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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. I love this one. Funny divorce story alert: I'd gotten a full size bottle in the that I ended up giving to the ex because he liked it so much. I ended up repossessing all the LPs I've given him in our break up, & this bottle is still almost full. Small victories
  2. I'm reading that some people are getting a vinegar type smell out of Aja? I have noticed that there is a slight citrus quality to it on my skin now, but I think sugar sweet scents tend to have a slight tartness on my skin anyway.
  3. Idk, I think it works in a pretty similar way as cops for me. It smells more like white granulated sugar on my skin though.
  4. She is not well mentally, I'm going to have to assume this. I pulled 1 minor stunt to sow dissent between my estranged husband & his ...ahem... lovely girlfriend. Which worked & laughably well. The meth head doesn't visit him in jail, nor accept his calls Anyway, he's admitted to me that shooting up meth is the common denominator between them & although he professes to want to get clean, he plans on pursuing a relationship with the woman that he really only has a relationship with because they are drug addicts that like to shoot up together???? His mom was only united with me in our hatred for this woman & when there's a hiccup in the relationship, she stabs me in the back & makes a play to just straight up take my son as soon as his douche bag dad gets out of jail. They didn't think I would catch it AND it involved welfare fraud, just genius, really.... Yes it is Hahahaha!
  5. That is awesome! Mid-rant you say? I wish all of you going through this much success your pheros.... The ex & his mother tried to pull some serious bullshit with me & they didn't think I would catch it! But I definitely caught & it's going to backfire BIG time on them both
  6. Beccah

    Totem: Chick

    This is sweet & foody to me. I added some Pure Sugar to really give it a nice creamy candy vibe. I like this one
  7. Welcome sweety. I'm going through a divorce & custody battle also. Honestly, I wouldn't really worry about pheroing him too much. It's the mediator & the counsel you need to worry about. I second SWS & definitely OW. I've had a lot of success using Open Windows with my estranged husband (it couldn't win out with his drug use though, lol). Since it's a raw, emotional situation you may want to steer clear of the pheros that could trigger aggression or overly emotional responses. I know I love DHEAS, but if I try to wear Levitation around the ex anymore, I will feel so nerve wracked that I want to vomit :/ Balm Bomb is another greta one to have in the arsenal for situations like these.
  8. Beccah

    Totem: Bunny

    Trying this one out today. In the vial it reminds me of Peeps, but on my skin the herbal notes came out & teh scent became more perfume-y, initially. After 2 hours of wear I'm back to the candy aspect.
  9. Beccah

    Totem: Monkey

    Totem: Monkey The monkey is all about fun, yes, but fun with a purpose. Extremely intelligent and connected to the community wherein they dwell, monkeys learn to care for and fiercely protect those they love while never losing their desire for thrilling pursuits. We can learn a lot from their fun (and) loving example. A juicy shot of happiness from numerous types of mango, banana and pineapple blended with luscious tropical vanilla and a smooth dash of sturdy teakwood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 kinds of MANGO, 3 kinds of BANANA, TROPICAL VANILLA, PINEAPPLE, a dash of tropical TEAKWOOD. Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: MANGO, BANANA & VANILLA for playfulness, energy and elevation. PINEAPPLE for their prickly temperament and protective qualities. TEAK for sociability and weathering all conditions.
  10. WHEAT (WARM BREADY NOTES) ~ Friendliness, fruitfulness, fertility, money. GRAPE/RAISIN ~ Fertility, increases mental prowess, money attracting. MILK/BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy. NUTMEG ~ Strengthens clairvoyance, luck, money, health, fidelity. GINGER ~ Fiery and fortifying, induces passion. Intensifies love spells and success spells. Love, money, success, power. Ginger increases sensitivity in the erogenous zones.
  11. Beccah

