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Posts posted by maiea

  1. Lumina is similar to Lace in that it makes feel very girly, glowy and sparkly however Lace is more ditsy as in giggly girly whereas Lumina is more girly but in control of the situation. With Lace I've been known to lose my keys because I get too caught up in the frolicks, whereas Lumina allows me to stay on top of things.


    I was just about to post on my review on Lumina when I was reading through this thread and this sums up my impressions.


    I wore Lace to a work Xmas party and ended up acting drunk and being totally goofy - all in good spirits of course. People around me were in a great mood too.


    I *just* came back from my martial arts dojo Xmas party, and I was in a very good conversational mood too, but I didn't feel goofy, but in a good controlled socializing sort of mood. This blend also - normally I'm a bit of a wallflower at our martial arts parties just because, well, tons of alpha males plus me don't mix well, I normally can't stand them, but for some reason I got along fabulously with them tonight and all were conversational and wanting to keep me in conversation. So I'd say Lumina's a hit for me! :D (ah right, 2 sprays to torso, 2 sprays to chest, layered LP: Summer Solstice 2008 on top).


    I think I'm starting to clue in that the pheros that really noticeably work for me are the est ones. lol. Not surprising I suppose since I'm normally NOT very feminine.

  2. I think though that 4 sprays of Gotcha trial spray is not as big of a hit as 4 sprays of regular bottle of Gotcha? I usually use twice a much from a trial spray as regular size.


    OH!!! That would make more sense!


    Also it's COLD here right now (wet snow yesterday) so maybe the diffusion of the pheros is decreased a lot.

  3. Cali - I tried to look for your post, but I can't find it! :( But yeah, I'm just floored pheros don't seem to do too much to me, then I get scared I'm WAY over-spraying them because it's hard for me to get self-effects (LACE - haha, I pretty much doused myself in it to start to feel kinda woozy). Seems like I need more pheros than normal. I honestly wonder if there's something weird about my own chemical signature where I need a ton of pheros to overcome it. @_@


    I asked Mara who said there's not a *lot* of cops in it, so I'm thinking it should be alright too. I didn't try it out though and kept to just spraying on skin.

  4. I would just like to add.... HOLY COW this fragrance does not fade! LOL. I put this on at about 11am this morning - and not even a lot (I'm not a slatherer - often I'm scared of smelling too strongly)... an it's now 9pm and the vanilla is still going strong! WOW. The lasting power is insane! I'm used to fragrances fading on me in 4-6 hours, MAX.

  5. I'm starting to think I need more pheros than I think I do, dosage-wise. Whenever I go less than 3 sprays of the trial sprays I don't seem to notice a thing. It's only when I up the amount of pheros that I notice things. I'm always scared of over-dosing though.


    I wore Gotcha! today - 4 sprays total - 2 to abdomen area 2 to chest. THEN layered Fuzzy Wuzzy on top, navel to cleavage, plus swiped some behind my ears. The only going out I did today though was to lunch with an old friend (of 23 years!!!). We make sure to meet each other every month, though if we're busy we might skip a month or two in a year. Anyway I went to his house to pick him up and I was already going "ahhh he'll comment how strong the vanilla is...." (I found it a bit strong on me - and BTW it is a good 10 hours later and I STILL smell Fuzzy Wuzzy strongly on me), but nope, he didn't. I assume he got a car full of pheros though. We ended up having a good long chat at the restaurant and on the drive back to drop him off at his house. Not totally unusual, but sometimes when we meet up neither of us feel up to chatting much, and this time it was very pleasant. As I mentioned he's a friend of 23 years, so I didn't expect anything too out of the blue for him, but I think the phero made for a good atmosphere. He was disgusted I wear crocs (not the giant clog-like ones, but their more shoe-like designs!), I told him my mom said he looked fatter now (which she actually did say but he's not fat at all, he's just really put on a lot of muscle mass in the past year). The usual insults that come with someone you don't feel the need to censor your words to. lol.

  6. It might be perceived as such in the bottle, but mint is one of those notes that burns off rather quickly on the skin. The mint should last a couple of hours but I blended it so that it wouldn't be too overwhelming.


