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Ail )O(

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Posts posted by Ail )O(

  1. So Cuddle Bunny is far more sexual than I'd have thought. Good to know. I guess I'll stick with Intellectual Woman and maybe another super sexy for women. I'm not sure about True Confessions. I like the idea of having people be more talkative with me, but not of hearing life stories when I barely know them... or of spilling my own. :)


    Any other recommendations?

    I'm around a lot today as I'm working hard to get something completed for Mara and Danna, so that's why you're seeing me a fair bit more than of late, which makes it easier for me to offer up speedy responses.


    I take an empty 10ml roller-ball bottle and I put into it a 50/50 ratio of Treasured Hearts and True Confessions, Starlitegirl. I leave it to composite for three days (if you like at the half-way stage in this process, you can add 1.5 mls of your favourite LP perfume) and I shake the bottle daily, placing it on its head, until the end of the third day. Then it is ready to use.


    The effects are awesome and yes, you may well get the deep heart-unburdening from some people if that is the way they are ALREADY leaning towards feeling, but you also get the effect that you are everyone's friend, deep empathy from practically EVERYONE that you encounter, a lot of warmth, and in general people just want to be around you - a LOT, and to have a great rapport with you.


    I absolutely love this combo.


    Now..back to work for me. Hopefully, the results of what I'm currently working on will be available to you all you phero-fiends shortly.. But they will NOT be available, if I don't get my finger out and get back to work now! :)




    Ail )O(

  2. Yes many of the more sexual of the phero blends don't have to be used ONLY when you are getting "Down and dirty," and can indeed as Curiouschic said, lead to a lot of fun male attention.


    However..While Cuddle Bunny is wonderful, please bear in mind that Cuddle Bunny UNSCENTED is extremely sexual, and packs a fair wallop.. It is nowhere NEAR as "soft-focus" sexual/cuddly as my formula for the scented version, as the Pharmacom formulator went for a heavy sexual bent when he came up with his version, and while the cuddly side IS still present, Cuddle Bunny Unscented is EASILY as sexual as BI in many respects, in fact.


    I love that aspect of it, and I know Luna does too, but it's a strong effect, and if you have the scented version, AND the unscented available to you for testing, use each one, just ONE night apart, and you will REALLY see there is a marked difference in the cause and effects of the different formulae.


    That being said..Many women love the self-effects ALONE, but as I have long reported, in over 6 YEARS of pheromone usage and blending, I don't get ANY self-effects, but I am extremely observant of how they are affecting the people around me, and once you can do that, it's easier to know what you can get away with, in WHICH environments and at WHAT amounts..


    ..Or you can of course just be like my lovely friend Dolly, and wear them anywhere and everywhere - and get AWAY with it! ^_~ But just be aware not everyone CAN do that. I can't, for one, and while maybe people think it's banged on about too much at times - congruence IS vitally important when it comes to ANY pheromone usage.


    Sexual pheromones can't, as we often explain to people, CHANGE the way a person feels about you if they are just not interested in you, nor can they EVER in any shape or FORM remove Free-Will, but they CAN, and they DO influence the behaviour and the body language of those around you, and if someone even had a SLIGHT interest in you, pheromones both social AND sexual, can tip the balance in your favour towards them becoming MORE interested in you, and that's brass facts.


    So if you want to play with the more sexual ones, which are a LOT of fun - then just be aware that the people around you ARE being influenced. They are simply not always going to SHOW that they are, of course..


    Say for example, you are at work and in close proximity to a man with whom you are supposed to be maintaining a professional working relationship, and you are wearing (for example) a load of BI topped off with some Essence Oil dabbed in your cleavage for good measure..Then while you may not be AWARE that he IS being affected by your "phero-bomb cloud," and that his testosterone rate IS rising from baseline to around 140% within approx. 20 minutes of him being exposed to your copulin-laden self - believe me he IS being affected. That's a very basic scientific fact. So for many women that could prove awkward in a working environment. Some get away with it, I could not.


    I actually find SS4W a fantastic formulation and my hat is taken off to Pharmacom for coming up with it, but the reality is, it's a fair bit LESS sexual than Unscented Cuddle Bunny..


    SS4W is a great all-rounder, and it gives of to others the aura of a confident woman who is comfortable in her own skin - and dead sexy with it.. What woman doesn't at SOME point WANT to be seen that way, after all? It's a fantastic pheromone blend.