    Totem: Elephant

    Totem: Elephant Elephants are immediately perceived as incredibly powerful animals, majestic in our sight. But their value is inherently rich in symbolic meaning, especially within Hindu mythology, the god Ganesha being the cheerful eradicator of obstacles. Ever mindful of their existence and exhibiting highly intelligent (and even ritualistic) behaviors, there is much inspiration for us to take from the soul of Elephant. A blend of floral and herbal aspects – storax, katrifay, zinnia, tea rose, clover and labdanum - with bright berry notes of huckleberry and elderberry, and fresh light accents of Tibetan white tea and pink grapefruit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: CLOVER ~ (for Horton) ~ Protection, preservation of youth, fidelity. Healing, soothing, luck. STORAX ~ Healing, mental acuity, relaxation, sensual, love drawing, deflection of negativity. AFRICAN KATRIFAY ~ Fortifying, for aiding and restoring of physical strength. ZINNIA ~ Friendship, innocence, affection, memory, to keep you in their thoughts. HUCKLEBERRY ~ Dreams, wishes, luck, good fortune, deflection of negativity. ELDERBERRY ~ A lure for the Fae. Long considered a highly potent magical plant. Healing, induces visions and dreams, creativity, twigs used as a charm against illness. TEA ROSE ~ Memory, remembrance, renewal, hope, peace, higher virtues. GRAPEFRUIT ~ Refreshes and uplifts the spirit, eases exhaustion; beauty and youth glamour. Lends an aura of "sparkle" to the wearer. WHITE TEA ~ Invigorating, refreshing, mentally and physically uplifting, lust. Riches, courage, strength. LABDANUM ~ One of the oldest known perfume ingredients. Considered holy, used in tribute, and as a sense-memory tool to stimulate the subconscious. Said to revive long forgotten memories and feelings.
  12. Beccah

    Totem: Ducky

    Totem: Ducky Is it any wonder we love to watch a family of ducks glide along in a pond or river, their agility and resilience ever an inspiration to us all to remember the value in emotional connections and the need to stay the course in trying times? A powerful conduit of both Air and Water magic, Duck reminds us that grace may sometimes be hard-won but life can go swimmingly when you know how. A heart of swamp water accord shot through with airy notes of ozone and light musk, fresh accents of cucumber, melon and guava, and a lush tropical floral accord. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: WATER LILY ~ Purity of heart. SWAMP WATER ACCORD ~ Cleansing, purifying. Fertility, Goddess energy, fluid of life. Renewal. OZONE ~ Air representation CUCUMBER ~ Healing, fertility, abundance, invigorating. HEATHER ~ Admiration and beauty; protection, especially over women and virtue. Peace, beginnings, elemental magic, wishes granted. MELON ~ Water magic, fertility. GUAVA ~ Encourages romantic notions and fantasy. HYACINTH ~ Attracts love and luck; protection, playfulness, joy, relieves grief, eases childbirth. Dependability, constancy, friendship. HONEYSUCKLE ~ Bonds of love, generosity; attracts money, prosperity, clairvoyance, healing, creativity, protection. DELPHINIUM ~ A magickal representation of "air". Symbolizes heavenly qualities. Swiftness, lightness. TROPICAL ORCHID ~ Strong love symbol; beauty, refinement, fertility, creativity, psychic powers. A LIGHT AIRY MUSK ~ Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
  13. Beccah

    Totem: Dolphin

    Totem: Dolphin The brilliant and playful dolphin is one of the most beloved and admired in the animal kingdom. Dolphin's inherent qualities of balance – seeming to belong to two worlds – and harmony remind us all to be more engaged with others, to seek the goodness in the world and be mindful of our surroundings. If the sovereign of the undersea resonates with your spirit, give yourself a splash of this aquatically-uplifting tribute to all which Dolphin represents. Cool wet notes of water lily, deliphinium and bladderwrack mingle with fresh notes of storax and basil upon a base of delicate musk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: WATERLILY ~ for purity and harmony. DELPHINIUM (Latin for Dolphin) ~ for air, water, lightness of being. SEA WEED ~ for sea spells and mystical communication. STORAX ~ for mental acuity/sensuality/playfullness/deflection of negativity. BASIL ~ for empathy. MUSK ~ for strength and confidence.
  14. Beccah

