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Queen of Swords

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Posts posted by Queen of Swords

  1. Nothing sexual is a good idea, you're dealing people in professional environments. If I were in your position I'd look in to something like Swimming With Sharks or Popularity Potion, and avoid any sexy fragrances, remember you are dealing with people in professional environments. Non-phero scents like what have been suggested might be good, or one of their yummy pumpkin and/or ginger blends if you prefer.

  2. The sampler scent of Under Your Spell was a bit harsh for me, so I finally decided to get two 500 mcg bottle of BI lightly scented because in the end the result when layered with LFN were great, but still I need to take pains to lower the amount of CS-BI just a tad so LFN would have a bit of a more dominant presence. This is a surprisingly good social blend for me, at least if I'm careful about layering it with other phero blends.


    For some reason or other I feel like I'm in a lot more self-control wearing this than Sexology, and Sexology is too intense for me to try wearing in public again, even with Leather or Dominance.


    With BI I'm more in control of myself and more capable of being socially direct in a kinder-gentler-softer manner, but note I'm only saying this as someone who'd wear it with LFM/N in public, I'm kind of worried of what I might come across as without a Queen Bee or Alpha phero blend to accompany that. BI by itself, probably only in private.

  3. After trying this again w/Sexology 3, I have this to say, regardless of what I layer it with (Leather, Dominance, LFM), more than any sex oriented blend I've tried so far for some reason or other I seem to need panty liners the most with this. Sexpionage and BI are sexy on the first few times I've tried but the intensity eventually faded away, so I've had to admit to myself I really feel more like a sex kitten with this one, which is probably why I more willing to take a risk with BI in public in the future at this point than Sexology again, at least for awhile. The self-effects are more intense, which I am aware at least affects my body language in some degree. BI, not so much.


    ETA: The layering with pheros mentioned has to do with an attempt at least trying to have an aura of respectability despite wearing something else that's pretty sexual, but it seems my body chemistry doesn't seem to care when it comes to this one. It does What It Says On The Tin, at least when it comes to me.

  4. If the cops and cop'd phero blends aren't scented or nicely covered by a scent then I think it wouldn't be advisable to wear it in public in general regardless of a man's sexual orientation. But I haven't had any problems in dealing with gay men at all while wearing blends like La Femme Noir (in BTN or Unbridled, or UN but covered with something like LP: Black and Caramel Sutra), Cuddle Bunny (Velvet Kisses variant, and I have to purchase the unscented variety), and SS4W and I live in an area with a lot of openly LGBT people. My personal rule is to Never Go Outside If I Smell Like I Need A Shower, and it seems to work very well for me so far, regardless of the sexual preferences of anyone whom anyone I might be around are attracted to. :)

  5. I believe I poorly phrased that last comment, medicinal is not the proper way to describe the banana and cherry in this one, more like the high sugar candies I sampled a few times as a kid. Which may be semi-related to an interesting coincidence today:


    After about a year I wore a little bit of Nocturne Alchemy's LE of Bastet's Cocoa Cherries again, and the cherry cordial notes were nicely toned down and more in the background, it aged pretty well. I believe I'll be letting Unbridled sit alone unused for the next six months to see how it works for me afterwards, and who knows, I might start buying some sweeter, more fruity scents more often should this work out.

  6. I don't know, I haven't started a perfume oil & phero circle yet. I didn't think it was that bad, but still more smutty to me than OCCO Gold (which I always layer other scents over) for me to want to even wear layered in public. I have a feeling most would probably wear it in private with a significant other though instead of out on the town, like how most might wear Sexpionage. To be fair about Sexpionage, since we all have differing biochemistry it can work out for some outside as a social phero blend outside the home (layered over with a strong cop-friendly perfume oil or already pre-scented, of course), but I'm a bit too uptight to want to try it.



    Edited to add stuff I should have clarified about sooner.

  7. Via one of the free mini-samplers.


    Surprisingly charming, it's like a nice happy bubbly fruity champagne and I don't notice much floral in either. I kind of wish something like this was paired with Stone Cougar next time the company rolls out a scented blend of it.


    If they come out with a different version of this this Spring or Summer while maintaining the bubbly part I think stone fruits and vanilla bean would be very nice additions.



    ETA: However I think a sparkly fruity champagne scent would also be great with La Femme Mystere if and when the 2nd or 3rd scented batch roles around, I think that kind of foodie fragrance would, at least IMHO, be elegant enough for it.