    Above all, as the ladies and gents who have been wearing pheromones for years say; Try to find your sweet spots for EACH blend, then play about a bit with dosages, as some of them work VERY well in tandem with each other, and you really can have a great time out and about, even if you WANT to remain single and just want to have FUN, whilst being a LITTLE bit provocative, and without shouting out to the available males; "HEY YOU! ComeoverhereandDOMENOW!!!" ^_~




    Ail )O(

  3. Hi Ail! I just wanted to add my congrats for this blend. I bought three bottles (unsniffed) mainly because I'd heard so much about Cuddle Bunny scented (missed out on that, unfortunately but I really like the unscented version). It's everything that I hoped it would be!Thanks so much for your creativity!! ;)


    Thank you so much for your kind words. Please don't count a Cuddle Bunny scented rebrew out JUST yet.


    If you read therapygirl's latest thread where she is looking for Scented Cuddle Bunny, I explain a bit more there. Maybe that one ingredient that is at present alluding Mara, will manifest somehow.


    If we all just wish hard enough with a true heart - we can make ANYTHING happen in life, after all. ^_~


    I love reading your comments Luna. Your refreshing wit and extreme honesty, never fail to put a smile on my face.:thumbup:




    Ail )O(

  4. Hi therapygirl..


    If you are referring to Cuddle Bunny scented, then that is my pheromone formula, and is purely EST and a lot of copulins to get the cuddle factor then the..Well you know what..! ^_~


    The unscented Cuddle Bunny pheromone formula was created by Pharmacom adding bells & whistles to my original formula and it is actually a LOT more blatantly sexual than the scented version.


    Sexology's pheromone formula in addition to those two factors, also contains a healthy amount of Betanol to add bonding, deep communication and QUALITY of conversation to the proceedings, then some lovely cuddles, then - well..You KNOW what! ^_~


    Betanol is well-known for causing people who have literally just MET you, to feel like they have known you for a very long time, and in MEDIUM-high doses like in Sexology, it doesn't so much act as a truth serum, but more like a bonding agent. It really can promote a sense of trust and a level of deep comfort.


    Hope this helps you..


    Thank you my friends the lovely Lor, Countess, stkatz and Dolly for your lovely words, and thanks too to all others who have emailed me about Sexology. Your comments have really touched me.


    Blessings to you all


    Ail )O(




  5. Bear in mind Shelly, that while most pheromones have a duration of 6-8 hours, copulins which are NOT in fact a pheromone as such, and are in fact a group of fatty acids secreted by the vagina, (we have synthetic copulins here at LP of course) and their effects, can actually endure more than TWICE as long as that, and in fact, residual next day effects are NOT uncommon. I get them often, as does Carrie.


    You will eventually find your "sweet spot" for the Essence Oil, and once you do, you'll get it right every time. Then it will probably become a wee weapon that proves to be indispensable in your pheromone arsenal.


    It's really great that there ARE people around to give you advice and help here. When Dolly, Countess, Carrie, Ilsa and myself started out on OUR pheromonal journeys, (6 years+ ago for me now) the info for ladies about female pheromones was SO thin on the ground, and we had to spend a small fortune weeding through the wheat from the chaff to find out what worked, and what was a damp squib.


    Like Dolly said, I very much AM indeed one of the "non-responders" but it's all good, as like I have said before, since I know the effects they have on influencing and enhancing the behaviour in those AROUND me when I wear pheromones - that's more than enough for me.


    I still NEVER, but never will wear copulins anywhere other than when I am with the lovely man in my life, because I had my fingers burned very badly the ONE time I decided to wear them OUT of a situation where he would be there.


    Many women are in work environments where it's quite OK to wear sexual pheromones, and as long as they are aware of the strong signal they ARE blatantly putting out there to men, they cope with wearing them to work just fine, but with all the years of experience I have of pheromone usage, I still won't cross that line.


    Now on the other hand my wonderful friends Dolly, Countess & maybe even the lovely Lor, too.. Well..That's a whole other ball game entirely. They ENJOY messing light-heartedly with the minds of men at times - just for giggles, and these strong and very Alpha ladies have a special way about them that means they CAN get away with doing that. Me? Not so much..


    All pheromone usage is to be honest, a lot of trial and error, but once you hit on the right blend(s) for wearing to create so many diverse feelings and emotions in those around you, such as feelings of empathy, comfort and happiness, trust, euphoria, and relaxation - or of course when you find that mix that tips that special man in your life right over the edge, so he just plain gets the urge to get VERY down and dirty with you - they really are a heck of a lot of fun - and a very useful life-tool, too. ^_~


    So enjoy them, and when you find something that works for you, tell us about it here please, as you might just hit on something none of us have ever tried. I still am learning after 6 years, and I really don't think I'll ever STOP learning, to be honest.




