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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. Holy DIHL Batgirls. I just tried PheroGirl for the first time. This should be a controlled substance! Just had lunch with my platonic, professional male friend. He was starry-eyed the whole time I was with him. He didn't say anything, but he was sitting way too close to me at one point and he has never done anything like that before. At one point I was half seriously concerned he might actually tackle me to the floor right there, that was the vibe I was getting. Then two different men followed me to the point that I took a detour so they wouldn't know where I live! It was crazy. I'm learning that it's no joke about not wearing cops lightly. Hot damn.

  2. Devastated! Wet/in vial, this was one of the most heavenly things I've ever smelled. But within 2 minutes my skin turned it into freshly laundered cotton soaked in baby pee. Thanks a lot, skin, you jerk.


    Still I wanted to test it, so I didn't touch it and went out and about. Spent a bit of time with a guy friend. Initial DIHL reaction, then very solicitous and helpful, then he seemed sort of distracted and spacey, ex: losing his train of thought (not like him). Curious looks from male strangers, not lustful, not hostile, just curious. Cheerful friendliness from female strangers which was unusual given the context.


    Now about 90 minutes after application, it has died down to a very fresh, cheerful, fluffy laundry smell, like Tide. I get zero sugar/maple :'(


    My first est. experience, so it may be that my skin doesn't like it. Will have to put up for trade. :'(

  3. Great advice, thanks you guys. I have IH and IO but have been too scared to use them, lol, not only to hear things I might not want to, but also because there are so many things I'm afraid I'LL say!


    Well I still couldn't resist ordering TC. I guess I will be brave, and be very careful to get it ONLY on the BACK of my hair and neck, and put on a muzzle!


    Thanks again for the advice.

  4. I just placed a PE order. So I'm trying to control my spending and impulsiveness, and just get through the incredibly generous pile of goodies M&D already sent me in my first order before getting more, and wait til next month so I can also put in for the forum freebies they so kindly offer:) But I don't think I can wait that long! Obsessed! Denise's Silky Freesia Musk and Bloomin Naughty are sitting in my shopping cart, calling to me, and I really want to add Pumpalicious and maybe Act of Violets too. Terrible temptation!!

  5. This is a top favorite for me so far. The vanilla shimmers, if that makes sense, and I definitely get the champagne which is such an interesting touch. I get no patchouli, and didn't notice any mint. The fruit comes out to play with the musk and vanilla later on. It's so elegant but not in a fussy way. This would be so nice boosted with a positivity/confidence phero!

  6. I know I already raved about this one. But I had to come back to tell you today's experience. I had one wand-dab in my hair on each side and on the back, and one dab split on the backs of my hands. And, THIS STUFF WORKS, true to its name.


    Today I had two guys sitting on either side of me, neither of whom really gave me the time of day in the past. Both younger than me, one significantly.


    The young one was practically in my lap, yammering away, and just staring into my eyes really hard when he wasn't talking, which was a little awkward, lol, though he didn't seem to realize it.


    And, the really young one, took every excuse, and non existent ones, to touch me, including grasping me awfully high up on my thigh for an extended time and I could swear he did not even know he was doing it, and this was all right in front of his girlfriend, and believe me, that that is out of character for him.


    I don't care at all about these guys in a romantic way, but still, that is some crazy effectiveness. In fact it proves it more because I was not at all inviting or encouraging them.


    It also seemed to make an older man more relaxed and, kind of solicitous.


    On top of the delectable ultra lush ruby-red grapefruit smell, which was already one of my favorite things I've ever smelled in my life, this stuff is just out of this world.

  7. ITA with the UT comparisons to Pink Sugar. This is several (big) steps up the evolutionary ladder from it, more complex, warmer, and doesn't have that 'crystalline' kind of sugar smell that Pink Sugar has, if that makes sense. You know how sometimes Pink Sugar can make you feel sort of ridiculous, like you're a walking around in a 5 year old's pink tutu ballet costume with pink rhinestones and sequins, pink tights, pink shoes and an elaborate pink headdress, or is that just me? No disrespect as sometimes that's actually the effect I want, and it's a great cover, but you DEFINITELY don't get that from LP Pink, it is way way more sophisticated and nuanced.


    ETA great lasting power. It's been 7 hours since I put this on and I am still catching lovely pink-vanilla whiffs of myself every time I move :)


    All that said - so sad for me, as usual I think my body just hates patchouli, pushes it more to the front than it wants to be- in fact when I first put it on that's ALL I got, and it gave me a sneezing fit!! Disaster, I hope this doesn't mean I'm allergic to patchouli and so the whole LP line is out for me :)

  8. For the first 10 min or so, it was just all amber up in my face. But it mellowed to a rich, gooey maple, and it was literally turning heads as I walked around. I thought there was vanilla in it! Such depth and warmth. ETA Cheeseburger, the maple is somehow rich WITHOUT having that candy-like sugary smell of maple syrup (which I actually dislike) -- imagine a maple-flavored vanilla fudge.


    I am getting absolutely no fruit from it at all. Very strange.


    Have had it on now for almost 4 hours and still tempted to gnaw on my arm.

    ETA AUGH SORRY MODS - I *did* search for this but nothing came up!!- I looked under "autumnAL equinox" because that's what it said on my vial. Sorry, sorry.