  8. I'm probably just going to have to buy the unscented version of this sooner or later. The scent isn't awful or overwhelming or sets me off, but it dries down as a natural licorice and mint mouthwash on my skin, which is also a big clash with the other types of fragrances I normally wear. I've been tempted to try out H2H after reading the reviews, but unfortunately it will have to be some other time.

  9. I think enone-depending on the individual-can encourage a sense of self-control, and I'm pretty sensitive to it, at least in a good way. I think something like TMI or B-nol wouldn't be a bad thing to pair it with to loosen lips, but you have to be careful about ratios. That said, I'm still experimenting.


    ETA: I was under the impression Leather and Dominance has enon in it, but I might be misreading the ingredients list.

  10. After some layering adventures I have to say this is good with Treasured Hearts and TMI. The exact ratios, I'm not certain and I have only experimented with the oil versions out there. However, I do use LFN in greater quantity than TH, and almost the same of TMI as LFN. I am sure though it'd probably be a good idea for me to lower quantities in general of phero blends when I'm layering, but I'll figure this out sooner or later-or just give in and buy a Mad Scientist blend for once.

  11. I tend to like fig notes in perfume, but finding the right perfume oil for me is something else. I had high hopes for this one, but I didn't care for the green and a bit too light in some areas for me. That said, as with Iron Angel due to the ingredients in there I'll probably use the sample for magic ritual in the future.

  12. So far, after recieving my bottle:


    While I don't regret ordering without a sample, the banana does come off as a bit artificial, but it does tone down after the dry down. The cherry remains, but not screaming, yet still a bit medicinal. This isn't the worst thing in the world, because the sugars and tobacco still come out stronger after dry down, but I think it smells better after I layer it with Flambe, Caramel Sutra, or LP: Black. This is not however a final conclusion, and to be fair it's easier to layer with other things in comparison to BTN, due to what is currently in my arsenal.


    I sense a theme for the type of scents made for LFN, so I wouldn't be surprised if the next scented version will also be desserty. If it must, then I sincerely hope it will be a smutty chocolate in the future on a theme like Rocket Fuel, Sexology 3 and UNE, but perhaps I should elaborate in the Your Potion Ideas section of the forum.

  13. Can someone tell me the differences in Audacious, and Lace? I'm kind of afraid to wear lace now.

    I also have Lumina and TMI but I don't remember those having this sort of effect on me.


    LACE isn't domineering at all, whether it'd work for you I don't know, but it's pretty bubbly and girly, but despite that I think it's great for pairing with SS4W, but it could be just the a-nol that helps me get in to a good mood. Lumina like Audacious is being discontinued, so I kind of feel the question is moot at this point.


    Have you thought of trying out Treasured Hearts, BAM!, LAM! or Perfect Match yet? I don't think trying out LFM/N would be a bad idea either, though if you're sensitive to Est you might want to try samples first.

  14. How does Cougar compare to LFM ? I'm wondering if i should get a bottle ? Nutrix already gave me her expert opinion ( thank you doll ! ) , so I am interested to hear more comparisons . I also made the mistake of ordering my newest bottle of UN LFM with a shot of cops - I forgot how stinky EoW can get. I'll add a sample or 2 of the sniffies to dilute the stink but I do like my pheros unscented , so I can apply secretly when I stay at the Bf's place with only 1 bathroom . Now, its either another LFM or Cougar . Experts please :) ?


    I haven't gotten around to really trying Cougar yet, but LFM-like LFN, has a great Gentlewoman vibe, even for someone like me. I think it enhances one's sense of respectability, and from what I've noticed both types of LF help give me a soft power control over situations without much confrontational problems. Since you got it cop'd I'd recommend looking in to getting some Sugared Honeycomb, Caramel Sutra, or other sugary scents (though fruity can be great at covering cops too), it covers practically anything.

  15. It doesn't always make them appear that way, but it's often mixed with other pheros or phero-like substances to help avoid that possibility. That said, Est does tend to make men be more gentlemanly however, or so I've noticed. In the phero Gift Shop description it says and I quote:


    Estratetraenol is a pheromone that is said to be a calming mood elevator, and is for stimulating feelings of love, protectiveness and gentleness in both sexes toward the wearer. It is known to inspire chivalry in men, and helpful kindness in women. For the wearer, it is known to make the wearer feel more feminine.

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