    Totem: Deer

    Totem: Deer The grace and agility of the deer provide a memorable experience if one should cross your path in the wild. Mediate upon the gifts of Deer with a wonderful woodland tribute to those aspects, honoring the admirable qualities embodied by this beautiful spirit. A delicate floral crown of cherry blossom, daisy, freesia, daffodil and clover upon a sturdy base of teak and birch with accents of earth and musk ambrette (the scent which most resembles actual deer musk). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: CHERRY BLOSSOM ~ Delicate beauty. MUSK AMBRETTE ~ Most resembles deer musk. Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. DAISY ~ Gentleness, innocence, loyalty and romance. OAK ~ Endurance, triumph, strength, power. FREESIA ~ Innocence, charm. DAFFODIL~ Regard, sympathy, affection. CLOVER ~ Protection, preservation of youth, fidelity. Healing, soothing, luck. TEAK ~ Weathering all conditions, endurance. EARTH and BIRCH LEAVES ~ Renewal, reincarnation, life, protection.
  15. Beccah

    Totem: Chick

    Totem: Chick Show the world you're ready for anything…just like that fluffy juggernaut, emerge from your shell with a proud chirp and bask in your endless potential. The Chick reminds us it's always our time to shine so take the power of the peep into yourself and announce the arrival of your greatness! Abundant notes of rice, oats and corn are folded into rich sweet meringue and buttercream and topped with a dash of sacred sweetgrass. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: RICE ~ Protection, rain, fertility, abundance, money. CORN ~ Fertility, Abundance, Protection, Luck, Divination. OATS ~ Prosperity, abundance, sustenance, money spells. EGG (MERINGUE) ~ A representation of the world or the womb.Fertility,nourishment, cycle of life, feminine energy. BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy. SWEETGRASS ~ Attracts positive energy and good spirits. Excellent for popularity uses, as it draws people toward the scent.
  16. Beccah

    Totem: Bunny

    Totem: Bunny Bunnies are the literal personification of abundance in all its forms, inspiring an optimistic mood of playful affection in their adorable natures, reminding us to not dawdle when it comes to realizing our true potential. Welcome the sweet possibilities of life by taking a hop down the Bunny trail…which in itself is the enduring circle of all existence. Soft and cute like a bunny, cuddle up with a blend of cotton flower, tomato leaf, and alfalfa with yummy accents of marshmallow, benzoin, vanilla and sugar upon a base of veggie green musk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: COTTON BLOSSOM ~ Luck, healing, protection; return of lost love. MARSHMALLOW ROOT ~ Fertility, happiness, creativity, increase in psychic awareness, intuition, love, protection, exorcism. Gently commanding and persuading. TOMATO LEAF ~ Love attraction, repelling of negativity. ALFALFA ~ Stress reduction and healing. Abundance, money, prosperity. BENZOIN ~ Prosperity, astral projection, purification. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. MUSK AMBRETTE ~ Induces lust/lustful cravings, enhances beauty, attracts love, divination. SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
  17. CRANBERRY ~ Protection, health, deflection of negativity. OUD ~ Love, aphrodisia, spirituality, health. CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification. OAK ~ A wood of masculine and projective energy. It symbolizes endurance, triumph, strength, power, prosperity, and heroism. NUTMEG ~ Strengthens clairvoyance, luck, money, health, fidelity. BEAVER CASTORIUM MUSK (simulated) ~ For channeling Beaver energy. Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. ALLSPICE ~ Luck, health, prosperity, money.
  18. Beccah

