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Posts posted by JOC

  1. This is pretty, clean and happy scent. I do not have too many apple scents to make reference to but this is something which I will wear to work or a day out with friends and family.

  2. I wore this yesterday as it was about 38C outside and no breeze. When I emerged from my bedroom, my son said he wanted to throw up (because of the scent). My hub joined us in the living room a couple of minutes later and asked if it was my perfume. I asked him if he likes it and he said that it reminds him of our freshly washed sheets.

  3. Mara helped me to understand jasmine more and I veered from a candied scent idea to a more feminine and maybe sultry (white musk?) idea. The notes will be jasmine, blackberry, non-foodie vanilla and white musk...and whatever magic on Mara's part she chooses....and I'm sure to be pleasantly surprised! :kiss43:


    Your PE sounds so wonderful. Hope to be able to smell it.

  4. I have waist-length hair and I love to wear cops more than phero boosted scents. I think getting some cops on my face by accident is fine as long as it dried down entirely but it's a no-no for hair, scented or not. I always bun up my hair before I apply cops. I make sure that it has dried up before wearing any cover scent or my clothes. I think some ladies apply both cops (e.g. OCCO) with cover scent at the same time. I tend to separate the two.


    As for your second question, some blends already has cops in them as you have mentined BI. I guess the pheros and the right body language will give out stronger signals that you want someone more than cops on its own whichever produced by a healthy and fertile woman during ovulation.


    Okay, my daughter wants to have access to my iPad. I'll see if I can explain clearer later on or maybe some other ladies will chime in while I'm gone.



    omg you are such a sweetie. I wouldn't want to swipe one of yours, but if it's too late I may take you up on that offer. Would Wall of Protection + $30 + shipping suffice?



    Dont worry as I haven't paid for my two bottles. I'm not sure when it is due for payment so maybe you can pay Mara directly.


    LalaDinky, I received my invoice over the weekend. Did you manage to secure a bottle? If not, I'll let Mara know that you will be taking over a bottle which I have reserved.



    omg you are such a sweetie. I wouldn't want to swipe one of yours, but if it's too late I may take you up on that offer. Would Wall of Protection + $30 + shipping suffice?


    Dont worry as I haven't paid for my two bottles. I'm not sure when it is due for payment so maybe you can pay Mara directly.

  7. This is a fantastic combination. Would not have tried this nor thought of this combo, thanks, Cinderfallen! I love it when Sugared Honeycomb moves into the baby powder stage, the Egyptian Musk gives it more depth, thus making it more womanly to my nose. Bravo!


    dear joc, thank you for the welcome, so, please tell me, if u have kids but dont use pheros around them, then how do u use them if at all you do? i guess this phero biziness is more complicated than i thought.lol

    funnily that was going to be my next inquiry after my first post, because i thought about it then figured thered be nothing to it since they are "naturally" secreted by any healthy body. *chuckling* how far wrong and off base i was. lol. so i guess i'll be waiting a looooooong time to play with phero's. sigh. well i'm sure i'll find a way around it. if not the scents are awesome


    Oops, sorry! Didn't realise that you posted this. I work full time and my children go to school. They leave about 15 minutes earlier than I do so I either apply the pheros after i get into the office (generally the case) or after they leave (and make sure our apartment is well ventilated before they get home in the late afternoon).


    I'm wearing less often and also less pheros now. Sometimes, I just apply a dab or two on the back of my hands which I wash many times throughout the day. I go phero free on weekends since we are together most of the time.


    However, I have to say that I have used pheros with my kids around when I first found out about pheros. I did wear some UN Treasured Hearts, when I had a date with my son about two months ago. I planned and plotted to have a heart-to-heart talk with him that day but then again, it was just a dab.


    The amount of pheros each application provides is probably many times more than what we produce naturally. My understanding is that we stop producing some pheros after a certain age or our production rate decreases after a certain age.


    it's too bad you missed out on A Treasure of Pearls, as it's a lot like Sugared Orchids to me.


    Huh? I would never associate pearls with orchid...



    Me too. I got worried (my nose is seriously off) when I saw Luna's comment.

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