  9. How can there be no thread for this yet? It's gorgeous, voluptuous, feminine, sultry and mysterious. Put 3 wand-dabs in my hair and one on throat. At first: huge throw, feels like walking in a cloud of enormous white flowers. Mild numbness around lips (?!). No apparent effects within first hour (except one passerby staring at me with a vague stunned smile, like I was a talking giraffe walking down the street, and another guy who stood next to me at a counter and was leaning way over me like a falling tree). At 30 minute mark, felt woozy and even faint, a little scary. I think that must be the cops. Will edit with more later effects.

  10. a big, buxom scent...full of curves.
    Dead right. I came to this thread to say it's Marilyn Monroe reclining under a full-bloom magnolia tree in Savannah. I get zero honey (strange, because it usually turns on me) - just a huge voluptuous magnolia and wisteria throw, with sandalwood idling in the background, nothing else. Very heavy on me. Unfortunately, totally not "me" at all, very sad as I adore both of those flowers IRL. Will post to trade
  11. Dang, I wish the smoke, firewood and leaves came out for me! That must be really cool. Mine started very fruity, the orange and cranberry out front, then quickly settled down into musk-and-clove, which I found outrageously sexy. Funny though, this is *not* a feminine scent, at least not on me, it didn't make me feel sexy in a feminine way, it just ... seriously activated the launch sequence, wink wink, sorry if that's TMI but want to be helpful by being totally honest, lol. I experienced it as probably better on a guy. Maybe that's the clove and ambergris talking? Definitely a keeper.

  12. I put this on this morning and didn't think it was very 'me' -- I'm not va-va-voom enough for it -- but it is growing on me, all mellow rose and sandalwood. Very luxe, I feel like I should be wearing serious jewelry and blood red lips seducing someone in a luxury hotel suite somewhere in Europe right now, lol.


    I thought it might be useful to share that it got several stares on the way to work. and, I have a colleague I don't see very often, we have worked at the same place for years, and I'm very attracted to him. He's always been "medium friendly", you know, just in a cool, distant, professional way. But I just ran into him, we were in a small room by ourselves for a moment, and I am telling you he literally did not know what to do with himself, awkward with his hands, standing leaning way over on just one foot, not knowing where to look, and GIGGLING. THE MAN WAS GIGGLING. And that's despite me feeling kind of gross this morning (you know that feeling, hair and makeup not done right, my clothes seem unflattering, etc.), and he is WAY younger than me.


    LPMP genii, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!!!!!!

  13. The way this one plays out on me is fascinating! It's like a girl band. The pineapple came out first, belting, then the strawberry got a sweet little verse, then the coconut came out all growly and alpha, then they were all singing together into this creamy and peaceful perfection, and it was just beautiful. I didn't get any musk or sexay at all, and yet this one seems to be turning the boys' heads. :( In one word, to me this one is FUN!

  14. Smells like heaven in the vial. On me it started with euphoria-inducing melty chocolate and a bit of almond. I seriously almost swooned. But after that settled down, the violet and berry came out and as usual for my skin, it turned the violet into a fake, almost plasticky smell. It made the whole thing smell "opaque", if that makes sense. Devastated, as this sounded like the world's most perfect possible combination. :( Up for trade.

  15. Wow, I truly feel warm and fuzzy! Thanks yall! I'm starting slow with all samples.

    I ordered an LP pack. Curious how the patchouli will work out- it always seems to shove its way to the "top" for me and overpower everything else.

    I tend to love fruit and vanilla, so several things heavy on those notes.

    And timidly just a few pheros: cougar, cuddle bunny, eternal chain.


    It's really exciting planning out what to wear when, like a menu. Like, I know not to wear Pherogirl to work, LOL!


    Katz, that is so nice of you! I will email you!


    Thank you all again for the very warm welcome.

  16. I put this on this am. It seemed to make people around me quite friendly and chipper. (It has to be the perfume, because the weather is terrible!) Starting out, I would describe it as cheerful, outgoing and warm.


    BUT, sadly, after a few hours, just one of the notes started to smell like a food that has gone bad. It was only the one note, and I think it must be the honey just not working on me. - I dislike the taste of honey, but wanted to try the magickal qualities :) So I guess the lesson is, listen to your tastebuds!


    No one seems to notice it (or is too polite to say so).


    The rest stayed fine - mostly peach and musk, very slight vanilla - it mellowed out, and maybe smelled even better as time passed. But my chemistry just swallowed the peony completely, didn't throw it at all :) I imagine for those on whom the peach and peony come out, it must be quite heady.

  17. This is the first LP I've ever tried and it was a home run. It is surprisingly harmonious given its notes, a very pleasing and somehow 'natural' seeming blend. No one note punched me in the face like with some sweet scents. On me, the brown sugar and cinnamon took turns rising gently to the top.


    It was relaxing, made me feel content and almost woozy (in a good way). I walked around saying "yummmmm" !! If this were a food I would eat it til I burst.


    ETA I have this on right now on top of Jaqua's Buttercream Frosting body butter and it is absolute heaven.

  18. I have greatly enjoyed and learned from this forum already, and I've only just received my first order! The customer service has been incredible too. You all sound so generous and friendly. I'm off to find the appropriate places to share my experiences so far.

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