    Ah... so that just means I have to douse myself in this regularly. :D

  7. Okay, I was planning to buy 2 bottles for the Xmas update plus some Xmas trial vials. Then I realized I wanted to try at least 5 of the Xmas scents... went "oh what the heck" and got the December trial vial sampler. LOL. I ended up pushing my bottle to just Garland & Lace (there were only 4 left!!!!) for the month though, and will order other bottles in the future. I so can't be spending money on myself this month...but I did anyway.


    So January will have to be more bottles. I think I'm fine on the others, I checked the carts and there's still lots left of the other ones I want.

  8. I wore this today - and I don't know if I put on too much or not enough! 1 spray each side of neck, 1 split between my wrists and 1 lightly in my hair. And.... nothing. Not that "invisible" effect when I put too much of PP on before though, just people didn't act any differently that I could detect. (I was only out shopping and doing errands today though).


    That said, I felt FABULOUS. LOL. I was about to leave the house in a furry hoodie and yoga pants with my very NOT-sexy crocs... but somehow at least felt the need to *gasp* get some makeup on my face, which I almost never do.

  9. Audacious gives me the sass factor for self effects. I thought you might like this sent...hope the phero's a fun one too :heart708:


    LOL! I need to do more testing with Audacious! The scent - when I first applied it I thought it's SO not for me because it was way too much... only to go "hey! not bad!" about a half hour later when it had time to settle in.

  10. I tried this out as I got the sampler but had a suspicion it wouldn't be for me as none of the fragrance notes seemed to be what I liked.... unfortunately I have to say I was right. It smells somewhat sour on my skin when I first applied it, then when it had time to settle, it was kind of a dark smoky scent that still had a tinge of sourness to it. That said? Wow, the self-effects of the sexpionage were certainly there. (lol, of course, no one to test it out with.)

  11. Ooh, when first applied this was almost too overpowering for me, like too much lush tropical fruits and coconut just hit me in the face. After about 15-20 mins though it settles down into a smooth sweet tropical scent. It's very nice. As for the phero effect... I'm not entirely sure. I'm feeling a bit less frazzled/tired?

  12. It's not bad or weird!! It works for you, so who cares what it's "for?" I am happy you found something that works for you. There is nothing like finding a phero that hits for you.


    True. I LOVE SWS right now because it really helps me feel and be more authorative, without seeming horribly abrasive.

  13. Oh good, you scared me lol. Well, have you tried Cougar outside of work on strangers yet? Why don't you try it in a more social context before you decide. Another question, are you getting self effects? It's hard to rock something if you don't get anything out of it. For me, SS4W is like that. I know it works because I've tried it on strangers, but I don't get anything from it & my SO doesn't react to it. It doesn't end up being one I reach for often as a consequence.


    I have! But I was admittedly wandering around with my ultra-gorgeous friend so I don't think any pheros could have competed with her. And no, cougar hasn't seemed to give me any self-effects.


    maiea! I love your idea to layer EA with un Cougar! I went in the other direction with fuzzy wuzzy and a couple others because the scents fade on me too quickly and I didn't want to OD, but I can see how that could go the other way for some things I have that the scent is a bit dominant and I could still get my phero's worth with a bit less fumes. Seems so obvious now, lol, *slaps palm of hand to forehead* That may be just the ticked for these samples that have been sitting here begging for love :lol:


    Muhahaaaa, just keep testing around the work place and see how long it takes to notice a "shift" in the paradigm. It could be familiarity and good manners, not that those are bad by any means, but I've been noticing with some of my most frequent workmates I've been getting a bit of that "work-wife" vibe - I think? Where they're just being more helpful and working as a team instead of everyone being so much their own island. Is that you in your avi? Maybe they ARE on their best manners around such a lovely girl- & redhead to boot! Wishing you LOTS of success!


    It just seemed natural to me - if I want to get the phero effect but was afraid of smelling too strongly, I'd just layer them. ^^; Hmm - or maybe all the guys are already relaxed and casual with me so the pheros don't push them any further... I do trust a lot of these guy-friends-from-work 100% and I know they're very well behaved and have strong morals/code of conduct... possibly they are just suppressing any phero effects they are getting very well.


