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Posts posted by WildAutumn

  1. WildAutumn, I LOVE BPAL's O! I buy a couple of bottles of it at the same time just so I can let it age. Time makes it even more exquisite. I find it to be wonderfully congruent with either OMG, or LFN. It covers cops quite well for me.

    YES, better and better and better with age! I do the same thing, buy more than one bottle and buy well before I'm out of a current bottle so they can age.


    O makes me wanna eff me like an animal. Snarfin' my own arm as we speak.


    @missdarlybcherie There are similarities between the two. The pear in Closer goes underpants-y just like O goes underpants-y, at least on me, and especially if I leave it on overnight (either fragrance). However, Closer is spicier.

  2. Oh my gosh. NOT for me. I hate to post a negative review here where so many have had positives but WOW, I can't imagine worse reactions than I just got.


    I am so disappointed. I am going to see if I can trade this b/c I know someone will love to have it. It seems to work for tons of people.


    Anyway, so I didn't have anything on today because I was waiting on this one to come in and it was scheduled to come in today. (THANK YOU LPMP! Talk about fast shipping!) Anyway, I put it on - the oil, just a dab on my one wrist then wrists touched together, plus a dab down my cleavage.


    It got me hyper and not in a good way. I am always trying to relax more so this was the opposite effect. But maybe it was the coffee I had today...or maybe it was just going to be a temporary effect...really wanted to give this a chance.


    So a few hours after application I went to the store. Walked past tons of people. Not so much as a glance. Not even a hello. Not from one single person. I was just being normal, not overly eye contact-y, but not totally avoidant either...just kind of the way a person looks walking around a store I guess, LOL. So got to the checkout line, thought maybe b/c it was an oil it wasn't "throwing" so perhaps being right near the cashier would help.


    So my kids were there and I had told them they could get a treat, and they asked if they could eat it as soon as it was rung up. I told them they could. They've been such good boys and were very good getting up this morning after winter vacation, being well-behaved at school and so on, so why not?


    So the lady ringing us up was a NIGHTMARE to my kids. They politely asked if they could have the candy as soon as she rung it up. She handed it over to them and then snapped at them, "Did I hear two thank-yous?" My younger son said "Yes" very politely and cheerfully. She glared at my older son - 12 - autistic and intellectually delayed. She repeated her question. "Did I hear two yeses?" I was like WTF?????? She didn't say it in a friendly/humorous way either. She was glaring at my boy with her eyes really wide like she was trying to contain anger. He said to her, "I think you heard two yeses." He wasn't being a bit snotty, he is intellectually delayed with the mind of a preschooler and it is VERY VERY obvious, she COULD NOT have missed it, nobody does. He tried to answer her exactly what she'd asked him because I think he was a little scared, nobody ever treats him this way, he is so sweet and soft and so obviously handicapped (hate that word but it is what it is), I mean...I think he was as shocked as I was. And a little scared of her.


    But still she was just negative to him - really to all of us. I tried to catch her eye, she dodged my look and hammered at my intellectually delayed son a little more. She kind of snorted when he opened the package and took out a candy and excitedly ate it. Then I went to swipe my card and she said "WAIT" really LOUDLY to me - apparently because the machine was slow or something (?) but she said it as if I'd cut her off in traffic or something. Then as my son was eating she asked him sarcastically, "Do you eat your vegetables that way?" He innocently said in his soft voice, "Yes." That wasn't good enough. She whipped around to me. "DOES he eat his vegetables that way, Mom?"














    I said to her VERY calmly, "He is such a good boy. All he wants is for people to be nice to him" and I smiled.


    Went over her head, she said "good" and then thank God the whole transaction was over with. I remained calm and walked out of the store with the kids, past loads more people, again, no reaction at all from them.


    Good God I never get such bad reactions from people in public and neither surely do my kids, who are amazing, so polite that I've had people stop me over and over again to tell me how polite and sweet they are...and they really are.


