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Posts posted by skye

  1. I told Invi that I actually wanted to do her idea as a monthly, but a couple of the key ingredients were in such short supply, I only had enough to do a tiny amount. But it was a lovely idea, smells awesome, and I wish I could have made more!


    Aw man. Now I want it more. Alas I'll have to settle for my new PE. (Squee!)

  2. Ditch the dipper stick and use your finger to draw a stripe on yourself. If you just trail a fraction of a drop from the dipper stick, it's NOT enough. Some people test that way and then say the scent didn't last, but that's not the way to sample the fragrance properly...you need to use more than a fraction of a drop.


    That's exactly how I do it and I get about 4 uses from a vial.


    This is still one of my favorites. It's sensual but doesn't scream sex, it's gourmand but not sticky sweet. So hard to explain. I ended up ordering this in a lotion as well so I can wear with my LP Original, Red, Pink and Sunfire perfumes. I'm sort of a nut about scent layering.

  3. Another true story: About 4 years ago I was on the treadmill and my son, who was 11 or 12, was playing a video game on the couch. Suddenly he asks "Mom. What's a blowjob?" I stopped dead, shocked, shot off the end of the treadmill and hit the wall behind me. Awkward moment alert.


    Anyways, I explained. Just like a few days later I explained orgasm. I'd rather he ask me, no matter how uncomfortable I am. Because I'm sure he's just as uncomfortable.

  4. I went to Catholic school.


    True story: When I was about 9 I spent the weekend with my grandparents (my father's parents) and while I was there my grandfather said the me "Well you're getting older. Soon boys are going to want to get into your pants." Baffled, when I got home I asked my mother why boys would want my pants. After she was done yelling at my father over the phone about his father she went and bought a book called "Sex Explained For 9 to 12 Year Olds" (I shit you not).


    And that is how I learned about sex. From a book. After that I used books to learn pretty much everything (this was before the internet).


    Anyways, even though I'm peri-menopausal I still seem to be producing the necessary female stuff with no problem.

  5. I don't want the Special D perfume but OMG if the chocolate cherry scrub is back ...


    Either way I'll probably have to hold out on ordering until I'm back from Vegas on the 15th unless I can keep it under 100.00 (Ha! It's funny when I say that because there's not a chance in hell.)

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