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Posts posted by AlienChangeling

  1. LOL I have had a great time over in the stalking thread where everybody was bugging Luna for hints. I sat back and cleared my throat, smiled, "ahem"ed, and everything else and nobody caught on, despite the fact that I'd posted a couple times in the "what are you wearing today" thread that I was testing something out for Da Mawa and it was a sekrit.......


    ...Well, a good writer does her research, after all...




  2. I have a friend who is an elderly Englishwoman and fellow Sherlockian, and she says, that it was never meant to be a "period piece", it was the cutting edge of it's time, and thus is comfortably updated to the present or any era. She said the Basil Rathbone series was updated to THAT era, and she loves the current BBC series. I like that attitude.


    That's exactly right, Mara, and I find the attitude of the, er, "more traditional" Sherlockians rather odd. I mean, if the truth be known, the Holmes stories were speculative fiction, which eventually became the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres of our modern day. The Holmes stories have more than a touch of the horror element, and a substantial amount of science fiction too.



    ETA: I have to admit though, I did love the Jeremy Brett series, just to SEE the stories done period, and PROPERLY period. He is my favorite "period" Holmes. I think Cumberbatch is my favorite "updated" Holmes as portrayed. I'd love for him to do my Holmes stories if they ever get filmed. Eh bueno.

  3. I guess I got lucky, the mica comes out nicely from my bottle. You know if you're already taking barber scissors to the top, you could just shake it up & then pop the top out completely & dab it on. I would & I have done that when my bottles get too low for me to get the last little bit out.


    Yeah, I've thought about that. But sure as I do, the ball will get away from me and I'll lose it and then it will leak all over the place. I know me too well - I am Ms. Fumblefingers.

  4. Well, foo, then. I can't walk into a flower shop without walking out with a killer headache and mild nausea to boot. So this is definitely a no go for me.

  5. LV, that was exactly my initial impression. As hubby doesn't much care for strong scents on hmself and I'm not willing to give up on it, I'm putting it back to age awhile and see what happens.

  6. Here I am not supposed to be eating carbs and all I can think of now is a gigantic, doughy, slathered-with-glaze, cinnamony roll!


    *me wants*

  7. Eggers, I avoided this initially because I thought it would do the same thing to me, although I wanted to get it. But I knew as soon as I saw it had rose anything in it, it would probably smack me between the eyes. *sigh* I was thinking about getting a bottle based on some of the other reviews, but you clinched it for me on a "no."

  8. AC, you've done the 'run a small object (like a pin) around the lip of the rollerball' thing? Just widens the fitting a touch...


    Honey, I did the "run the tip of a barber scissors around the rollerball - every time I use it" thing. The fitting doesn't stay widened. On either bottle, this or Hot & Sticky. Especially H&S though. And not a single bit of the pretty glitter has been able to get out of the Celebutante bottle.

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