    I can't believe this reaction, I am shaking. Maybe it's a coincidence but I washed this off as soon as I got home and put my Red/Cougar/Closer back on. It seems to put me in my in-control place and I sure haven't gotten reactions like this on it. :(


    What on earth happened??? Coincidence? Bad day for the cashier? But as I said...no reactions at all from anyone else...dozens of people, so...?

  3. Hey all.


    So I got my trial size of LFM just now.


    I opened it and...maybe a tiny bit of an alcohol smell...I mean tiny. And putting it on, I am huffing my wrists and I literally can't smell anything...


    Is my smeller broken? :lol:


    It's an "un" but I was under the impression that the uns still have a phero smell of some description...?


    I did give the bottle a little shake before putting it on. This is in the oil.

  4. Okay, so I put in a request for a journal but am not sure yet whether it will be approved. I am supposed to have 100 posts (do have that) plus four active months posting. My latest posts before this one had been a little more than a year ago so I may need to wait a while for a journal?


    In the meantime, I think I may have gotten hits today and am going to post them on this thread. If I should be starting a different thread for this, can someone let me know?


    So I wore my Red with a splash of Cougar and splash of Closer on my wrists (pretty decent-size dab on one wrist, then wrists pressed together) plus on one on my lower neck. I wore O over this (sorry not a LPMP scent...I love O...it's my signature scent).


    We went to town and walked around and while I was on line at Starbucks to get coffee, a group of young men kept turning around to look at me. Then a much older man (60s?) ahead of me in the next line was turning to look as well. The young men were all smiling and giggly and jock-mock-wrestling-ish with eachother, so it doesn't seem like that was negative. The older man just kept looking but didn't really have an expression on his face. However...with both (the group of younger men and the older man) they had to actually turn around to see me and it was more than once...so, not like I was just in their line of vision or something.


    Then when I placed my order the barrista (male) literally looked me up and down...not super-slowly but definitely not fast either...that surprised me! He was super attentive but then the barristas at Starbucks always are. They just always seem nice.


    Could have been hits? Meanwhile I like the selfies. I just feel happy and confident to be in my own skin. I feel like I'm saying all the right things, feeling casual...hard to explain.

  5. Hi again, everybody. Happy new year!


    Can anyone tell me how to start a journal? Or does it require a certain amount of posts or something else? I was on the Journals page but couldn't see how.


    For now I'll report this:


    After three days of blending some old (about four years old, I think?) Cougar and Closer into a trial vial of Red, just a small dab on my wrist then touching my wrists together plus a tiny dab on my throat, it seems like I feel kind of different and my husband is treating me different too. He is listening to me, hanging onto my words as if they're important (which is very very unusual...he is the "ignore" type). He is even copying some of my words when replying, which I have heard is a sign of "following" someone.


    I noticed this a lot when we were watching a movie last night. He couldn't agree with me more.


    I was feeling just really confident. Not cocky, not b*tch-confident but just as if I were...sort of cool. Not sure I feel that way this morning so much. I have just had a nice bath (it was cold in the house and I love baths when it's cold) and I will re-apply after I cool off completely...somehow scents of all kinds go sort of stank on me if I put them on right out of the bath/shower.


    If I can't keep a journal I'll just keep track of this somewhere else so I can keep people updated.

  6. p.s. The funny thing is, from the time I was very young - as in, a young child - I would say to myself half-jokingly, "Am I giving off a smell or something?" Remember Lisa Simpson spraying Bully Spray and the bully backed off, LOL, because she had deduced that she "gave off a smell" to attract them and she had found the antidote? Kind of like that...I mean waaaaaaaaaay before I ever heard of pheromones I felt like "something" was making me so unnoticeable v. some other girls/women who were less pretty, less outgoing (again, because I have taught myself to be), etc. but did get the attention.