    Ail )O(

  6. Hi there..


    If you go to the Perfumerie page on the main LP website, scroll right down to almost the bottom, then click on the Just A Little Naughty picture, it takes you into the fragrance description.


    Then just use the BUY HERE NOW link, and it takes you straight to the Just A Little Naughty website and links you straight to the perfume, all ready for you to put in the cart.


    Hope this helps.




    Ail )O(

  7. Hi all..


    I'm taking time out to help my mum who isn't doing very well at all right now, given that we just lost my dad four months ago tomorrow, but please have a wee read through this thread I have linked for you, to get the answers you require.


    Est in a nutshell


    EST isn't playful, on its own - but with nols and copulins it can definitely be driven that way.. When worn by a woman, EST affects a man like nothing else (well apart from copulins - they can as my very dear friend Dolly says - almost raise anything..). EST though, can soothe the most savage of beasts, and have a man who is like a bear with a sore head, behaving like a big old Teddy-bear, within literally minutes of exposure.


    My idea behind the original Cuddle Bunny formulation (my concept is the scented version, which hopefully will see a third innings since we have EOW on hand all the time now) was to have a pheromone product exclusively for women who either wanted more of the cuddly side of an already nurturing man, or wanted to bring out a perhaps hidden cuddly side, in a man less willing to be demonstrative in that sort of fashion..Followed by a LOT of playtime.. ^_~


    Like it or not, the Adams and Eves of this world are hard-wired in a completely different way from each other..


    Us women, are like volume control dials, becoming turned up (and on) in gradual increments. Taking in all the nuances in between bass, treble, mute, blur, soften, sharpen etc. etc.


    A man..Is like a light switch. He is either on, or he is off.. Sad, but very true.


    Women generally require some level of comfort and a feeling of being safe with a man, before real arousal happens - even in a marriage or LTR, that can still be the case. Men on the other hand, are far more visual, and well..It's kinda easy to tell when their motor is revved, let's face it..


    Not all men are totally visual of course - far from it, and not all women have a pre-requirement to feel SOME kind of comfort BEFORE yelling "Take me to bed and LOSE me forever.." (No prizes for guessing the film - it's an oldie but a goodie though..) But putting things this way, should more accurately illustrate my point..


    So to sum it up, men are highly visual creatures, while MOST of us women want to feel that there is SOME kind of feeling of a connection there before we umm..need to get in the spackle replacer..




    Est brings out you a lot of the cuddlier side and the empathy and the caring side of a man, and Cuddle Bunny with Cougar (Cuddle Bunny layered on top of un or scented Cougar) is very good. I like that combo a lot and it gives a serious amount of "All eyes on you - all-of-a-sudden-he-just-HAS-to-do-your-bidding," attention from the man in your life.. Very useful if you don't want to sit through MORE boring sports channels.. ^_^


    Just drift past him and have a fan blowing as you do so, or swish and toss your hair JUST as you pass him..and then..just enjoy what happens next..


    We all know what a really good cuddle can lead to, and we all know what rabbits are famous for - so that's Cuddle Bunny.. ^_~


    Please have a wee look at the many variations on a theme the ladies here have come up with, combining Cuddle Bunny with their LP oils. They are all really wonderful, and they ALL get good results.


    So..Enough from me I think, for now..


    Blessings to you all, and enjoy a peaceful and blessed holiday season.


    Ail )O(

  8. Starlitegirl..Dolly and I are old friends, and can tell you this with our hands on our hearts..


    Intellectual, worthwhile (not to mention fun) men, who are NOT only focused on sex, really DO exist - and what's more, they are just like intellectual, worthwhile women in ONE respect when it comes to mating and dating..


    It does not matter HOW good a package looks on the outside.. If after you strip away all the artifice and fripperies, there is little to NO substance to the actual CONTENTS - interest soon wanes - no matter HOW mind-blowing the sex..


    The lovely man of my life is at 34, seven years younger than me, 6 foot seven and think David Boreanaz who in the TV series played the vampire Angel, and you really DO have him in your mind, as he has OFTEN been told that..


    He also has been in my life for almost 14 years, and for 11 of those years, we were nothing MORE than Best Friends to each other. He saw me through the darkest days of my extremely violent, traumatic and emotionally sabotaging marriage, and he was the very sunlight at the end of my dark tunnel of Hell..