    LOL! Thank you, that is me in the avi, but that's the complete opposite of how I normally look (black hair, no makeup, kinda haggard). So far, I guess LACE (and a-nol), plus SWS is what I'm sure of. Just means lots more testing to be done on the others. ;)

  14. :D Pheros go where we take them sometimes, but this def sounds like pheros effect! "just makes us all get along and have fun" vibe. Lace is A-nol and Est only. It doesn't scream sex goddess, ravish me now!lol But it does do "lets all get along and have fun". I always found lace to be a great social...looks like it's doing it's job ^-~ I think you've been hit gurl! :lol2::love:


    AWESOME! Lol, I know I was in a great goofy mood the whole night. yay! I wanted a good, fun phero for the evening and I know I had a good time, so I'm glad that might be LACE helping things along!

  15. Not everyone responds to the same phero blend in the same way, 'course it be true that men are controlling themselves around you in while you're wearing non-SWS blends order to be, uhm, gentlemen, so it might take time before you get what you're looking for.


    This may be very true. The guys I know, I *know* They're all friends and all familiar with me and my personality. It's very possible that either they're controlling themselves, OR, the phero is the opposite of their idea of me (as "one of the guys") that there's a mismatch in their brains between what the phero is nudging them towards and what they know of me, so they act like how they normally act around me.

  16. Ladies, you're killing me when I read that you're using more than one unscented sample at a time....

    Which two samples did you combine? Not to sound like a broken record, but...when you layer the more complicated pheromone blends, without having tested each one individually to ascertain it's merits, you risk getting an awesome combo or a dud without knowing exactly what components caused the reaction. Hell, I consider myself a vet now & I've become very leery of mixing blends willy nilly. Case in point; when I first started out here. I had a great result with PP & I had heard great things about Cougar. So without even testing Cougar on its own first, I ordered a perfume boosted with 1/2 PP, 1/2 Cougar. I got such strong & weird reactions to the mix the first time I tried it, that I couldn't bring myself to test it out again & traded it. I still kick myself for not even testing Cougar by itself first.

    Man, I wanted to wear this today, but I had to go the TH route :'(


    noooo! I sprayed some UN COUGAR on myself and layered it with Enduring Appeal because I didn't want to over-slather the fragrance on myself as I was going to work. I figured I wanted to test out the effects of Cougar without a large blast of scent.


    Did you get the November trials maiea? In another review I read you liked scents on the floral side rather than foodie and thought of this and Soaked as 2 that would probably be winners for you oh, and Strange Attractors may be a win too... Soaked starts out like candied flowers to me but then softens to a beautiful flowery goodness. Just curious. Glad you found something bottle worthy that you enjoy ^_^ My friend and I ALWAYS get hits when either of us wear Cougar. They aren't all over the top though. We were at lunch once and she had on Enduring appeal and I had on a scent (I think Alabaster Queen?) spiked with cops and between the 2 of us the guys REALLY liked her perfume best, lol (literally their eyes flew wide and they were Oooing & Aaahing). There's just something about Cougar that gets them every time ^-~ Maybe you got something like that? :love:


    I got the Nov trial vials and some UN phero spray trials too! :D I do love florals, but I think this site/LPMP/you guys are making me start to like foodie! LOL! I'm actually sort of wondering if I should get Garland and Lace (to me it's foody but not overly sweet nor heavy). I haven't fully tried out Soaked and Strange Attractors yet, but my initial reactions are.. Soaked is a bit too tropical for me and Strange Attractors a bit too sweet for me. But I haven't given them through testing yet so am holding out my final decision. lol!


    But yes, Enduring Appeal is the stand out for me in the November phero'ed scents! And no, I didn't get ANY phero hits like that at all with Cougar. I just don't understand why I can't seem to get any of these social-attracting pheros to show me obvious hits. :( The only phero where I am *certain* that it is working on me is SWS...and that's a "I'm in charge at work!" sort of scent. I'm a bit disappointed I have to admit. I keep wondering if *I'm* giving off some weird natural chemical signature that cancels out these social-attracting pheros? :( The ONLY thing with Cougar was this one guy I'm at the good-work-friends level with, I went over to talk to him and he was kinda busy, so normally he's all like "uh I'm busy....." (which is a sign for me to bugger off), and he was a bit more chatty, but still not overly so. So I don't know if that's the phero or he actually was also just wanting to chat a bit.

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