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Posts posted by Isa

  1. I think layering just requires some test runs to find your 'sweet spot' amount. Some pheros, like Swimming with Sharks, I know I will want to wear with a variety of scents that are too different to play well with a single boosted scent so I get the phero strait. It's cheaper.

    But others, like BI, I will be wearing with scents of the same 'tone' so I have them in a scent that will easily layer with those. Plus there's that grab-n-go option. It's cheaper. :001_tt2:

  2. First off, I wear LAM nearly every day, love it, and believe dry down time is for wimps! It simply smells cuddly to me. Last night I tried the OCCO White before bed. Lush, fresh, strong vanilla that was still there in the morning. Two thumbs up!

    Today I tried OCCO Black. Just a half inch on one forearm and smooshing it in with the other arm. Really nice patcholi for the first 20 minutes. Then it hit me. CAT. Oh thaaaaaaaat's what you guys were talking about with cops. Now I get it. LOL! And it wouldn't go away (more than a hour) until I layered over sugared honeycomb+BI. (Happened to be the bottle in my purse.) Wow. Just wow. I will have to do another test run but with a plain layer. I think my skin sucked up the scent and left the cops.

  3. This is an interesting and unusual one. I get nearly equal anise and violet while wet and then mostly floral with the anise as the 'what IS that?' note behind. Should lead to curious and closer sniffing. :wub: This leans more towards the typical perfumey than most LPs while remaining atypical smelling, if you know what I mean. IMHO.

  4. Okay, update. I've been wearing LAM on my hands. Seems to keep me a little more upbeat. Seems to make my flirting with each other customers into hotel rooms. Seems to make people bet like CRAZY.

    I dot some on just before coming off of break. Dry down time be DAMNED! Today I stepped up to the table and everyone visibly noticed the scent. One man made the stinky face and took off. Cracked me up.

  5. Yes, I love this song. :wub:

    I had another dentist. He retired. Thing with this guy is that at least he does do good work. I haven't had to go back to fix anything he's worked on, *knock on wood*. I simply have soft teeth and have always needed fillings. Hell, my baby teeth had fillings. I am somewhat immune to the shots by now so I need a LOT and they take a long time to work which cuts into his schedule and makes him twitchy. "Legally I can not give you any more shots". Lovely words.

    I have tried to shop around for another dentist from friends recommendations. They were not any better and if I keep shopping around this guy is going to find out and I'm afraid that if I make him angry it is all going to get worse. This is not a good area for dentists. And I need fillings. :/


    I really miss my other dentist. *sigh*

  6. I have to go to the dentist. Again. (Wash. Repeat.) He tends to be in a hurry and not convinced that drilling hurts people. Having a lot of redhead genes means that for me, yeah it DOES hurt.

    What pheros can I smack him with to make him be more gentle? Is this a case for EST or Tranquility or what?

    I find dental visits quite a puzzling social situation. I'm supposed to lay there quietly and allow someone to hurt me, but if I bring a baseball bat to the appointment /I/ am creating a hostile enviroment. *eyeroll*

  7. Ajia, your Sugared Amber, Cardomon & Vanilla is da BOMB. I think I've harped on this often. :funnyanimation17:


    Okay, no one else likes myrrh. I like myrrh. That's okay. I don't think I have a scent twin but when she/he/it shows up we'll be all "There you are!" :)


    I spend a lot of time at work thinking of scent combos. (Whether I want to or not.) Sage & Wintergreen. Strong, sharp lavendar & green rose. French vanilla & chai. Lemon and clove. Yadda, yadda. But I fail at figuring out the third layer. Hrumph.


    The lemon and clove is...okay, medival groups use a cloven lemon at parties as a flirting tool. Passing someone a clove lemon is requesting a kiss. Depending upon your feelings for the person, if you accept the lemon, you take a clove out with your teeth, nibble it and take a little suck on the lemon. Instant breath freshener for the smooch! Or you take the lemon and offer your cheek. Then you get to pass the lemon on to someone else.

    But adding honey to the mix would make it a cough drop, n'est pas?


    If I could bottle the smell of the pitch pine woods here after a rain...

  8. Hrm. Not much time to google this, but what I've gleened so far is "Yes, we think it does, but have little deep research on humans." Testosterone levels seem to increase. Estrogen levels may also increase. Pheros do seem to influence female fertility. This article hits the highlights without a lot of technical jargon.


    Regular sex seems to delay menopause. Regular exposure to the pheros may have the same result. Any volunteers for this experiment? ;)

    Also mentions pheros might be useful for depression. I'll have to keep googling for research on this aspect.