    Totem: Bear

    Totem: Bear As one of the most powerful figures of Native American symbolism, the bear stands strong and fierce within its domain. If this animal's centering aspect calls to you, with messages of balance and renewal, you can take into yourself the potency and protection of Bear's habitat as well as one of the favorite delicacies which defines Bear's irrepressible sweet tooth! Four types of golden sweet honey dripping from the comb and a foraged bounty of nuts, blended with woodland accents – mahogany, cedar, balsam and muhuhu – and layered with a wilderness aura of musk and earth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: MAHOGANY ~ Fertility, growth, grounding, clarifying, bonds of love. CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification. BALSAM ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life. MUHUHU ~ Aphrodisiac, grounding and relaxing. HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment. MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. ALMOND ~ Fertility, stamina, masculine energy, business success, money, prosperity, wisdom, intuition, insight, talisman for successful and fertile marriage. PEANUT ~ Aggressive energy. EARTH ~ Grounding, centering, protection, renewal, reincarnation, life.
  19. LICORICE ROOT ~ Love, lust, fidelity, sexual potency. BANYAN FRUIT ~ Resourcefulness, endurance, rebirth, eternal life, expansion, enlightenment, desire, interdependence. Wisdom, fertility, love, luck, protection, aids restful sleep, divination. EARTH ~ Grounding, centering, protection, renewal, reincarnation, life. BIRCH ~ Symbolizes renewal and cleansing, birth, healing, Lunar energies, and protection. MARIGOLD ~ Strengthening & comforting, prophetic dreams, divination, aids legal matters, protection. Helps people recover from grief. BLACK MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. SMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. It is also the foremost mode of communication from this world to the realm of spirits and the gods. DRIED VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty. Love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking.
  20. Beccah

    Egg 2014

    Egg 2014 Which came first? Our original scrumptious EGG did! The egg is a particularly potent symbol the world over: the harbinger of fertility and rebirth, its shape echoes the world and its emergence means Spring has arrived once more in our midst. Numerous cultures and belief systems revere the egg in seasonal celebration and there is no more perfect object to give us all a boost of fertile inspiration and nourishment of our aspirations…so have an EGG! This popular potion (now in its fourth brew!) encourages new beginnings and sets the mood for creative endeavors of all kinds...a fun, festive delicately sweet and smooth marshmallow amber blend features fertility-encouraging ingredients, from the sophisticated to the delicious. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: MARSHMALLOW ROOT ~ Fertility, happiness, creativity, increase in psychic awareness, intuition, love, protection, exorcism. Gently commanding and persuading. CARAMELIZED and POWDERED SUGARS ~Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted. POWDERY VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. WHITE AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. WHITE MUSK ~Self- confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
  21. LUPINE ~ Also known as Bluebonnet and Wolf Flower, they are representative of wolves in folklore, and aid communication and imagination. SWEETGRASS ~ Attracts positive energy and good spirits. Excellent for popularity uses, as it draws people toward the scent. CANNABIS ~ The ceremonial, ritual and medical use of marijuana dates back over 5,000 years. Variously used as a love potion, to deflect the power of witches, for communication with the spiritual realm, divination, luck and protection from evil. RED MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. STORAX ~ Healing, mental acuity, relaxation, sensual, love drawing, deflection of negativity. SMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. It is also the foremost mode of communication from this world to the realm of spirits and the gods. TARRAGON ~ Improves mental alertness and clarity, dispels negative influences. TEAKWOOD ~ Longevity, bonding, weathering all conditions, endurance. TOBACCO ~ Healing, purification, spiritualism. An ode to the Gods. (just a DROP of this to complete the magic) LEATHER ~ The musky scent of leather inspires feelings of lust, personal power, and provides a hint of danger.
  22. Beccah

