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Cheshire Kitten

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Posts posted by Cheshire Kitten

  1. I tried this on today and I couldn't stop smelling myself. It smells like the kind of girls I'm attracted to, the really androgynous ones, or ones that look like really cute boys. Yummy :] I get the woodsy (oak?) and cinnamon and it just smells amazing, then it turns a little sweeter. I still like it, but I reeeaaallly liked the woodsy-cinnamon scent in the beginning.


    Wearing this I felt super confident, I even walked out of the house and went about my day with nothing but some mascara and chapstick on, and felt awesome. I was calm and confident all day.

  2. I was afeared at first because as much as I love dairy-based blends, dairy notes often hate my skin with a deep loathing. So I was afraid that I'd love the scent in the vial but my skin would turn it EBIL. But this is primarily coconut on me, rather what I thought Pie in the Sky (*sings APP*) would be on me, and sort of like Sugared Cream, but there's an underlying sweet milk type note there. This would be perfect for taming the Wild Woobie (since BAM! works like a charm on him) I think except if it's too "troppo" (read: sun cream-ish) for his nose I might have layer it with something like Ail's Voluptuous Vanilla.


    So I pretty much see lots of snuggling in my future. :)


    I got lots of snuggling the night I wore it ^__^ The scent was def. a hit for him, and he was super sweet and cuddly and very sympathetic with me suddenly not feeling well (even though he was raring to go ;D). And it just smells sooo yummy...

  3. MILK/BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy.

    CARAMELIZED SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing.

    MAPLE ~ Love attraction, longevity; money attractant.

    COCONUT ~ Protection, purification, receptivity.

    VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.

    EGG - Fertility, abundance.

    CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.


    BAM! Pheromone Formula is designed for sexual response, intimacy, bonding and communication. Please allow the copulins to dry down on your skin for at least ten minutes for the true character of the fragrance to come through.

    This was the first one of my set that I tried on and I had to slather it all over myself. It smells AMAZING. At first the coconut was a little strong on me, but it quickly melded with the other scents, and right now it's a delicious french-toast-like scent. I want to eat myself *drool* I think I may just have to get another bottle (or ten) of this. The BAM is nicely covered. Can't say anything about phero effects as I'm all alone at home and really really enjoying the scent. Gotta see what the boy says when I go see him later tonight though ;D

  4. If I can get the ingredients again, I will. I tried, but they are presently out of stock. In the meantime, if you want a wonderful Eggnoggy scent, definitely try Compromising Positions.



    *squee* Well so long as there's a chance of it being made again...


    I ordered the full bottle women's set, so I'm def. excited to try Compromising Position when my package comes!

  5. Thanks for the tip, wearing both potions sounds like it would be best. The Dangerous games could help with remaining friendly yet the Dominance would help with more assertiveness, AND I just received my sample of Tabby so I'll have fun experimenting each on their own and then together. Yay, I hope I can find something that helps.

    Oh yeah I do have Tabby, and that has Dominance in there. I can't really say anything about the pheros though because I the scent of Tabby was kinda making me sick :/ Much too green for me.

  6. I absolutely love this scent. It smells really almondy to me for a while, sugary sweet and delicious. I can smell the tobacco scent for a little bit, and it gives it an almost odd earthiness, but then it fades and I'm left with yummy sugar. I think I might have to get a couple of bottles of this...maybe add some lace to one. This feels like a good Lace scent to me.

  7. Huh.... interesting. I have a sample of this and keep forgetting to wear it out. I will try it soon especially now that the Christmas shopping fever is going to start. One of my pet peeves are workers coming up to me asking questions, ahhhh, drives me mad, I am a very introverted, quiet person. I hate crowded, loud places. So usually when ever I go to Best Buy or the Mall its chaotic for me, workers attack me like vultures and all I want to do is get what I need and get out without hearing about their latest gadgets. I realize that I can be easily approachable even though I try not to give off that vibe, I have tried to limit eye contact and give off the vibe that I don't need assistance but sometimes it just doesn't work. I know I might sound rude, but I am not rude to the workers, sheesh, its like they don't listen though, so I was hoping this leather would help, maybe they'll LISTEN to me if I wear it, but I hope people don't start flirting with me now, lol, thats the last thing I want. If this won't work maybe I can find something that makes me camouflaged, he he.


    Edit: Duh, forgot to review the scent. On me this is berries galore for the first few hours, I smell nothing else, berries are amped but it smells good, I like berries. Hours later it softens to a more creamy berry scent, it's pleasant and pretty. I'd definitely get a bottle of this because of the leather, if it works, or I'll have to try the Dominance potion and whip those vultures, ha ha.


    I don't usually like people bugging me constantly either, and I think that the Leather blend is supposed to be a little more flirty-sexy than Dominance, so maybe if you add more Dominance to it then they'll give you more respect and distance. I've noticed that when I wear Dangerous Games I feel a little more confident, flirty because of the Leather. Haven't tried Dominance though.

  8. I wore this the other night, and one sales guy came over with the typical "Hey how are you doing" question, then said if we had any questions to just ask. Ok, normal. A few minutes later he comes over again asking, "Got any questions? You have to have at least one." (as in, before he'll go away") so we came up with one. The whole time he just kept checking in on us and trying to flirt, asking us what our plans were for the rest of the night and such. Then we went into a restaurant and the guy cleaning the tables kept trying to find a reason to talk to me. No *crazy* reactions, but nice friendly-flirty ones :] I'm digging the fruity scent of this too. My skin seems to amp fruit scents so at first it's REALLY fruity then the sweetness comes out and just mmmm. It lasts FOREVER too!