    So it was interesting once I did hear of pheros and I still haven't entirely given up on them...let's see what happens with the LFM. You never know.

  7. Thanks, everyone.


    I do still want the attention, I'll be honest. I miss it badly...when I was even ever able to pull it off. It's weird because I've always been told I'm attractive, physically. Yet I have never been a person who "just draws" people and yes, I've been jealous of the people who do. People who walk into a room and heads just turn in interest. You know, just as described in the LFM thread... ;) I'm seeking what others are seeking there.


    Obviously I have tried all the logical stuff first. It wasn't like I was just looking for some magic potion. I have always been very introverted, for example. I have worked for decades on being extraverted (or at least appearing that way), carrying a conversation, being very interested in the next person, etc., etc. to the point that I'm now pretty much known as the person who lights up the room and/or draws out the shy people at a party...IF I extend MYSELF...nobody EVER seems to just gravitate to me. Ever. I have to put on this giant show to ever get noticed, anywhere, by anybody (except my kids who adore me) and it's exhausting. Go up to the next person, be sure I'm holding my head high but look relaxed and open, start the conversation, be interested and funny, blah, blah, BLAH.


    And even then...it's for the duration. For those 15 minutes at the party or something. Then I'm forgotten. I just feel really invisible and as I've gotten older, even more so, it's like I don't exist.


    I just wish at some point before I die, I could sparkle as I see other people sparkle. And yes, I admit the other effects people mentioned in the LFM thread - friendliness when out shopping, being listened to at company meetings, heads turning - do appeal to me. I mean that's the whole point, for me, not the selfies. I can manage to turn myself on at some point, that's not a problem. ;) I still am quite horny, quite a bit despite obviously being about an inch away from meno. :D Maybe that will die down after I have completed the transition, but a. I don't know for sure, b. it's not something I'm seeking/looking forward to and c. that's then...this is now.


    I do feel much more selfish now and am actually really liking that - I have lived my entire life for other people - BUT what may be keeping me away from going that way entirely is that I still have children who have significant needs. I have a 29-year-old who is out of the house but I also have an autistic 12-year-old who will always need care, and a 9-year-old who is very "young" for his age emotionally.


    I'm not discounting how cool it probably is not to care as much about being noticed, etc. and if and when that stage happens, it will and I know it will be great, but right now, I'm just not there.


    Thanks so much for all the advice. It means a lot and it helps to hear from other women in my age group. Maybe I did OD on the LAM. I will try just a dab on each wrist of the LFM once it comes in.

  8. Hi everyone.


    So my doctor pronounced me peri several years ago based on labs but it has only been in the past year and a half or so that I have become irregular. I also do not think I have ovulated in about the last six months or so, but am getting periods...albeit very irregularly. For instance I had a 70 day cycle, bled a bit, now am on about day 40.


    I am 48 years old.


    I decided to give pheros a try again though Closer, LAM and a few others only seemed to backfire on me when I tried them I think about three years ago. People seemed to actually stay away from me. Cougar gave great selfies but I don't think it really got me any reactions.


    Stumbled on LFM review just recently, can't remember how, and thought I would give this one more shot and have a trial size on order.


    Do menopausal women need different pheros? Would it be down to cops maybe? Anybody have any ideas? Thanks!

  9. I'm an introvert who has always wanted to be a little more outgoing. I treasure my "me" time probably more so than the next person, but I do want to develop that quality of being more at ease around other people (that's something I've worked on all my life) - not just to get attention, per se, but just to feel more comfortable in my own skin. So for someone like me, the "put yourself out there" qualities of certain pheros seem to work nicely. They seem to match not only my chemistry, but my goals.


    I have been talking a lot about Cougar, so I'm sorry to bring it up again, LOL, but for someone like me (don't know if this is you, OP, but maybe it will be helpful?), it doesn't seem to force attention or anything, it just makes people feel really good around me. And it makes me feel really good, not in any frantic "I've got to have attention" way but in a relaxed and friendly way.


