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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. *Note from Beccah; this was my reaction reading the notes to Cougar Potion: Panther
  2. MAGICKAL MEANINGS OF INGREDIENTS: CURRANT ~ Aids success in love affairs, and a magical representation of blood. COCOA ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. GRAPEFRUIT ~ Refreshes and uplifts the spirit, eases exhaustion; beauty and youth glamour. Lends an aura of “sparkle” to the wearer. PEACH ~ Love. Promotes fertility, happiness, and abundance. A symbol of marriage. Longevity, wishes granted. SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
  3. Black Velvet Pumpkin Halloween is the official season of the Pumpkin, and we’ve brewed two delectable versions of this Fall favorite! Our darkly delicious Black Velvet variety features a richly spicy blend of pumpkin accords darkened with black coffee plus a mysterious blend of aged patchouli, vetiver and Arabian wood attars, then sweetened with sticky caramel and maple syrup and infused with just a touch of woodsmoke for extra Autumnal ambiance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAGICKAL MEANINGS OF INGREDIENTS: PUMPKIN ~ Fertility, plenty, abundance, prosperity. Male sexual stimulant. COFFEE ~ Focus, stamina, concentration, determination. MAPLE ~ Love attraction, longevity; money attractant. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty. Love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking. FRANKINCENSE ~ Purification, consecration, protection, exorcism. Associated with silver and the moon. MYRRH ~ Stimulating, soothing. Powerful guard against evil. PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming. SMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration,concealment and celebration. It is also the foremost mode of communication from this world to the realm of spirits and the gods.
  4. MAGICKAL MEANINGS OF INGREDIENTS: APPLE ~ Love, healing, fertility, good luck , happiness, immortality, fortelling spells. DRAGON’S BLOOD ~ Entices errant lovers to return, increases power of other ingredients. Love, protection, exorcism, potency. EARTH ~ Grounding, centering, protection, renewal, reincarnation, life. OUD (Agarwood) ~ Love, aphrodisia, spirituality, health. WORMWOOD ~ Divination, protection, love, calling spirits. LABDANUM ~ One of the oldest known perfume ingredients. Considered holy, used in tribute, and as a sense-memory tool to stimulate the subconscious. Said to revive long forgotten memories and feelings. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. BENZOIN ~ Prosperity, astral projection, purification. STORAX ~ Healing, mental acuity, relaxation, sensual, love drawing, deflection of negativity. You would have missed it if you weren’t looking. A weathered wooden sign, wired to an equally decrepit fence, bearing the word BLUD. Underneath the sign is a basket of apples, and compared to the fence and the sign, the basket looks suspiciously new. The street is so quiet, and you look around wondering if this is a Halloween prank of some kind, as it so strange a thing to encounter. You were only looking for a shortcut home, a walk which might offer a more picturesque landscape than the center of town, crowded and noisy. BLUD, you read. Blud? What is that? The sign is lettered in a crude fashion, the paint black upon stained wood, it would be difficult to discern the word were it not rendered in uppercase script. Then the scent hits you. Looking within the basket, you see it is full of apples, and the apples are bright red with streaks of a darker shade which looks almost black. The smell is intense, a sweetness just on the edge of cloying, overripe. Again, you look around, wondering at the meaning of the sign. The house which the fence surrounds is no different from any other house in the neighborhood: aged from the elements, with flaking paint and cloudy windowglass. Some neighborhoods age gracefully, others slide into a decline they may never acknowledge. This house is shuttered against the inquiries of ordinary daylight, against your curiosity and yet - you are moved, somehow, to investigate, But first. You reach down and take one of the apples. It is heavy, yet also small, and the word which comes to mind is stunted. Its’ mass feels soft, as if it is indeed going rotten. If so its’ decay is well-disguised because the skin is so vivid and shiny. Revulsion and inquisitiveness fight for control of your actions. You place the apple back in the basket even as you are so tempted to take a bite. And why would you want to do that anyway? But you do. You stare at the house for a few minutes, trying to discern any signs of habitation. Just go up and knock on the door, ask whoever answers what this means. But you don’t. The sun is slanting into your eyes, into the windows, setting them alight with a syrupy glow. The air slowly cools and the wind murmurs, rustling leaves both fallen on the ground and dying on the trees. The trees. ...apple tree? You open the gate and walk into the yard, following the outer edge of the fence to the back of the house. The property slopes down and away from the structure and after a few strides you see it. It is indeed an apple tree, twisted and gnarled. Or so it would seem. Because at that moment the wind picks up and you hear its’ secret. You are not meant to, of course, but it is so eager for you, eagerly waiting for you to come closer. Blood, it says. An apple drops from it with a thud. It makes a wet sound as it falls into the grass. It echoes like a heartbeat in the stillness. The waning light throws the branches and trunk into stark relief against a blue sky which seems relentless and vast. Cruel and indifferent. Blood, it says again, in the voice of the wind and the leaves. You understand that you are meant to be enthralled in the way in which wrong things, cursed trees, and haunted places call to anyone near enough to feel the virulent allure. You stand there, knowing that you are close, but not quite close enough to succumb. But at that moment it holds you in its’ mystery. Your hands clench and your jaw tenses as you grit your teeth, waiting for the courage to step back from whatever it is the tree really is, to turn and run as fast as you can. You only hope it happens before the sun goes down.
  5. Of course he was mobbed, Adama is one fine looking man! Lol. Welcome, Adama!
  6. Hey, I haven't been invoiced for the Aphrodesia body butter yet. If it's not too much trouble & there's an Aphrodesia solid perfume left, can I switch that to an invoice for an Aphrodesia solid perfume instead?
