a bit more interest in you, closer to you. Without a doubt it does that.


    Hope this helps a bit! :D




    Ail )O(

  5. Hi Rosebud..


    I'm going a mile a minute right now, but to break it down as best I can..


    Epi-Androsterone is the female isomer of -rone, which does indeed promote relaxation and calmness in the wearer and those around her. Androstadienone I have gone into in a LOT of detail on Beccah's "wild night" thread, but basically, it is known as a proven depressive for a small percentage of men exposed to it, and so I won't be putting it in ANY of the pheromone blends I work on, and it is not in any LP blends at all other than SS4M (the male version ONLY since people missed that the other day).


    I'm working right now on an alternative to be used in place of Androstadienone to help ladies with bad PMS and such-like. It's looking good..


    Adrosterone is the male isomer of -rone, and when used in SMALL ratios such as in Heart And Soul, it can enhance the bonding effect and also lends some women who may appear very dominant, a slightly softer, more approachable side to them in other people's view..


    Hope that helps. I will get back on and type more tomorrow, but if you need to know more, drop me an email, and DO read beccah's thread if you can please, as I believe a few of the ladies here were unaware of some of the facts I posted there.




    Ail )O(

  6. Hmm...I need to think of how to get around the fact that a fair amount of what I have as evidence, is not permitted to be put anywhere online, but I think there is one study that I am able to publish that illustrates the depressive factor of Androstadieone on a small percentage of males.


    Many of the studies you CAN access online don't even MENTION this fact, which I think is utterly appalling, as depression of ANY sort is not something to be trivialised, so I'll get to trying to locate something I CAN post, WITHOUT Big Brother coming to get me.. And no..I'm NOT totally kidding here..


    Leave it with me please, and I'll see what I can do.




    Ail )O(

  7. Just want to point something out here that I see frequent misconceptions being posted about on various boards....


    Erox Realm is purely for self-effects. No longer made, although naturalattraction.com (the new name for Erox) have evolved, but their principal is exactly the same as it was many years ago, except the product now smells TEN times better than Realm did.


    They put EST in the male version of Realm, to calm, uplift and relax male wearers, and Androstadienone in the female version, to help calm and relax female wearers. A lot of people get this so wrong. If you want to wear Realm for ATTRACTION - then you need to wear the product produced for the OPPOSITE gender..


    One caveat..Androstadienone can undoubtedly very much help a LOT of woman who suffer from PMS to cope with that time of the month, but it also DOES (and this is scientifically-proven) - have a very depressive effect on a small percentage of men. That percentage is in fact significantly higher than it was originally thought to be, and is one reason I am working right now on a blend that will NOT utilise Androstadienone, but WILL help to alleviate women's PMS symptoms.


    This needs to be explored now, as the men who ARE affected adversely by the depressive characteristics of -Dienone - CAN really get to a very dark place in themselves - and let's face facts, NO man is going to WANT to be around a woman who consistently brings him down - and a man affected by -Dienone in that way WILL correlate those factors to YOU, if he goes into the dumps when YOU are around him - if you HAVE been wearing Androstadienone in his presence.


    I'm not going to go into specifics at all, but a very dear friend of mine who is actually a lovely member of this very board had a truly traumatic and harrowing experience with her son after he was exposed to A1 (Androstadienone), and it was that very knowledge in fact that triggered the research I am currently undertaking to find a better alternative to use in pheromone blends.


    If you are a woman who just wants to wear Androstadienone for herself, then that's great - not all men are affected after all, not by ANY stretch of the imagination, but please remember that if you are interacting with males at all and wearing it, there IS the chance at least ONE of them may become depressed - even if that characteristic has never manifested in the man until then..


    If on the other hand you are working with a bunch of PMS-ing Alpha, Beta and Gamma females - then Androstadienone IS your saviour!


    Anyway..I just wanted to point this out, because as far as that part of your mix went Beccah, you were affecting YOURSELF with the Erox product and no-one else...Unless of course you found males around you becoming subdued, which is a sure sign they WERE affected by the sexually-dymorphic (gender specific) depressive side of -Dienone).


    Perhaps its calming effects promoted a much more relaxed YOU that night, which let you feel more comfortable with the whole situation. Teasing, sexy mixes are all well and good - and they DO have their place - heck I LOVE to use them! Just be aware always of EXACTLY what sexual pheromone mixes DO do to men, and women for that matter - and give some thought to the environment in which you are using them.


    If you haven't done so as yet, I would suggest you maybe take a good read of the long threads on EOW and EST in this Pheromone FAQ, and if you have any questions, you can ask them here, and I'll get to responding as soon as I humanly can. I AM though very busy right now trying to work on this exact thing for Mara and Danna, as well as another couple of um..projects, so I may have to take a couple of days to get back to answering you - but I will..


    Now I should just shut my mouth I think, before I give away TOO much about these "projects.." ^_~




    Ail )O(

  8. Ahh..Thank you so much.


    I've had a bit of a trying evening, so you've just cheered me right up.


    I'm so glad you enjoy it, as I really spent a LOT of time creating, testing and perfecting this formula. I've been anxious to hear input from people OTHER than myself and my human "Guinea-Pigs," so I'm off to bed happy now.


    It can very much go in a touchy-feely, more intimate direction also, so please let me know of your experiences in that kind of environment too, as this is all data I record.


