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Queen of Swords

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Posts posted by Queen of Swords

  1. First full application: The self affects are very, um, wow very soon after application. It's a very good thing I'm not leaving the apartment any time soon because I don't know if I could trust myself-but first tries have a habit of being very intense for me and get more subtle later on. More later tomorrow night (or would that be very early morning?) when I take another whack at it. Due to the nature of the phero blend I doubt I'd use it for sex simply because I'm the cowardly vanilla type, so I won't have the chance to make that much of a useful review of it.

  2. ACK! If it is, I will immediately mix it with my BI to achieve glorification! I LOOOOVE this one :D


    I'll probably just layer it with OCCO Gold if it isn't the same, everything seems to be better when layered with a honey fragrance.


    ETA: I have to deal with some budget restrictions at the moment, but I'll try to get an unphero'd version of this cop'd if and when I can, though I feel like focusing on a completely virgin version of this first.

  3. So good that I put on more and wore it out heedless of the phero. Total stranger lunged into my face as if to kiss me, stopped a few inches shy, looked completely shocked and horrified and we both recoiled. And that's why you don't wear sexpionage out of the house.


    A sick part of me wants to do some evil experimentation for New Year's, but for the good of society I will refrain from implementing that idea.




    I love the scent of this and I wish more perfume houses would release fragrances like this more often. Too bad about the phero blend though because I would really love to wear it outside.

  4. As is the "accidental" stomp of a stilletto heel on a foot, and it's so much more satisfying! :001_302:


    If it wasn't for a mix of foot structure and pain issues I'd seriously look in to wearing something like that.


    At the moment I'm just glad I only wore a mix of Dom and Leather at a club a few days ago, I think the vibe kept an asshole mostly at bay, though he seemed to be more than happy to make up some things about me and an incident on Saturday to staff members right after I told him to knock it off that night, and sadly I wasn't even wearing the Alpha blends then.


    But that's a rant for another time, and I don't want to derail a thread.

  5. I'm not really an Alpha type, but I don't feel like a Beta either, and due to shyness I alternate between Introversion and Extroversion. But I love Leather and Dom for helping me assert myself. Not as something I'd wear to hit on the type of men I'd like (Not Alpha's though), but they're very useful when it comes to getting creeps to avoid the hell out of me.


    ETA: This will of course sound contradictory, didn't I after all say I don't identify as Alpha? But the Est in blends like Leather and LFM, I suspect, makes me feel less myself. While I am very vain, I never felt truly girly or femme.

  6. And I get the totally opposite effect -- Dom boosts my self confidence, assertiveness, and "presence," while keeping a tight lid on the Inner Bitch. It helps me sail through difficult situations with nary a bark or bite. As an attorney who works for federal judges, I need to walk that very fine line between advising and ordering. Dom does it all!!


    And how fortunate that Dom's been packaged into the incredible Sex and Violins! It . . . smolders. :666:


    Same-or at least simlar-here and agreed, and besides Alpha has far been too confused with Asshole these days, much of it having to do with a misunderstanding of Evo Psycho and Sociobiology.


    Not that I want to keep from making jokes about the self-effects I get from these kinds of blends, but still...



    ETA: This is not to say that having a commanding presence can't abused, it certainly can be, but this really varies from person to person.

  7. Despite the amount of pheros in most of their scented blends, I really don't think you need to apply that much at a time, at least when you're starting out, though one can argue it depends on the phero blend you're speaking of.


    Personally when it comes to unscented I'd be careful, and I use small circles below each wrist and the neck area. Your mileage may vary, but I try to avoid OD'ing in that manner, and currently I'm trying to avoid using more than I need in order to avoid running out of it too soon.

  8. I DO think I will get my next bottle with cops. Or better yet, an additional one with cops. But first I shall try the LF Noire and see what trouble ensues...!


    I've decided to try that again this weekend after some advice from my astrologer (anything as forward as BL this month might not be a good idea, apparently), though it'll probably be layered w/Fuzzy Wuzzy as well.

  9. 2nd time around, so far:


    When it comes to the pheromone it's stronger in its Marsian qualities than Leather, makes me feel 10 miles tall and doing what I want without the temptation to do anything I'd regret later (Audacious is something I have to approach with much more caution). The self-affects are great, and my emotions feel more even and less moody. It's not the most happy touchy-feely social friendly of blends for me, but this will no doubt be useful to keep the wrong types of people away from me (downtown especially) and I love the sense of power and control, social and self. There is a strong Don't Mess With Me vibe.


    Fragrance: It almost reminds me of 9 Bows from Nocturne Alchemy in that it's more masculine than I was expecting but still great when layered with vanilla, honey, caramel and buttercream type of fragrances. I certainly plan on getting this cop'd, but due to my own personal preferences it doesn't feel complete without more sweet scents layered over it. YMMV.


    I like this, a lot. It might not be perfect, but I like layering fragrances anyway, and I'm starting to love masculine scents combined with dessert ones more often.

  10. I didn't mean to imply Leather wasn't close to Dominance, it is, and Audacious is a blend that I believe I should be the most careful with because I can see myself doing something very stupid with. Both Leather and Dom have a You Own The Place/World type of vibe, though Dominance is much more hardcore.


    The differences between Audacious, Leather and Dom probably has to do with the differences in ratios of pheromones in the mix, the results are very different despite them all being pretty Marsian.

  11. I've only tried it once but I think Dominance is more closer to Audacious, but still much more calm and controlled while wielding the iron hand-if I was going to make an analogy, it reminds me of the best of Mars in Capricorn. I'll give Dom another try tomorrow so I can better comment on it, blends with A-nol seem to act weirdly and more intensely the first one-two times with my system before they truly settle in, though I have a feeling I need to be careful with this one either way lest a few too many people become afraid of me.

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