    Everyone seems to react differently to different pheros, and our own chemistry is undoubtedly a part of that, but our basic natures may be a part of it too. And our goals - what we want to project (and how we wish to feel).


    Now if I were 100% happy with my introverted nature, I doubt I'd be experimenting with pheros at all in order to make myself be more extraverted, you know? I do believe that wherever people are happiest, that's where they should stay and not try to force things. :)


    Everybody is so different, and everybody reacts so differently to various blends...I find it totally fascinating!

  10. Oh, and as for her leaving her smelly muffin floss in your sink? I'd pick it up with the end of a chopstick, walk to the garbage can and throw both it and the chopstick into the garbage.


    She can't take care of her things? Well then you can't worry about what happens to them.


    If she dared to bring it up, which would put her at an immediate disadvantage because she'd be clearly remembering it, hence revealing that it could not have been a "whoopsie, my mistake!", I'd play dumb. "I don't know...maybe check your suitcase again...that doesn't ring a bell." "Friendly" smile. (Hey, she wants to be friends, right? Excuse me while I go throw up.)


    If she doesn't want to keep wasting her money leaving her pricey crotch-rot around your house, she won't leave it lying around any more. Simple, really.


    But even deeper than all this is...and I hope I am not out of line here...if you have to fight women whom your fiance may well be subtly encouraging because the attention feels good, and have to work around game-playing and even play a few of your own, already...well...this is just me. Please know this is just me.


    But I'd be out the door.


    He wants it? He can have it. Here you go, ex-fiance: a crotch-rot-dropping manipulative family-ripping desperate brand-new girl!!! Enjoy every minute of her...until, now that you do have her, ALL the reasons you didn't want to keep her in the first place come back up. But by then you'll be alone because you just casually let ME go...remember? Ah well, life sucks and lessons are hard...aren't they.


    Sorry, sorry, sorry, God I sound like an awful person. So sorry but I have been reading and reading this thread and I didn't feel like I could hold back any more.

  11. I have probably nothing of use to add, I just wanted to say that I really, really want to go over there and slap that hunt-with-a-C right across her bitchy little face.


    Sorry, I know that was strong. ETA: Okay, so, I realize now that what follows is stronger yet...but bear with me...


    She is getting EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS - she is causing arguments between you and your fiance, and she is making you too uncomfortable to go out with them...so she has him alone.


    Him? Most likely, he's just loving the feeling of two women fighting over him.


    If it were me, I WOULD wander around the house in my underwear, or at least "oops" accidentally walk into the room once or twice fresh from MY shower in my jeans and just a bra, OH OOPS, I totally forgot I had visitors! Giggle - blush - oh, so embarrassed. QUICK PECK FOR FIANCE and out of the room, all modesty.


    But maybe I'm just a bitch.


    And I WOULD NOT stay home when "they" go out. I would not hang on to the fiance, I would not give long looks or EVER look worried for one single second, I would be THE FUN OF THE PARTY and yes, even flirt - not just with the fiance, and toss an arm across his shoulders companionably once in a while while laughing at all the fun and good times.


    SHE should be the one made to feel uncomfortable.


    And you know what? And I know this is not what you want to hear. But if I'm wrong, and something does happen between them, and she "gets" them...then she's getting a man who will easily be led astray and away and guess what...she's next. Because if he'd do it to you...he'd do it to her.


    I am so sorry but damn I am mad on your behalf.



    That's awesome WildAutumn, what worked for you? Luckily my libido came back naturally, just from stopping hormonal birth control and putting a stop to my severe depression. My brain chemistry is back in balance without pheros :) I'm sure they'd come in handy on some blue days.


    What has given me that bam, there it is libido is Cougar Potion. I didn't expect that - I wanted to feel more attractive to others. But I'm just feeling sexy overall. It's pretty raw at times - like someone stated here earlier, it's like when I was 18.

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