    Oh..and it isn't going ANYWHERE! :D




    Ail )O(

  9. you fed your flowers pheros? I know I know... deranged question


    Well..My monitor needed a wee wash anyway..


    ...Just not with my best Rioja!


    I honestly have NO idea, Ivy_fiddlefox.. This IS my subject, and in that case maybe I really SHOULD know the answer to your quirky question - but I honestly don't.


    ..but thank you so, SO much for the laugh..


    You owe me a (very large) glass of red wine when I (one day) hit the States! :clapW2:




    Ail )O(

  10. Yep..Have to say that the lovely man of my life loves best of all when my perfume is foody or gourmand. He also finds those perfumes the sexiest of ALL of my fragrances.


    If it smells of..


    Cookies? Check.

    Cinnamon? Check.

    Cake? Check.

    Honey? Check - VERY much so.

    Hazelnut? Check.

    Fudge? Check. Mummie Chunks is a real fave of his as he says it smells Like Olde Country Fudge - go figure.. ^_~

    Pumpkin? Check and really cant wait for Dracula's Bakery now!

    Grapefruit? Check. Scented Cougar has him on his knees..Quite literally.. ^_~

    Gingerbread? Check.

    Coconut? Check.

    Vanilla? Check - Actually ALL Vanillas have his head spinning in the best way possible..

    Pink Sugar - he would inhale this for hours on end if he could.. Oh wait - he DOES! ^_~

    Chocolate? Check - all kinds..

    Raspberry? Check - must be black or dark though - preferably in a blend that also has dark chocolate, vanilla and caramel.


    The list goes on and on and on..


    Just as well I LIKE smelling of food! :D




    Ail )O(

  11. Hi again, Tigerlilly!


    Just to let you know this has been taken care of for you, so if you just let me know when you want to purchase it, I'll pass it on to Mara.


    Now it's almost half past the midnight hour here in Scotland, so I'm off to bed.


    Goodnight all. :)




    Ail )O(

  12. :Hug_emoticon:


    Wow!! Nice to meet you!!


    It's lovely to meet you too.


    I think I'll ask Mara when I call on Friday if she can please put a bottle aside for you, as I know that this one is going like hotcakes..


    That way you should be fine, and if you just let me know in this thread please when you think you'll want it, I'll let her know.




    Ail )O(

  13. Hi Tigerlilly..


    I believe that thanks to my lovely friend Lori, you know you I "am" (incognito) over at "another" site now - but if not, I "Thank" you - rather a lot, if that helps.. I certainly am NOT a "Thread Ninja" though.. Hehehehe.. ^_~


    Anyway..Lor's perfume is a limited private addition, and as is the case with all of the LPEs, Mara and Danna make a VERY small quantity available, so I would recommend if you want to grab a full bottle, to do so quickly, as it will be gone very soon.


    I agree, Lor's Honeyed Strawberry Musk is absolutely breathtaking. She has a natural talent for for all things olfactory.


    We hope to also see you dabble in our wonderful and very effective pheromone blends - both scented AND UNscented here too. Your valuable input will be most welcome.


    Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.




    Ail )O(

  14. Hi Lori! ^_^


    Epi-Androsterone helps to forge bonding, it also "softens" the female wearer somewhat and works synergistically with Beta-Nol, to help give a real feeling of being at ease, and a sense of connection to those around the wearer, too.


    Hope this helps!


    Blessings and Hugs


    Ail )O(

  15. Dolly..You and I have been using pheromones for..oh good grief..Seven years shortly, and you are very knowledgeable also about the various molecules.


    Never think because you don't know the terms in detail, that what you say has any less value, because that is so totally NOT true!


    You're a diamond, and I'm so pleased and proud to be able to call you my good REAL friend.. :lightsaber1:


    Thank you too Jo Anna for your lovely words..


    Blessings and Hugs


    Ail )O(

  16. A1 (AndrostaDIENONE) AndrosteRONE, and Beta-AdrostaDIENOL are molecules which have isomers containing similar properties.


    I avoid getting scientific here at LP if I possibly can, because I am well aware that many prefer layman's terms, so really to make it easier to grasp for everyone..


    Think of Beta-AdrostaDIENOL (NOT Beta-AdrosTENOL which is a different bag ENTIRELY) as being a molecule that when a man wears it, offers a comfort and security vibe to the women they are around, whilst MILDLY helping ladies with PMS to have less of a problematic time every month..


    AndrostaDIENONE, is indisputably the molecule which can BLITZ a woman's PMS and that's regardless of if she wears it or if a man wears it, but if a male wears it the sexually-dimorphic nature of this molecule means the effects are pronounced to a much greater degree.


    AndrosteRONE, is a wonderful molecule for helping males who are viewed as "Lone Wolf" types, to come across as being more approachable and less intimidating. Safer to be around, in short..


    -Rone is definitely better used by males than females, but there are certain cross pollinations of molecules which mean that a small amount of -Rone added, can really enhance female mixes, particularly for "Alpha-Type" women.


    I tried to keep this from the scientific bent I am used to spouting, so I hope it made some sense, but please feel free to ask any other questions you may have, and I'll address them in as easy to follow language as I can.


    I'm aware I can and often DO become extremely technical and downright "sciency" at times, when it comes to pheromones, for which I apologise, but it's just the way I AM I'm afraid.


    So please do let me know if there are any things you would like me to clarify on any of the molecules used in the wonderful blends and pheromone products - both from here and elsewhere..




    Ail )O(

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