    He never pushed me, was understanding, caring and very patient as I found my feet again.


    He used to date a lot, and in fact was engaged twice before the age of 24 - neither of which ever went anywhere. He still has women up to 15 years younger than me, falling at his feet..


    I lost my beloved dad not long after his 70th birthday, on the 27th August there (that's him with me in my pic taken at New Year this year) and my lovely man has spent many nights just holding me and nothing else, as I cried my heart out at the sheer pain of my enormous loss..


    For someone who has a LOT of sexual experience, he has had to take it very slowly with me for various reasons - but it's ME he's with, cos at the end of the day we connect at an emotional, intellectual AND sexual level that I'm not going to kid you - took a LONG time to build up, but just like Dolly, I can give you that hope you are looking for.


    You hold onto that hope Starlitegirl, and you keep holding onto the belief that the man who can make you happy and fulfilled, and will NOT only want you for the somewhat transient sexual gratification you can provide him with - IS out there for you. Because believe me - he IS..


    Oh..and yes Treasured Hearts, CuddleBunny SCENTED (not unscented as it's EXTREMELY sexual) and True Confessions are definitely blends you should buy. SoulMate too. Worth its wait in gold that one for bonding and connecting.


    I'm sending you white light when I cast later, as I feel you have definitely had the stuffing knocked out of you by life a bit, which I can very much identify with - and you need to know there really ARE men out there who are NOT all about ONLY sex..


    Blessings to you.


    Ail )O(

  9. Both Luna and Ariadne are correct..


    It's EXACTLY the same product. We just asked Dr. Stone who produces and created BOTH versions, to make the LP version for us in an oil-base, so it could seamlessly be blended into oil-based fragrances - which it can be - and fantastically successfully, too.


    Essence Oil, the oil-based version of EOW, is totally exclusive to LP, and cannot be bought anywhere else.


    The only difference from batch to batch that I have EVER noticed in six+ years of using EOW - is in the strength and pungency of the smell itself.


    I have NEVER noticed a decrease in efficacy - ever.. Which is after all, what we ladies ARE mostly concerned about, I'm sure..


    Like Dolly, I greatly prefer the oil-based version, as it dries down faster, with much less bleed-through and it really does blend into ALL LP fragrances and similar Artisan perfume oils - absolutely perfectly..




    Ail )O(

  10. Okay..It's time to link to a topic again, I think..


    Please read my first post in the linked topic VERY carefully.. This subject is a MAJOR bugbear of myself and Dolly's - and I think Luna probably also follows our train of thought on this one too.


    Copulins are NOT discerning, and when worn by WOMEN, they give out a VERY strong sexual "DO ME NOW" message to men - ALL men! That means whether it's the butcher, the baker or EVEN the candlestick maker - you ARE turning on men, and they ARE going to be affected by you wearing copulins around them..Whether they are 18 or 80!


    It is SO important to realise this, as there may well be times you CANNOT handle that type of situation and the blatant attention it can, and often DOES, bring you..


    I've been using pheromones for over 6 years now, and I STILL will never wear copulins unless my lovely man is with me, and to be honest, I just don't wear them UNLESS we are one-on-one. TOO MUCH HASSLE!


    Anyway..It may sound like Dolly and I rant on about this, but rather than feel like we are flogging a dead horse, we hope that by repeating this fact often enough - it is taken on board.


    We want every woman to enjoy using pheromones, but also to use them responsibly and most importantly of all - SAFELY. So you MUST understand what copulins DO to a male physically, in order to understand JUST why it is NOT wise to mess with the minds of men, by wearing copulins in environments and situations they are NOT suitable for...


    Okay..Sorry if this sounds like I am back in my classroom and teaching, but this is something very close to my heart, and I really do NOT want to see women putting themselves into easily avoidable, unpleasant and PERHAPS potentially dangerous, situations.


    Please read as I said, my first post there about using EOW, very carefully - and all your questions SHOULD be answered. If not, although I'm not here often right now, Dolly and Carrie can help you all out, as they are VERY experienced in copulin usage, and they KNOW all the pitfalls you CAN fall into. :(


    Copulins are fun - used in the right way, but just be aware of the signals you are putting out before you start transmitting mixed messages. Men find us women confusing enough as it is - so let's give them a BIT of a break on this one.. ^_~


    Using EOW


    Blessings to you all.


