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Posts posted by Lexy

  1. It doesn't last long on me either JOC, I need to put my wrists, neck, etc of peoples nose so that they can smell it. Today I wore a ton, and I mean a TON of it and 2 hours later...nada. Maybe that's a good thing, because if it gave me sillage I would buy it by the gallon! lol

  2. Isn't strawberry car freshner a pink scent though? I'm confused, LP Red is more of a spicy fragrance, while LP Pink has more of a berry smell.


    It's the apricot that he didn't care for. :)



    Is Buns of Cinn out of stock? Is this one that comes back or gone forever?

  3. Vanilla, banana, sandalwood....sounds interesting to me. I want to try this one out. Vanilla, banana, sandalwood and brown sugar sounds yummy too.

  4. I wore this yesterday again, I applied it quite heavy but I feel like the sillage on this one is not that good. I kept of sniffing at my wrists yearning to smell it, I truly love it, but I wish it had more projection (like Buns of Cinn). My son kept on asking to smell my wrist too, it was so cute.

  5. Oh baby!! wow do I love this! Beautiful vanilla scent, it smells so different than those artificial department store vanillas, this is sooo much better! If you love vanilla you will definitely love this!


    Uh oh it's starting to do something weird on my skin...nooooo....I think it's going plastic on me too :(



    Editing to say that sadly this went very plastic of me.

  6. Winnie's Almond Musk already had a special little place in my heart. Because when I called Mara to enquire about making a PE, she asked me what notes I had in mind, I said "Vanilla, White Musk and Almond" Mara said, "Wow, you will not believe this. I have the exact ingredients that you have just mentioned in front of me right now, I'm about to do a PE for someone else with the exact same notes!" So I feel like it was meant to be! lol


    And oh boy! It came out beautiful. I think this is a very cozy, close to the skin, like-able fragrance. At first I thought it might be too heavy on the almond, giving it a cherry smell (reminded me of the Jergens Original cherry-almond lotion), but the strong almond faded and the musk and vanilla came thru. There is still a creaminess to it, but the musk balances it out. I've only had it on my skin for less than an hour but so far I really like it! Although I would not mind it being a tad bit heavier on the vanilla, but I'm a vanilla ho lol. I will definitely get a full bottle of this if it becomes available. Thank you Mara and Winnie!!

  7. I've bought other perfumes claiming to smell like Cinnabons but they have let me down, so I was unsure when I bought it, but Buns of Cinn smells just like a cinnabon! Very nice and the scent last all day on me, big plus. My sons friends flock to me when I have this on, they say I smell yummy, like waffles and pancakes lol




    Love Potion Red was not a hit with my husband, I really like the dry down, but my husband said it reminds him of strawberry car freshener. I think he might be more of a Love Potion PINK kind of guy, he loves all the pink sweet scents. He adores Sugared HoneyComb!


    *Made a mistake, edited to change Sugared Honey to Sugared HoneyCOMB.*

  8. Hi everybody...I'm new to the forum, Mara and Halo invited me to this wonderful party! Happy to be here, I hope to learn from all of you and have lot's of fun! ...Lexy


    I would like to share my experience with the Sugared Honey perfume oil. Well...I LOVE IT!!...it smells even better than I imagined, sweet but not cloying, strong and long lasting but not overpowering. And as I have read here before, perfect as a cops cover! ..I really like it as a cover for my cops, the two scents just go so well together imho. I would even say that the Sugared Honey brings out the "nice" smell in the copulins, it makes them smell...dare I say...good.


    I can't wait to try the Honey Ho and UNE now!

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