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Queen of Swords

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Posts posted by Queen of Swords

  1. This one has taken time to grow on me, and I am starting to appreciate how the dryness of the cinnamon melds with other aspects of the perfume oil, with just a light touch of rose. It's something I prefer layering with creamy vanilla and other spicy resinuous or even chocolatey types of blends instead of wearing alone, and I am tempted to buy a cop'd version of it sooner or later (just not Red Lace, I'm afraid).

  2. When its wet, it's more floral, but when it dries on my skin it's like the successor of Darling Catalina, but without the pheromones. I like. It's also pretty interesting when layered with LP Red, it takes the edge off the dryness of the cinnamon (at least I think it's dry).

  3. I forgot to add-


    The hype of Oxytocin doesn't count-it's not even a pheromone, it's only real big now because VIP people take an incredibly reductionist view of human psychology narrowing it down to one molecule. It's not about helping people but thinking you can use one thing that will solve all your problems. It's like The Law Of Attraction, a one size all solution that has nothing to do with reality, forget real life is unfair, complicated, and who is really in charge of society.


    Yeah I saw the TED talk with some guy whose name I've forgotten but oozes slime like I couldn't believe.

  4. It's one of those blends that made me a believer, but with limitations. I feel lucky LPMP is my first dip in the water when it came to pheromones because other companies that I will not name are not so ethical, in fact making dominance blends for men to act like predators.


    There is hug potential of phero and related blends for healing, but the medical/psychiatric community is so pharmaceutical focused it will probably never be considered as a legit treatment sans a revolution because of how drug and drug patented oriented it has became, and I say this as someone who is very pro-vaccine, evidence based medicine, the whole nine yards.


    My current hypothesis about why phero blends like Leather and Dominance work for some women and not others is that women with a strong Mars, even if its afflicted, out of sect, and/or in a cadent house are more accustomed to handling Marsian energies, but it's not like the scientific community gives a damn about divination, much less the real history of it anyway. : P

  5. This is one of the greatest things ever, though I'm not wearing it for hits, in fact I have yet to really get any-but I'm still shy about a lot of things and proceed with a lot of caution. Hopefully this isn't TMI, but this is why I love it:


    No, what's great about this phero blend is that I feel not only in control, but it cut my anxiety issues drastically. Astrologically I suppose you can say I am the Lunar type, and this aids me in emotional self-control so well I may never have to go to a psychologist or psychiatrist for meds to deal with anxiety driven mood swings. This isn't to say I am now free of issues, and to be fair here is still years after getting off of food that was killing me and a very long break of alcohol consumption-and I'll never be able to drink like I used to.


    But Leather is the icing on the cake, people listen to me, and men are far less likely to act overbearing, usually more polite and respectful. If I find a good guy (current Solar and Lunar Return looks promising), the relationship will clearly be on my own terms, the mix of self-effects and how people respond is near perfect. I can't wait to try Dominance next, but I will probably order more samplers and a few other things first.



    ETA: I'm not using the alcohol version, just the one in oil.

  6. I understand, people change, or they discover their partner isn't what they originally thought after a certain amount of time together. Each situation is different so I think the need for effort is often far overused in relationship discussions.


    Personally, the talk for the need for effort in a relationship sounds like a lot of Protestant work ethic and ignores the fact some people simply aren't meant to be together forever. Your mileage varies, of course, but I think it's part of the reason marriage rates are declining.

  7. I think the testers can last longer than three days, but YMMV. Personally I used much less than that, about the same but a bit more than the other fragrance testers I buy, with some success, though I wasn't using most of them as a sexual attractant. I suspect the effects of OD'ing depends on the person, and some people could OD by a third of a tester, but I don't know if this has ever been a study on lower dosages.


    Health might also have something to do with it, being I'm still recovering from health problems, so I'm a bit sensitive to certain blends more than others-but then the ones I'm not sensitive to are still blended with other fragrances. I'm chemically sensitive, so that might play a roll, but I'm only speaking hypothetically here.

  8. I guess the Moon and rising sign would be a bit more important then-'course aspects to the Moon would be pretty important as well. You guys could also be having squares or oppositions between each other's natal Mercury and Moon. But without the chart there is a limit of how much I can comment on, even then I still need more books on it, especially translations of works by people who have been dead for thousands of years. Anyway it could be that he's more water heavy than you, but to be honest I'm only thinking about this in the modern psychological version of astrology right now which isn't free of its own problems, and can be rather shallow.

  9. For me it seems to be a mix of figuring out the right dosage, and depending on the formula the first try will always be like a rush. If you get headaches you should moderate how much you use, and not re-apply later that day if you are experiencing it in order to avoid OD'ing-IMHO of course.


    I'm kind of figuring out how much of Leather I should be using, but I suspect my menstrual cycle is part of why it's not exactly working for me entirely at the moment-I am getting affects but it's 'off'. Focus Potion seems fine, but like with most unscented phero blends, I need to work on being careful about how much to apply and not over do it or I will get that headache. At this point I'm toying around with ordering them custom scented instead, money depending.

  10. ...or not. I was foolish today and wore a bit more Leather than I perhaps should have, in fact considering the day before I should have been more conservative in my application of it today and waited until the day after before trying it. It's very easy to forget unscented pheromone blends are much more concentrated. I'll try that phero blend again on Tuesday, and see how it goes.


    Anyway, Pink 2009 reminds me of Fruity Pebbles and Captain Crunch Berries mixed with Cotton Candy. It's not a bad thing, but I think LP: Passion & Desire is a true classic in comparison, IMHO. YMMV.



    ETA: Next time, I'm wearing spicy and/or fruity scents with Leather, it feels kind of odd to wear it with a pink scent, it's like the phero demands that I at least try to smell more sophisticated. I will obey.

  11. I am afraid I'm not impressed with this one, though I am still interested in eventually giving other pink scents a try:


    Wet: Diabetes in a bottle. The cotton candy and pink sugars are predominant, and my pancreas has no mouth but must scream.


    Dry: The vanilla and berries come out, but the berries remind me more of Captain Crunch and Fruity Pebbles-though that might be the point. I can't seem to detect any amber or butter at all, but I'm under the impression it and some additional ingredients toned down the sugary scent of it.


    Verdict: Due to past raves I've read about it I really wanted to like this one, and I will probably give it a few more tries, but I am looking forward to the re-brew or at least look in to other Pink scents that might be a bit less sweet than this. I'll wear it all over tonight to see what some men might think of it, but it will be in addition to Leather, so I'll have to be careful about drawing conclusions should I post anything about this in addition to this review.

  12. Personally, if a guy was giving me lots of mixed signals coupled with the message that he doesn't see a future in the relationship I'd end it ASAP. I also don't think the fact your leaving in October to a different area helps either, long-distance relationships are not for everyone. In addition I suspect this has less to do with disability, but more about him being ass, let's just say I've known some disabled men who use their handicaps as an excuse to act like a jerk around women-to put it mildly.

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