  7. Pheromones aren't unscented, a person might pick them up if they have a nose like a bloodhound. I could see how he might get a body odor note from them as pheromones are naturally secreted from our sweat glands/other areas.
  8. Giving my LP Black sample another try today. After a few years of aging, it has mellowed & that celery note has dissipated, but I still don't think this is a Beccah scent.
  9. If a man smelled like Resinate; Idk what I would do. I might even let him kiss me on the first date.
  10. I have a sample of the Resinate body butter & these butters are amazing. They're so silky & absorb in well. Resinate smells good, but for some reason, my nose keeps translating the smell to like an exotic chocolate bar probably because of the cocoa butter? I would like to see an unscented version of these available for at bedtime or like for work. Love this formula, my hands definitely need it for the excessive amounts that I wash my hands throughout the day!
  11. Quick question on payment; are we buying on Etsy or are we getting an invoice?
  12. School is a safe setting, the only thing I notice with cops in professional situations/situations that aren't appropriate for "fraternization" is that men are extra nice to me. I had on some cops boosted Lusty Cherry (PE) & was at a house warming party (friends of friends). Everyone there was married with their spouse present. One of the husbands followed me, unconsciously, & caught himself then went back to his chair outside. Quite amusing. Later on, at another party, a send off for a military friend of my friend, getting deployed. Had a guy mistake me for his 25 yr.old fiancee. He had come up behind me & was surprised when he caught my elbow that hadn't come down, poor guy. He very consciously avoided me the rest of the evening. Ymmv, but these are the kind of reactions that I usually see happen with attached guys (that aren't scumbags).
  13. I agree, you want a sampler pack. But pls try the cops & sex oriented blends in a safe setting. You might end up with random men coming up & grabbing your behind or worse. Ask me how I know! I'm in my mid 30s, these were men in their 20s. Your mileage may vary.
  14. An authentic memory of growing up amongst the orange groves of California, where the scent of oranges, watered greenery and sunshine permeated the air for miles around! Crafted of neroli and tangerine essential oils, fresh cuts greens and a smidge of freshly turned earth.
  15. Lei's evening peach is more dense and dark with a hint of spice...comprised of peaches and plums, brown sugar caramel, tonka bean, boozy vanilla bean, pecan, cedar and cinnamon. One can apply one over the other for a lovely transition of day into night.
  16. Lei was in a similar frame of mind with her pair of Day and Night peach scents! Lei's Peach of a Day is a touch tropical, comprised of a bushel of peaches and peach blossoms, a splash of apricot, a dollop of coconut cream and a base of sweet sandalwood.
  17. Helio is a musky sandalwood and flower scent, with sexy undertones that will get your engine purring. Crafted of several dark musks and sandalwoods, with drops of tobacco absolute and oud, amber, patchouli, lily of the valley and a splash of sexy civit honey.
  18. Angie's scents are a related pair, variants on a theme, the first is more daylight, the second, deeper and sexier. Aster is named not for the flower, but is a name she recalls having in a previous life. Crafted of Amber EO, Lily of the Valley, Hedione and Black Tea. A resinous scent with a whisp of fresh air floral moving though.
  19. "Our fabulous sugar scrubs are guaranteed to make all good witches sparkle and shine! An exfoliating treat in your shower!" Pink Peppermint A blend of zingy mint and sweet pink sugars with just a whisper of sensual amber. Lavender Buttercream Soothing French lavender and lovely lavender attar swirled in a bevy of rich buttercream accords. Superfine Butter Scrub is crafted for gentle exfoliation of the face and contains no soap, only moisturizing butters and oils. Cocoa Butter & Honey A delicious melding of numerous types of creamy cocoa butter and sensual honey.
  20. Show your skin you care with our smooth blend of cocoa butter and soy butter, it leaves you touchably soft and our choice of magically alluring scents means you will smell irresistible! Available in: Aphrodisia + Copulins Every ingredient is for love, lust and bliss! Bright honey and tangerine, romantic rose, spicy ginger, smooth sandalwood and vanilla and a smooch of almond, plus a dose of copulins to get you in the mood! Love Potion: Original + Copulins The original, authentic, magic potion perfume for love! Irresistibly delicious full-bodied vanilla, with subtle notes of amber, rose, verbena, greenery, apricot, patchouli and more.The natural cocoa butter blends with our signature Love Potion: Original fragrance to create a luscious variant of its’ own. Add the allure of copulins and who could possibly resist your olfactory magic?! Resinate Featuring a treasure chest of exotic resins, this unisex blend starts with an earthy blend of amber and patchouli, adds powdery touches of frankincense and myrrh, and finishes with a few precious drops of exotic dragon’s blood and oud.
  21. "Tranquil as an afternoon seated by a reflective pool, let this beautiful aquatic floral blend wash over your senses, bringing your magical intuition and cognition in touch with waterlily’s pure love and lotus’ inspiration and clarity, accented with watery bamboo and exotic orchid. Available in: Aloe-Enriched Vegan Glycerin Soap"
  22. Beccah

    Myrrh Merlot

    Myrrh Merlot "Witches know of the poison apple, but what of the "poison" grape? This element lends a voluptuously sensual mood to our purple musk scent - dark syrupy grapes and smooth sexy myrrh sheathed in velvety soft musk."
  23. "Witches know of the poison apple, but what of the "poison" grape? This element lends a voluptuously sensual mood to our purple musk scent - dark syrupy grapes and smooth sexy myrrh sheathed in velvety soft musk. Available in: Vegan Glycerin & Cocoa Butter Soap Shampoo Bar Concentrated Perfume Oil Whipped Cream soap"
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