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Posts posted by Bella15

  1. LS - this is just my experience.. but I couldn't handle a full boost of Lace. I had a trial spray of UN Lace from the November Pheromas, and it made me not even able to think, lol. Tripping over my tongue, etc. I can do the phero-enhanced Lace scents, as the concentration is lower.. but a full boost would be too much for me.


    Have I really not reviewed this?? I don't get anything like Coconut Breeze, that was SO MUCH cocoa butter on me. This is amazing coconut though, sweetened up with yummy pinkness.. I love the vanilla and the musk, makes it really stick around. I don't really get sandalwood..but I'm okay with that. It's perfect as it is.

  2. OMG I knew she looked familiar! I was wondering where I had seen this beautiful fairy before???




    LOL!! We call her an elf all the time.. that's perfect!


    Thanks everyone! She's excited! She was on the Black Cat Hex Breaker label, but had to share the spotlight with Meap, who isn't exactly her favorite ;)

  3. Stacy, I completely agree. All I have is a trial vial, so I haven't used it much because I love it so. But Amalthea's Alphabetical August poked me into putting it on this morning. And I think I can say that Leather is my favorite phero. I'm not sure I would have figured that out on my own. I only have one other scent boosted with Leather. But there will definitely be more. I felt so confident, so sure of myself and my place in the world. I want to feel like that more often.

    As far as the scent, it is just to die for. I love the anise, which is the note that comes through the most for me.

  4. So the other night, I tried the 4 that I thought would be my faves. None of them lived up to my expectations. :(


    Then this one. Now, I love cocoa butter. And this is yummy cocoa butter at first - yes, lots of it. Later the florals just bloom, all creamy and gorgeous. 3 hours in, it is a soft, sexy, summer scent. Definitely a FB!

  5. I don't really remember Allumette. It wasn't my thing and I traded it away. But this is a resin scent that I think I could wear, at least occasionally. It doesn't turn all b.o. on me, thank goodness. It's incensey and deep, but not overwhelming. It stays fairly true to the initial scent, not really morphing. Right now I'm at about 5 hours since application and it has settled a little, but is still wafting around :)

  6. I love the "white" scents, and this is no exception. It seems closer to LP White than Gypsum, at least on me. Gypsum has a sharpness to it at first that this doesn't. This is a light, sheer white floral. I have to get close to smell it, but it seems to be lasting okay. I'd like to get a FB of this too, if funds allow. A spray would be fabulous

  7. So, honestly.. I wasn't sure this was going to work on me. I wasn't getting the vibe from reviews that I would love it, and when I got my box of goodies on Monday, I sniffed it and set it aside. Well, tonight I decided to dab some on. OMG. This may end up being my only FB (until I can afford more of the others, lol)

    It is deep and rich.. mostly patch, honey and spices on me. The leather, tobacco, and amber are in there, but not as prominent. It *totally* reminds me of a fall scent from another perfumerie. So far, though, this one is behaving nicely, whereas the other one would end up smelling like band-aids on me.

  8. How's the brown sugar behaving, Molls? Is it rich and deep like in MRF v2 or lighter and cakey? We have similar tastes, and my buying finger is itching... :lol: I'd be curious to see what you think about this at the end of the day!!

    It's definitely lighter. The drydown of this is just fabulous, and if I put it on at night, it's still there in the morning!


    Yeah, this one is calling me, too. Is there any hint of pine?

    No, it's not really piney. Leafy at the beginning, and woodsy throughout, but not really piney.

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