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Posts posted by SWBookworm

  1. See - I don't know if insomnia is making me miss this or if it's the ever lovin' iPhone browser - but I checkednthe phero reviews to see if there is a Lace (or even a Garland and Lace) thread- an I NO seez it.


    Sos iz cums to this thread and I seez thiiiis note frum Luna an Iz certain Iz missin sumthin.


    I can only do lolcats on the iPhone so long as it autocorrects my words and I get aggravated. (look you blasted thing - I said sais on purporse. get with the program!!!!).


    So I have to ask - is there a Lace thread somewhere I am missing or is there a Lace review buried in some other thread that I overlooked? Because I don't know what the heck self effect in specific she is discussing? Shrugs.


    Not yet. Just got it. Iz not missing anything.

  2. The failure of my sampler to get into a shipment of mine didn't keep me from ordering 2 bottles of this...and I'm so glad!!


    It's totally nommy! I definitely need a full bottle of this. I'm thinking I'll need to get it quickly though!

  3. Oh, I wish I had ordered this one! Sounds right up my alley... I was a bit iffy about the coffee note so I never included it in my order ;)

    May have to order myself a Christmas present though ;)


    I have to admit the coffee is what kept me from ordering a full bottle too. BUT knowing your tastes, which are fairly close to mine, I think that you'll like it. I'm getting a smooth spicy ambery with a vanilla undernote. The meld between SG09 and Constant Craving made this blend just right for me.

  4. Trying this one first from my monthly sampler. It is a very complex scent. I can't really smell the coffee. The creme and the cardamom with the undertone of the berries and sandalwood. The amber adds a richness to it. It is the perfect blend of Southern Gothic 09 and Constant Craving, just as Danna wanted.

  5. And nuts to the OW in a diffuser - I went with Woozy Floozy in the diffuser. Don't send a boy to do a man's job.


    FYI - everyone is remarkably chipper.


    And not one death.


    Yet. It's early.


    Keep us in the loop so we can be ready with bail money should the need arise! Of course instead of your phone call, you'd have to ask for a laptop....

  6. Loving the scent of Tabby. I'm getting the aquatic floral with a hint of spice, somehow. And the Dominance component is a nice surprise. Yee ha! I'm thinking to layer this with Leather unscented (with cops) since it's essentially Dominance with EST so there shouldn't be a conflict. And I think I need another bottle of Tabby for sure.

  7. I have had the old Cougar and still have - a small- treasured amount - of Rocket Fuel.


    SS4W - is in Rocket Fuel in WAY MORE than normal amounts. It's packs a wallop. Now - I am a major self responder - and SS4W never did a single solitary thing for me. But it got great reactions from men. Actually - that was part of why I loved it less than some of the other blends - because I wasn't always feeling it - but the boys clearly were. It was kind of like the feedback loop was broken for me.


    I wouldn't wear it to work because I wouldn't want to muddle up peoples reactions to me - and the SS4W in that amount - it might. But I did wear it to dinner parties and social functions - and the boys just followed me around like I was catnip. Note - they are all boys who did it before and I was dressed cute - so it was all congruent. Rocket Fuel is all warm and sweet and Nomable. This is a great one for a sexy dinner date.


    Cougar is bright, cheerful and YOUNG. It really does feel like it takes the years off. In the amounts used in the scented perfumes - it's lower than a full dose of Cougar. It works so well because the fragrance does seem to give you a young, sparkly feel at the same time the Cougar as a phero- is like Popularity Potion but with a sexy little swish of the hips. The grapefruit, sugars and musks - are a better day scent I think. And again - lower dose of the phero.


    Thanks for your insights Shelly! I'm getting unscented Cougar to layer underneath the scented version since the amounts in the scented version are lower.

  8. Well you should picture it - I was quite dramatic I think. I'll have you know if if I did that my local girlfriends - at least two of them would have been in danger of peeing in their pants laughing. But one of them lived through the Succubus and the other currently living through the Succubus like I am.


    The one who lived through it - divorced her husband and went on quite the human sexuality exploration. Which makes for great tales over adult beverages. Really - there are few things in life better than crying your mascara off because you are giggling with a girlfriend.


    The other one - has been married 22 years - to the hottest darn man - and they are still head over heels in love with each other. The way they look at each other still - good grief. It's like out of a novel.


    The rest of us are just jealous hags about it. We admit it. If we had that waiting for us at home - and still looking at us like that... BOY HOWDY.


    Speaking for myself - I wouldn't be putting in these hours and I surely wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers. Course I'd be sweaty all the time and I'd be walking around with permagrin - but hey - into every life a little rain must fall.


    Ok - must quit kibbutzing - will sneak back and update on how the festivities are going and whether or not I have actually murdered anyone. I'm thinking Open Windows or H&S. Open Windows keeps everybody cheerful and H&S makes me not feel like killing someone. Maybe I can sneak a little OW into some of the fragrance diffusers and just wear the H&S for me?



    :lol: I'd go with the OW in a diffusers and H&S for you. Double whammy especially if you think that homicidal thoughts will arise. You don't want to become the next Lizzy Borden..... :ph34r: It would be too stereotypical--the Thanksgiving massacre, ex's, priests,and turkeys, oh my. You're too unique to go that route. :666:

  9. I think you are right Steph. This one would work for that...but there's only mid 20's left in the gift shoppe - so it's a total you snooze you lose.


    I'm trying to decide if I want to get in one more order of Lace - in Empress - before it's GGG.


    I love this - in spray.


    You are right! I learned that lesson the hard way with Mr. Right.

  10. Wtf are u and Luna drinking? Unless I missed a critical post - I did NOT say tits, nipples or any other hooter related expression.


    Dang people - what kind of zoo are we running here?!!!!


    Sheesh - the inmates are in charge - again.


    Liz said something about getting a Tit Hard On and then it went to nipples from there...... I too, blame the pheros.

  11. Hi all!

    So, if your orders contain Beta Tests, Phero Add In's or a custom, b and b etc, may be another week.

    If your order DOES not, it has probably gone out.


    I went ahead and shipped stuff that did not have these things in them, so you may get a later order first.


    Beta tests that were ordered by Last Wed AM should have shipped over the past four days. I ship every day!


    I'll get to the sales thread and clear it shortly!


    Oh, one more thing, we DO have some OOS Pheros right now- BI in DPG, Sexology in D5, Treasured Hearts I think and A couple of others. They should be in stock by next Wed or Thurs.


    *Inventory will take place soon- I'll keep everyone updated*


    You may get your ship notice before your order confirmation- no worries. I was just fast- you have to watch the marcupials cuz they fast!


    *There is a free prezzie here for whoever gets this and emails me first*




    I emailed!

  12. This one started out odd... on me but deepened into something really nice. My guy was wondering if I was wearing the same scent. I really like this one. On me it's almost herbal, like Loco, but a masculine-like floral as well. I just don't have the nose to describe these things. Definitely would like a full bottle.

  13. Oh! Try Heart and Soul with cops. I had a wonderfully hilarious encounter with a dad I know while wearing Heart and Soul: flirtatious with showboating, and we've never had that sort of relationship at all; I definitely was not encouraging any sort of flirtation - I respect the wife and their family unit - so I was terribly shocked and amused when he acted the way he was.


    Definitely going with 2x H&S with cops. Also 2x Sexology. Still debating (a master debater am I) on the piece de resistance--2x BI scented with OCCO blue or white OR 1x BI and I spike it myself with Mr. Right and OCCO white.


    By the by Lady Luna--I've never read what you choose to share with us as oversharing--your stories and tales of your adventures are spectacular and I always look forward to a new installment!

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