    Ah, frustrated biologist. Finances. Now I flip cards for a living. C'est le vie! :wub:

  9. Ail can speak to this from a expert POV, but the crankiness you're experiencing may be a "hangover" effect as sometimes pheromones (copulins don't count in this, I'm thinking so it would be the a-nol in your case) can deplete your neurotransmitters and therefore give you similar symptoms when you've overtaxed yourself by wearing too much, possibly. From my amateur POV as a user, I'd say that one could possibly become psychologically dependent on pheromones, but I don't believe physical dependency is possible. I can't speak to the fertility issue, but I'm sure Ail could.

    Okay, well I'll just dive in. I have mild depression and part of my treatment is to try to be aware of outside influences upon my mood. (The inside ones are another story. PMs blindsides me all the time.) Nearly everything that effects my mood also comes with a re-bound effect which has taught me to be wary. I guees I'm just wondering if others have experienced it with pheros. And I'm wondering if anyone has ever used pheros as part of therapy and what the benifit/risks might be.

    Further, when I first sniffed any of the phero blends - I hated them. (In fact I still don't know what y'all are talking about with Tail & Happy Water having a 'watery' scent. I don't get any perfume smell at all from them.) But trusting those in the know who were saying that what men smell is entirely different, I kept trying. Each time I've tried LAM it has gotten a little better. Now I really dig LAM and BAM. It isn't that I've grown accustomed to the stink - they no longer stink. So something in me has changed beyond the persception. Which intriges me.

    Do these things effect one's natural pheromone production? I should think they would.

    Which is where I started wondering if it can effect fertility. Would exposure to certain pheros change one's own? Say if it were Alpha-Male, would we respond with deeper biological reactions than mere attraction? Would copulins make us produce more or less of our own? What happens inside the body?

    Sorry, it is the biologist in me. I was surprised and amused when my belly dance teacher started every new student with a disclaimer. "Taking this class may result in pregnancy!" Many students with fertilty problems ended up blessed within the first year. Not sure if it was the increased flexibility allowing better angles or whether it loosened up constrictions in the equipment or if it was the definate increase of interest in sex - but a heck of a lot more fun than taking pills!

    (No, I'm not trying to get pregnant. I'm just wildly curious about things.)

  10. Exactly Isa...lol. Of course the problem with that is that we are living this way because of our LP addiction and the huge massive amounts of money we are willing to spend on the good stuff, so yet another phero to purchase only adds to the problem...hehehe but maybe we could eat this one...hahaha don't forget to email me ya address okay so I can send you a lil happy welcome package be blessed - djac

    You are all turning out to be pretty darn wonderful people. Unheard of in most forums.

    I think by the end of the year I shall be living in the box my LPs arrive in. But OMG is there anything more delicious than Baby Drac's Teething Potion? I think not. ;)

    Djac, I've tried to send you an email. Did you get it?

  11. I am still new to pheromones. Really liking the mood elevation of LAM. But I have been noticing that my bad moods are maybe a little stronger when the LAM is wearing off most of the way through my day. A quick re-apply fixes this, but I'm wondering - Is this typical? Can one become dependant? Have pheromones ever been used as part of therapy?

    Come to think of it, do they help with fertility? I know they can make you frisky, but I guess I mean body chemistry. Any studies on this?

  12. One of my male friends is /very/ picky about his scents and he wants green. Green green green. After many sniff sessions he has finally given the coveted thumbs up to Frog. We both like Merlin. Another friend I like in La Vie Bohemme, but he's not sold on it. It really depends on personal chemisty, I think. You kinda of need to find your match. Even though /I/ crave Sorcerer (or is it the pheros?), it depends on who is wearing it.

    Order a sample pack and find yourself a sniffing partner! Who wants to see boring old etchings when you could be playing with pheromones? ;)

  13. I got my order! :lol:

    It's scary to order without sniffing, but life is a gamble or you miss out on the fun parts. I'm so disappointed Siberian Lust doesn't work for me. But my custom sugared myrrh is grooving with the Sugared Ginger. I'm going to have to save the rest for later because my nose is overwhelmed with all the little spots of scents covering me. Hee!

  14. I tried wearing the vanilla LAM the other day. Nothing of note happened until I happened to glance over at a coworker who has caught my eye before and my reaction went from "Eh. Kinda cute." to "Want to treat him like a chew toy!" (I did not.)

    Warning: May have dangerous self-effects. Wear with care. :)

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