  9. Hmm, I tried Tabby out today and at first sniff I wasn't too keen on it, but it was tolerable and I hoped that the scent would grow on me. A little later and I'd keep getting whiffs and I kinda felt sick. I might try it again using less (now that it's been on me for most of the day it's actually kinda nice) but I'm wondering what I could layer it with to make it better. Maybe a soft floral, or someone said vanilla...any suggestions?


    As for the pheros, I feel a bit more confident and "no-nonsense," and the guy that I got partnered up with in my Japanese class just wouldn't stop messing up when we had partner exercises, and would not look me in the eye until the teacher forced him to :blue_dancing_banana: I'm a little surprised, as I'm not usually a "dominant" kind of person. I'm considering trying the unscented Dominance now.

  10. That's right! Commercially, chemical stabilizers are used to make sure that's the case. The corporate perfume makers want their scents instantly recognized, no matter who wears it. From the bottle to the skin, from the first sniff to the last. You walk into a room, and say, "That's Chanel #5", for example.


    Without the stabilizers etc., perfume is a much more individual experience. Each scent will smell a bit different on each person who wears it due to personal chemistry, and it will morph throughout the day. Naturally, resins last longest, and lighter notes burn off fastest, so the experience is more like a journey or a story. We prefer it that way, it makes it much more fun and a more unique experience to each person.


    Additionally, said chemicals may not be entirely safe anyway. We know for a fact that many people who have had highly allergic reactions to commercial perfumes tend not to have them with our perfumes. It is now suspected that the chemicals in question are stored up in the fatty tissues of the body and are released in breast milk, and can become cumulatively toxic over time.


    But just to be clear, it's not the alcohol base that is the issue. The alcohol base that we use is clean and without stabilizers or silicones. It is the addition of the chemical stabilizers in commercial perfumes, and you won't find any of those here.


    And...WELCOME Darling Newbies!

    Thanks for joining us, hope you have FUN here!



    Oh! I never knew that. I've heard a lot of people saying that they can't wear certain fragrance notes even if the perfume is a commercial one so I wasn't really sure. But I really love the idea of perfumes "changing" with the chemistry of whoever wears them, so I'm even more excited for my perfumes to get here now to find out what they might do on me.


    Learn something new every day :]

  11. Hi everyone,


    Greetings from chilly Scotland. I discovered Love Potion perfumes a few months ago while I was on a search to find perfumes that didn't turn on my skin. And I am so glad to have found them!!! Favourites so far are Fairy Lure and Cougar Potion and I look forward to trying many many more.


    It is so interesting to see what kind of scents work on my skin and which don't (so far caramel is a big no no). I'm wondering if the standard drug store perfumes never worked as they are alcohol-based, as oil-based ones tend to stay true on me. Which is how I came to be here...




    Hiya from another LPMP newbie :]


    Oooh Scotland, I've never been to Europe but I reeeaaallly want to travel everywhere there, including Scotland.


    I'm also curious about which perfumes I can wear and which I can't. So far it seems like every perfume I've tried that were alcohol-based smell pretty much the same on me as they do in the bottle, which I suppose is a bit odd, but it may also be that I just don't have my nose trained yet to see what they really do. I'd be really sad if caramel wasn't good on my skin, as it smells delicious :[


    Which perfumes do you have so far?

  12. Welcome Cheshire Kitten :001_302: I am sure that you will greatly enjoy the forum and go wild for all of the beautiful fragrances. Nice first order by the way, you got some of my favourites in there.


    Which ones are your favorite? I think I'm mostly going to be into spice and foody scents. And the food scents here sound ahhhh-mayzing!

  13. LOL,finding a "signature scent" is kinda a joke around here...I said the same thing once and now I could never even imagine limiting myself to just one...and new ones keep coming!


    You have made some nice choices,it will be fun to hear what you like :001_302:


    They keep changing, and some of them don't stick around for long, so it would definitely be hard to find just one to use!

  14. Eeee I just got an e-mail telling me that my order was shipped!


    lolcats are teh awesomz.


    I would try to find my "signature scent," but I want to change them so much that I don't think I ever will! Also, I think that amber turns a little...sharp on me. Anyone else get this?


    So I ordered:



    Wax Poetic

    Caught in the Act

    Tahitian Temptress



    Sugared Moon Dust

    Midnight Cravings


    Fallen Angel

    Honey Ho

    Crimson Black


    Buns of Cinn

    Dangerous Games

    Fade to Black


    Spontaneous Combustion


  15. This was my first LPMP scent, and I got it from MO too :]


    I love love love the scent in the bottle, but on me it has this kind of sharp note, I'm not sure what it is. I thought maybe the patchouli, or cinnamon, since I don't think I've ever worn any perfumes with these notes. Maybe even the amber. I asked someone else what it smelled like and she said cinnamon. Maybe it's just me?


    I haven't noticed any reactions from the pheros though, so I think I'll have to try this out a bit more. See what happens when I shake it up before I apply!

  16. Hello everyone!


    I foresee...a chronically empty bank account!


    I just ordered a bunch of things from the sale, and I'm going crazy waiting for it to ship already! A great way to start my addiction...I mean, collection :lol:


    I found out about this place from the PheroTalk forum, where I've lurked for a couple of years. I'm excited to see that there are pheromone products here, but I'm here also for the scents. I'm a perfume junkie - I think it's pretty much emotions/atmosphere in liquid form. I also just love smelling delicious :] I want to be that girl that draws others to her by her intoxicating scent ;D


    I hope to make some awesome friends here!

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