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Posts posted by JOC

  1. Would it be possible to have a flat rate box option to the uk? I'm going to find the postage increases vastly prohibitive :(


    Me too! I checked the Artfire site yesterday and the shipping rate is shocking! Anyone lives in China where we can share a box since domestic courier services are dirt cheap and extremely efficient?

  2. Welcome to the forum! For pheros, you may wish to try Sexiponage, BI, Bang! and LAM and even Leather. You might want to consider adding some cops to your arsenal.


    As mentioned, do a search on musk and you should be able to find scents with musk. You're going to have lots and lots of fun experimenting with the scents and pheros!

  3. Between this one and a sample of Honey Lavender I realized that I really really looove honey on me. I am wondering though how OCCO SLF compares to OCCO GOLD ?

    Have any of you tried both ?

    I think I will love a clean honey scent that is not super sweet , so I am wondering which one would be better ?


    I haven't tried Honey Lavender. OCCO Gold is less "SLF" than OCCO SLF if that make sense. To me it is more sensual than OCCO SLF as it is "cleaner" while OCCO SLF is definitely sexual.

  4. You know, I can almost see getting a tobaccoish smell out of this one. Maybe she meant cigars as a compliment, Nutrix!!


    Really? I don't get that and I am so glad. I wore this to work a few days back wtih BBM on the back of my hands. I believe this is boosted with Gotcha! and I took the risk of experimenting a new pheros with my boss whom I was stuck with for about 5 hours in a row - close to 3 hours in a car and more than an hour in a meeting. Anyway, it was a pleasant journey although this phero is not meant to be for 'catching' for her. She shared quite a bit of information with me and we had a good discussion about some of the things we need to do. BTW, she dislike me to the bone so go figure!

  5. My daughter wanted to test all the Jan samplers when they arrive last week. This was the first one she opened up and sprayed on my pillow and before I could warn her!!! The three of us got a 'shock of our lives' and joked that the dog had a dump on my pillow ..... The stain is here to stay forever. The scent seems to last on the pillow but not when applied on my body. It does have a cocoa vibe to it. I intend to use it on my hair one day.

  6. I wanted a lot more almond from this. It's a nice almond blast at the wet stages but quickly vanishes. I am left with a subtle clean musk. Very light, very much a skin scent. It smells to be the same musk as Angelique.


    Me too, the almond vanishes quickly. I'm thinking of getting some almond base oil to slather under this.

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