    Totem: Tiger

    Totem: Tiger Considered perhaps the most beautiful and fiercest of all the large cats, Tiger is forever a fascination to our kind. Unpredictable and independent, yet also passionate and sensual, humans have long desired to embody the nobility and strength of Tiger, and our scented totem encompasses these traits as well as the beautiful markings of this great beast. A fruity and spicy mélange of apricot, passionfruit, papaya, ginger and nutmeg adorned with peppery carnation and a woody base of vetiver, cypress, balsam and cedar topped with a dash of vanilla and a drop of African coffee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: PASSION FRUIT ~ Friendship, love, passion. APRICOT ~ Love, love, love! Romance, passion, femininity. PAPAYA ~ Love, protection. Health of body and mind, clarity. Magnification of devotion. CARNATION ~ Power, energy, protection. Fascination, admiration. GINGER ~ Fiery and fortifying, induces passion. Intensifies love spells and success spells. Love, money, success, power. Ginger increases sensitivity in the erogenous zones. CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification. CYPRESS ~ Sacrifice, resurrection, perfection, truth, youth, freedom, music. NUTMEG ~ Strengthens clairvoyance, luck, money, health, fidelity. VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty. Love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking. BALSAM ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life. COFFEE ~ Focus, stamina, concentration, determination. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
  23. Beccah

    Totem: Seal

    Totem: Seal Loveable Seal is charming and playful and will steal your heart as quickly as these animals can plunge into the sea. In tribute to Seal's potent water magic and upbeat nature we've crafted a lovely scented totem. Evening Primrose and hyacinth enhanced with ambergris and vanilla, freshened by a splash of watermelon and aquatic accords with a fuzzy base of amber and musk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: WATERMELON ~ Water magic, fertility. EVENING PRIMROSE ~ Attracts love and sexual interest, fertility. Inspires respect & loyalty in children. Draws truth from liars, protection. HYACINTH ~ Attracts love and luck; protection, playfulness, joy, relieves grief, eases childbirth. Dependability, constancy, friendship. AMBERGRIS ~ Increases personal power, heightens sexual responses, dreaming. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. WATER ACCORD ~ Cleansing, purifying. Fertility, Goddess energy,fluid of life. Renewal. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. MUSK ~Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
  24. Beccah

    Totem: Raccoon

    Totem: Raccoon We cross paths with the wily raccoon quite often, as they cleverly integrate themselves into urban life for the benefits of interdependence within our ecosystem. Their determination to co-exist and enjoy the benefits of humankind provide a great example of how we may further our own abilities and opportunities. Raccoons are highly intelligent and communicative, with a discerning palate and long memory, and this gourmand-based scented totem recalls their distinctive appearance and adaptable nature in equal measure. A sweet chocolate-caramel swirl – in tribute to the raccoon's tail – blended with delicious notes of green apple, walnut and acorn, accents of spiritual sage and sturdy oak, upon a base of deep black amber EO. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: CHOCOLATE/COCOA ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love. CARAMELIZED SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted. GREEN APPLE ~ Love, healing, fertility, good luck , happiness, immortality, fortelling spells. ACORNS & OAK ~ A wood of masculine and projective energy. It symbolizes endurance, triumph, strength, power, prosperity, and heroism. WALNUT ~ Wishes granted, strengthens the heart, enhancement of mental powers. Dark earthly powers. SAGE ~ Healing, prosperity, cleansing. Wisdom, longevity, protection, wishes granted. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
  25. BAMBOO ~ Protection, hex breaking, luck and wishes, fertility, wisdom, feminine energy. OAK ~ A wood of masculine and projective energy. It symbolizes endurance, triumph, strength, power, prosperity, and heroism. LOTUS ~ Symbolizes intellect, mental energies and illumination. Inspiration, clarity, purification. No man can refuse the woman who wears this; lovers reunited, protection. YLANG YLANG ~ Strongly sensual, attraction, attention, irresistibly, soothes marital problems. Aphrodisiac, mood balancing, relaxation. CHAMOMILE ~ Prosperity, calming & soothing. Love, peace, meditation. YUZU ~ An Asian hybrid citrus fruit, traditionally thought to ward off illness and promote well-being. Refreshing and uplifting, while calming to the mind. OUD ~ Love, aphrodisia, spirituality, health.
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