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Posts posted by Isa

  1. Wasn't sure I was ready to switch to a spring floral but this was extremely nice today. Reminds me of LP Silver and Hoyden and Silken Moonlight. I seem to only get a very light sweet floral. This one linnnnnnnnnnnngers. The dab this morning is still going strong 14 hours later. Beautiful scent.

  2. *looks guilty*

    Today's supervisor was another one of those snippy fellows so...applied bit of Sudden Impact. I didn't interact with him, but my station was within feet of him and, well, I haven't seen him so cheerful in AGES. Heh.

    Come to think of it, nearly all of the men (of all orientations) were pleasantly attentive to me today.

    I felt good. Content. I like this phero. I wear it in very small doses so I don't confuse people, but I do wonder what they experience when I wear it.

  3. OMG, I forgot to post, here, that ALL of my guy friends adore this one! It's their favorite of late. They love the phero and feel very up-beat. They also really dig the fresh scent. It's a little lighter and clean-smelling without being 'soapy'. Appropriate for work and right on through to a night out.

  4. Hi!

    I'm here for the essential oils too.

    Sample pack is a no brainer. Hope you find many favorites right off the bat!

    Also, do spend some time reading the reviews here on the board. They can be extremely helpful when deciding. If we use jargon you are unfamiliar with, don't hesitate to ask.

    Have fun!

  5. Scent: little sharp; peppery and maybe a little fir? Long lasting. Much more Man than Boy.


    Phero: Today's supervisor was in a FOUL mood from the get-go. I happen to know he's gay. As an experiment I dabbed on a bit of Sudden Impact. Well, after a good 4 hours of snippy behavior he got a whiff of me and...was silent. I mean he shut right up! When he did speak it was soft-spoken and polite. I don't know whether I confused him or mollified him or what.


  6. A nice autumnly scent with the sharp of fallen leaves and the warmth of woods. Sophisticated. Clean like a high end soap (in the good way) so I can see it being unisex, but I prefer this on a man rather than myself. Someone in tweed rather than plaid, if you don't mind. Taking me for a drive in the roadster. ;)

  7. Tyv, that was priceless!


    Odd man out again, am I? This does not work on me AT ALL. No mint, no musk, no sweet, no nuffin good. It's not foody. Fortunately I only have a little sniffee and leaves all the more for you. No cat fights, me dears. :)

  8. Wet: this is nice carmel yet not-especially foody. Darker and deeper than most of my vanilla category with /a sexy, smokey quality/. An edge. For the days when I don't want to be gooey sweet. However, after time in the dry down it gets too smokey for my tastes. Darn skin

  9. I had to wait to get this, but WOW! It's lemony berry watery icy cool GOOD. :) Italian ice. It's the sweetness of lemon with the rich pop of raspberry. It mellows to a more subtle vibe. So perfectly summery. So girly. It is also an /awesome/ layer scent. I happened to have on some Nom Nom Nom at my wrist and I put this on my arm and they are really yummy together.


  10. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Excited! Oh they all look so faboo *bounce bounce bounce*


    Have to mention that when I saw the "Feeling Groovy" label it stopped me in my tracks. I had to sit and stare at it and really take it in. That is //awesome// artwork. (All the lables are cool. I love LP artwork, but I did get extra drawn-in by this piece.) Then I read it was Beccah's dad! How damn cool is that??? Thank you Beccah and Orb Gettarr


    *running to read descriptions*


    Ooo want to try Feeling Groovy (I needz a lickable summer scent) and Somebody To Love and Message In A Bottle and the rainbow and Time of ... sampler month fur sure!

  11. I have to amend my earlier comment.

    " 3) Being around people already in a blah mood "


    This blend DID work in that situation and it worked very well. On /my reaction/ to their blah mood. It didn't make me feel blah myself; I felt pretty mellow and accepting of the world. Which, come to think of it, they also got a piece of.

    I normally wear a LOT of 'uplifting' pheros and scents so that's what I was thinking when I made that comment, really. It isn't a mood improver. But for any conflict resolution or just, yeah like Bumbob said, this would be GREAT for old friends you want to reconnect with on an emotional level. We had one of the single most /productive/ meetings at work when I wore this.


    If you yourself, MJ, are very empathetic maybe this would help others to be more like that towards you. It might also help you accept other people's moods -without- taking them on yourself. That's more what the phero does. I'd say try a sample. :)

  12. I wanted this to work for me. :lol: It might work on others, but I'm not sure yet. I just wish I got self-effects.

    I just wanted to say that in my experience - I had problems getting good results with this for any and all of the following:

    1) Bad time of the month

    2) Being by myself

    3) Being around people already in blah moods

    You'll notice none of these are situations where you'd /want/ to be empathetic.


    Hope you get good results ASAP.


    TG- that was so nice to read. Best wishes to all of you.

  13. K, read some of the other reviews. Too funny! I only mentioned the vision thing because PM asked us to mention /everything/ we noticed. Anyone else think she's slipped us the phero version of the "Limitless" pill! What happens when we run out? Eeee!


    But now that I'm thinking of it, my sense of taste has not heightened. Or I eat dull food. :/

    I feel bad that I haven't had much chance to test this on an interpersonal level. If opportunity arrises I will try tomorrow. Or maybe I have had the chance? Today three men who are interested in me were still happy to see me, but not pawing me or competing. I just, you know, had their attention. The parting hugs were not uncomfortably clinging, but was the change in my perception or their behavior?

    In the interests of full disclosure - with the suspicion that this phero might make me over-share I have been self-monitoring my conversations because I do not want to over-share. May be coloring my results.

  14. Okay, I think I'm done. The only other people to test this on would be my family and I won't see them for another week or more. (Holy cow, the rain outside sounds like a freight train.)

    Today I tried a sneak approach. I went my first 2 hours without any applications to get a base line read on my customers and coworkers. After application, which ended up a bit more than I would have liked, I only noticed slight pairing of customers. Maybe a little more smiling from my boss. Nothing much else stuck out. So I'm not sure about this blend. Granted, it was a moderately stressful day. Which, come to think of it, didn't bother me as much as it normally might. None of my customers were blowing their tops either. Hmm.

    I am sure I miss my other pheros! I'm deprived of my cougar, LAM and BI. I misses them!

    I'm going to start reading all your reviews now. Go ahead and taint my brain! LOL

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