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Everything posted by ElizabethOSP

  1. I want to know, too! LOVE the pic. I think I want to reserve one. Tantalizing TJ 3 bottles available ETA: Gods, I can't even count how many times I've refreshed this page today!
  2. If any Mother Lakshmi becomes available again, I would love one! If there's any Buttercream Rose left, I'd love one of those, too. I'd like to reserve a bottle of Inna's Gadda Da Vita, please, but I don't know which one! EDITED to cancel this last request. My skin would wreck this, methinks.
  3. Awww, JD!!! So glad you're back!!! GREAT to hear that your son is on the mend!!! Will he be able to go back to school soon? Y'all have had a long haul there. P.S. I adore your new avi.
  4. CALII CALII CALII CALII CALII!!!!!!!!!!!! You got back at the right time, Woman. Aren't the Halloweens wondrous?!? And lookie who grew out from under some catnip! Golden Crown Beard? Wild Chickory? I've had a couple of these show up in pots after overwintering, and they're in spots where I planted your seeds!
  5. EEEEEE!!! You two made me go back and look at the list again and SQUEE!!! LP BLUE. Cannot. Wait.
  6. I do like the Moggie label better with Loki on it. He's so damned handsome!
  7. O luna, Queen of All Words! GREAT SCRiBiN'!!! GEEZE I need to go back and read them all over again.
  8. Gods, that's WONDERFUL! I was wondering who she was. VexedGlory, when was that pic taken? When did your grandmother come to California to go to college, and which one? I'd love to hear more about her!
  9. Wow, that IS a long list! And those new labels are BEAUTIFUL! Mara, did you have to do new photo shoots for replacing the Mucha and the Lisa-I-can't-remember-her-last-name and the other label arts? And are you going to have to replace *all* the labels for the permanent collection?
  10. I am a lonely stalker grrl 2night. The crickets are loud, but melodic. It's a chilly night, though, here in the bushes. I can't get a good view into the LP lab windows because that dang squirrel stayed up late and won't let me into the yard. Dang.
  11. WONDERFUL labels! Can't wait to see the notes...and what's available!
  12. And just to add to that last bit...I feel like I'm being a butthead stalking this time around. I have soooooooooo many wonderful precioussss from the sale!!! I shouldn't be fussing and whinging over here. . . . 'cept...I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!!!!!!!!
  13. eeeeeeehhhnnnnnnn. whhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiine. sniffle. shuffle.
  14. GOOD, and thank you! I want a full bottle of that one, 'cause, you know, FANG. Hee!!! And BTW, y'all...Eye of the Moggie? Cat's Eye? I think someone said that upthread and I didn't even *think* about the connection 'til right NAO.
  15. AUGH, YOU TWO!!! So we have a hint of everything being yummy. I know I'm drooling over pumpkin Souffle'! Let's see if i can ask this politely...would Fang perhaps be something I would wear? I'm terribly fond of "men's" scents. Besides, I love the label! *gigglesnort*
  16. Yeah, I was thinking that whomever didn't get it hasn't lived with tarantulas. Nice pic Invi! I like watching tarantulas walk when they're just strolling around. They look like they're thinking "I'll put this foot here...now I'll put that foot there...and oh! Maybe this other foot over here..." you know? Back in the Pleistocene era, my boyfriend and I herded one slowly out of the street near my house so it wouldn't get squooshed. I've never held one, though. Hey luna! Any hints yet...? Wait. She hasn't been in here since yesterday. Must be scribin'! Okay. Anyone think Tombstone Tart is a berry scent? Or apple tart, or cherry, maybe? And Tara n Tula seems like it should be chocolatey... .
  17. Yeppers! AND a Cock! Is he a Libra Cock like me? *bats eyelashes* BTW I LUUUURRRRVE your kitty avi, halo! Oh and I'd like to make an announcement: Mara and John are THE. BEST. Thank you for your attention. You may now resume your normal stalking.
  18. Ooooh LOOK! It's a chicken! . . Hey LadyV! *I'm* a cock! I was born in a year of the Cock!
  19. I just googled Moggie. All my kitty boys and girl are Moggies!
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