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Queen of Swords

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Posts posted by Queen of Swords

  1. After layering this with Caramel Sutra I have to say I feel like a fool for not looking in to buying more caramely burnt sugar type of fragrances. I'll be more capable of writing a real review tomorrow, but this is great with other caramel fragrances.

  2. True, and I'll think about that for the next order (hmm, caramel-burnt sugar-vanilla w/cops and LFM...). I don't need anything that complicated either, kind of plain in comparison to most PE's.

  3. At first I was a bit worried when I ordered this w/cops during the recent sale, but it's not even noticeable straight from the bottle. I kind of wish there was an OCCO Caramel due to that. So it's true after all, nearly anything super sweet and sugary covers copulins very well-or this is just because I asked for it to be more subtle. :P


    Sadly, there aren't many bottles of this left, so I'm really hoping that LPMP will brew a new Caramel or Burnt Sugar fragrance soon (I know, they have Caramel Musk, but I don't expect it to be around for long either-I also don't think Flambe really counts either, at least when it comes to the type I'm looking for).

  4. I should have added, I'm pretty sensitive to floral and water scents, with exceptions such as florals w/sweet things like vanilla and related blends. This isn't without some exceptions, one of their creativity potions has florals but I can use, though it's not something I would wear on a regular basis.


    I am now starting to wonder if signs of chemical sensitivity might start in the beginning as problems with florals and water and clean types of fragrances before it gets worse-but this is only an uneducated guess, and YMMV.


    Anyway, personally I've had no problems with their foodie, spicy, and resiny scents, though I've yet to try out their musks (I think). I also do recommend getting samples first for awhile (if you haven't already) so you can have a good idea what types of fragrances are 'safe' for you, something I learned through trial and error through other indie perfume companies. Perfume oils that have a fragrance I don't care for are for ritual only now.

  5. *reads more of LFM review thread*


    Okay, maybe LFM might be more useful than I thought, if I can get an air of authority. At least, if it manages to work for me. I suspect it will but since I am very sensitive to water scents I couldn't experiment with the Goddess of the Blue Moon sampler as I hoped, other than noting the shyer neighborhood cats really seemed to like me when I wore it.


    It also seems to be heavy on the Estratetraenol, so I should be careful about layering it with Velvet Kisses, if at all. At least I have another cop'd scent.

  6. You will love you some LFM!!! I don't think it will be a problem if you had it on while passing through a dangerous area. If you affect the right attitude with it, I think people would leave you alone. Kind of like they wouldn't dare approach you. Tyvey said earlier it made her feel Leather-ish.


    I kind of doubt that, asshats tend to leave me alone when I wear it, but when it's not on me the situation changes, even around where I live. There are places I don't go downtown at night, and would rather not again without Leather again, or if I ever get around to ordering it, Dominance.


    One great thing about Leather is that it tones down some of my anxiety issues and makes me feel more stable, while not a hundred percent perfect, was nicely unexpected. It will be interesting to see how LFM works in contrast. Kava will have to be used hand in hand even more than Leather, I suspect, but we'll see.

  7. Do you know if milk thistle is OK to take if you're on lots of legal meds, or if it interferes with certain drugs or causes odd reactions?


    No idea, though I wouldn't be surprised if there were, herbal medicine has never been completely harmless (but medicine isn't? You will always encounter risk somewhere). I'm lucky I am not on meds of any kind, unless you count phero blends as a type of self-med.

  8. I ended up making an order anyway, I need to be more approachable despite whatever issues I have, and there is a limit of what can be accomplished if you maintain a solely tough exterior-though I probably wouldn't wear LFM in more dangerous parts of the city. LFM & VK FTW!


    *prays to the Delivery Gods the package appears by Friday* :P


    It's been a learning experience about what I have been doing wrong regarding pheros, but at least there's been no complete disasters... yet.

  9. Firstly, yes you know you're body best! If I were you, I would get a DHEAS spray to layer with stuff, then. As far as undoing alcohol damage to your body, milk thistle is going to be your best bet. Milk thistle is the absolute best for repairing any kind of damage done chemically to the liver.


    I'll think about it but it might be awhile before I buy it.



    Part of my recovery is starting to include a higher fat diet at this rate, my system can't deal with the carbs as well as it used to, and if I make desserts they'll certainly have to be full of fatty dairy and coconut oil, and the sweetener would have to be from stuff like coconut palm sugar and xylitol.


    I'll look in to milk thistle, thanks for the recommendation.




    For a brief second I thought I should get a bottle of Velvet Kisses ASAP, but then decided to wait, considering what half of Leather is made of anyway, and I already have an OCCO bottle (granted, the affects will not be the same), and I'm not close to the stage I'll need it yet-but I'll probably order it next month just in case.


    Heh, it's like I'm playing a chess game.

  10. The main problem with mixing OW and Leather is the ratios, because even the scented sampler w/OW had rather strong effects when layered with Leather. I can't wait to receive the unscented version in the mail, but I'm going to have to be careful due to my sensitivity to Alpha-Androstenal (which I believe might be partly due to the fact that it'll probably be a decade before my body is completely restored to health due to my alcohol abuse in my 20's, even kava kava drinks numb me for much longer than they used to).

  11. One thing I've noticed, it's easier to OD on the unscented varieties, so a case can be made to buy the scented instead-however, the type of fragrance made with them isn't going to make a hundred percent of customers happy, and since I turned out to be more sensitive to certain types of fragrances than I originally thought I've started preferring unscented versions. There are acceptations of course, like OCCO (to be fair, copulins aren't really a phero), due to how copulins aren't really fragrance-free.

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