    Ail )O(

  11. I really love this one too.


    I have a full-sized bottle of the sadly now gone-but-never-forgotten LP Pink that Mara added the Popularity blend to for me, and it works more than a bit like Androtic's MX135/235 for me.


    Seems to have a bit of a Pied-Piper, star-of-the moment effect when I wear it. I have definitely seen it cause the classic DIHL in a few guys who are around I would say, mid-twenties to early thirties.


    Even had a guy who works in the local grocery store, drop a huge bag of loose porridge oats right onto his foot, as I strode past him to get to the chiller cabinet.. Flustered, was not the word for the way he was.. Very amusing.. :rolleyes:


    Very fun to wear and just seems to give the wearer a sort of glow. The effects last a good 4-6 hours too.


    SO glad I got a hold of this before it becomes extinct. It really is a little pocket-rocket when it comes to giving you that "Little-Miss-Popularity" aura.


    Add a sassy smile, killer attitude and walk the walk, as WELL as talk the talk - and you are made.


    Congruence always is KEY when using ANY phero blends/products, and this one is a blend that really NEEDS you to be oozing confidence, so that it simply amplifies the "Fabulous you," that's already living within each and every one of us.


    This just helps you to shout that out to the world a little bit louder.. ^_~


    Ail )O(

  12. I'm really not understanding this whole thing - at all.


    I use Est exclusively and extensively in ONLY my hair. I spray around 150 mcg usually, and either use it in a mix of 3 mls LP fragrance to a 30 ml bottle of Est, or totally neat.


    I NEVER have an issue with it, and the man in my life has an INCREDIBLY sensitive nose to both pheromones and fragrances, and I wear it for days at a time in my hair, without him ever saying a thing. Conversely in fact, he just snuggles his nose right into my hair and breathes in - deeply...


    I have used Est from four different suppliers/manufacturers in the last six years. NO such hassles at all.


    I do a clarifying shampoo with Nioxin once a week to get rid of any phero build-up, then start all over again. Like Dolly I would never but NEVER use anything containing copulins in my hair. The indole note in copulins stays around for a very long time.. EW and Essence Oil are a total no-go for hair. LAM too.


    Those in the hair, which although highly diffusive, also grabs onto molecules and HOLDS onto them - are just not a good idea.


    This thread has thrown me for a loop.. I might look into the "Whys and wherefores" in some depth soon, but I have a lot on right now, so can't get to that quite at this moment. But I will...


    Very interesting though..


    Ail )O(

  13. Ail Yoda say - I too has stick-straight hair.


    1.5" barrel curling iron and Tigi Bedhead "Uptight," your friends for life are..


    Seriously..I couldn't get my hair to ever hold a curl, now I can look like I have a waterfall of curls in less than 15 minutes with that product. It's FAB! The Tigi hair-styling range is definitely available in the states now too.


    Glad I made you giggle. Dolly. I DO like my Pole-dancing workouts. ^_~


    Ail )O(

  14. Hehehe..Well.. For oil-based pheros and fragrances, I roll them into the ends of my curls, if I have given myself a mass of ringlets, or into the end of my ponytail, and I spray alcohol-based pheros right into the underside of my hair, shake it all about like a wild woman, straighten up, spritz again misting it all over the top of my hair, then shake my hair all over the place again - wildly.


    Reading that back, it must be quite entertaining for anyone who catches sight of me..


    Almost as entertaining in fact, as the workmen who were here working on my building two years ago, found me to be. They apparently watched me for over 45 minutes, while (totally oblivious to all around me), I proceeded to do a very umm..Energetic workout on the Pole-Dancing Pole - that is erected in my bedroom.. >_<


    No..I am NOT kidding, and they didn't even TELL me until a month afterwards, when they were all packing up to leave!


    Anyway..I digress - just for a change..>_>.. Do the wild woman hair thing, and go for it. I'm 5' 10" in my stocking-soles and always wear heels that take me up to well over six feet, but since my lovely man is 6' 7," that works very well. The point being, try to get the pheromones under the nose of whoever you are trying to attract, as that way the molecules really get into the Hypothalamus and do their work.


    The hair is BRILLIANT for diffusion of pheromones and fragrances, and flipping it about all over the place is a fantastic way to get your pheros out there.


    CAUTION!!! Never put anything containing copulins directly into your hair. Trust me here.. If you think copulins stick around on your skin, and clothes for a couple of days..Wow..They last in your hair RIGHT through a wash - and beyond..


    I just don't even risk it!


    Have fun! :)


    Ail )O(

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