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Posts posted by SWBookworm

  1. Okay. Totally getting back ON the TOPIC of spell kits (oh look--Kittehs!, no wait, spell kits). I haven't gotten my spell kit yet but I think that I'm probably gonna start with house stuff. I'm going to do a thorough cleaning, start with some Peaceful Home and then follow it up with Wall of Protection.


    Thanks to Luna, I have an idea of how they are going to smell so it'll be interesting to see the other effects as well.

  2. Luna-Thanks for the scent reviews

    SW-Thanks for the paper bag tip

    TG-Thanks for the usage tips


    Ok so don't make fun of me, but I was thinking of using an old children's nursery rhyme to visualize with the protection oil. 'I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say, bounces offa me & sticks to you!' I don't know why I had that thought, I just figured it would be hard for bogies to stick around in my head. If I had that silly little rhyme there, besides it is pretty ingrained from childhood. I should haz no problem remembering it :jumpforjoy:


    Hey, if it works for you, it really doesn't matter. As long as you don't do the Pee-Wee Herman laugh at the end, it's all good. :c352-0016:

  3. thanks Luna for the scent decriptions,I can hardly wait to get mine.

    Keep us updated TG,I forgot to get the parchment paper duhhh,that will have to be with my next orderafter I get my kit


    Hey Tee, if you're needing to do something and you don't have parchment paper, you can generally substitute brown paper (like from a grocery bag). Just cut it out without the logo or the seam on it.


    Luna, Thanks so much for the descriptions. I think we're scent twins so I'm learning patience for mine to arrive.

  4. wear them in very different spots :D


    what makes Dom so dommy and Lace so lacey is that exaggeration of only light with one, and mostly dark with the other (for lack of better terms)


    when you wear light and dark together, you get gray,

    which is very nicely well-rounded but you dont get the exaggerated "wowzers" from a guy that likes especially dominant or especially passive and girly.


    i like both attributes too, so sometimes i wear the agressive ones on the inside of my shirt where I will get the effect, and then I just "is it hot in here" waft the shirt if I want in their direction.

    or reverse it. i dont know.


    sounds silly but it works for me.


    if you havent tried the Dom on him, you can always play it safe by wearing it where you can easily wash it off, and bring lace with you.


    tiny packaged wet-wipes are good for experimenting like that :666:


    have a good time,Shelly!


    Oooooh.... interesting. Will have to try! Thanks Lor!

  5. Here's my problem. I want to wear my Shelly's Sweet Bottom if I see the TG tomorrow - but that has Lace Loaded. He reacts well to Lace...ahem...yes he does - so that's not terrible. And I have a Lace un spray to get diffusion going.


    BUT I had sort of wanted to break out some DOM on him.


    I'm half thinking go NSD - which has brown sugar notes as well, throw in some OCCO Red to get the Cops and Cinnamon - and pop it with my spray DOM.


    Decisions decisions - I think the Lace makes me needier than I personally like and I want to change that dynamic - so I wanted the Dom...


    Your thoughts?


    Punt the Lace and go cops and Dom, especially if you don't want to be girly/needy. There's a place for that feeling, but I'm voting you kick some butt.

  6. I didn't have a special order, so thats good news!! I'm hoping it will be here this week sometime! Or maybe early next week.


    Just as an FYI, another holdup is if you do several little orders. They hold all of the other orders until the last one moves up the queue (unless you pay the $$ for special shipping and such). So always think at least two weeks and if it comes sooner then life is good.

  7. I placed an order last monday and haven't gotten a stamps email yet. I check my inbox and junk mail everyday. I'm not complaining, just anxious!!!!


    I can't wait to test them out!


    Patience is a virtue. They do the orders as they come in the door. Regular turnaround time is about two weeks, if there are special orders--betas or amped perfumes, it can take more time.

  8. it seems very male to me, but maybe layering it with something else might help? i know swbookworm ordered some, i wonder what she might get from it.


    I tried it and really like it. I get a lot of the spice and tobacco but really don't think it's TOO masculine. Take it with a grain of salt because I like the more unisex scents like Mapacho, but I think it would work fine for women. It's not sweet which is a plus.

  9. Awww, thank you for the kind words SWB! HUGZ to you, Baby!


    Glad everyone is excited. This has been a lot of fun. Decorating the bottles is a hoot. :)


    I'm dancing-in-my-seat kind of excited! Can't wait to see what y'all came up with for decorations! I also have at least three full bottles that I'll be needing.

  10. A spell, a wish, a prayer.

    They are different words for the same thing.

    Just like you are making a wish on your birthday candles or a star, concentrating on what you desire sends your energy into the universe, and the universe answers. Action inspires reaction. That's magic.



    And just a note - we've ALWAYS crafted our perfumes with intent. This is the whole basis for this company, and has been for going on 25 years. The difference with this month's offerings, is that we crafted them in a specifically traditional way, using a mixture of African, European and Native American lore.


    I'm sorry PM, I should have pointed that out as well--all of your scents are crafted with Purpose and Intent, not just this month's offerings (which I'm very much looking forward to). That's why I've been collecting so many!!! You and SG put so much time, thought, artistry, and Art into your work--hence the Magick! The synergy and energy that you use takes your work to a whole different level. ;)

  11. I don't know, this one just smelled nasty (and not in a good way) on me, got no Cinnamon at all. Smelled kind of like rotting wood. Waited about 30 mins for it to mix with my chemistry, and finally scrubbed it off.


    Maybe I got a bad sample???


    I get an undernote of cinnamon with this but individual chemistry is a very weird thing--you could try it in a scent locket if you like the scent in the bottle.

  12. Really hoodoo oils are pretty easy to use. They are already charged with a general intent by the maker (in this case our Lovely Ladies). The key is to use them with intentionality. For example, you could anoint yourself and your property with Wall of Protection (just a dab,, not a slather) in order to protect yourself (erecting the Wall of Protection). But as you are anointing, you'd visualize the wall going up around you and your property.


    Does that help?

  13. If you like this and coffee- wait till ya see the special soap! Bwahahahahahaha


    Soap?? Soap?? Definitely can't wait since I'm lovin' on the Vamp Cafe!

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