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1 bottle - PE: SirenSong's Richmond VA


JulyGirl -

1 bottle Garland and Lace (6pts)
1 bottle Rubylicious (5pts)
1 bottle Pumpkin Lavender Donut (5pts)
1 trial vial Flying Potion (1pt)
1 trial vial Sublime (1 pt) 
1 trial vial Blanco Crema (1 pt) 
1 trial vial Platelet Punch (1 pt) 


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5 minutes ago, ssupytalp said:

Emailed my invoice request; a loooooong email!

Off to bed now, to dream of Smellies... ❤


Just got it! Will send the invoice tomorrow so I can get the proper cost for the international postage.


And EVERYONE, do not freak out if you do not get your invoice by midnight, I might have to do likewise with yours if you are in another country.

Requests will be cut off tonight, but it may take me a couple of days to finish your invoices.


Thanks so very much everyone, for participating in this year's sale, and for your overwhelmingly kind response to everyone's PE creations this year!


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I think I have 10 more points for ordering 4x PEs? (Please correct me if I'm wrong!) If so, could I please reserve: 



- 1 x Ash

- 1 x Citrona Mento

- 1 x Pillow Stuffing

- 1 x Platelet Punch

- 1 x Sublime

- 1 x Gala di Champagne

- 1 x Mount Pleasant

- 1 x Pomme de Fleur

- 1 x Idyllwild w/ Classy Dame

- 1 x Gogo



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I've just emailed a request to add some Unisexy & Bacca Rustica to my invoice if possible; I realize those won't count towards the sale anymore, but I discovered to my horror that I am almost out of fragrances with Perfect Match - and that is hands down my absolute favourite, most versatile phero!


(I do have Unisexy, but it's an older version with a different phero 😬)


Fingers crossed they can still be added to the parcel!


No rush with the invoice, it must be quite a job getting them all out after this sale. 🌺

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6 minutes ago, ssupytalp said:

I've just emailed a request to add some Unisexy & Bacca Rustica to my invoice if possible; I realize those won't count towards the sale anymore, but I discovered to my horror that I am almost out of fragrances with Perfect Match - and that is hands down my absolute favourite, most versatile phero!


(I do have Unisexy, but it's an older version with a different phero 😬)


Fingers crossed they can still be added to the parcel!


No rush with the invoice, it must be quite a job getting them all out after this sale. 🌺


I'm just cleaning up the last of this now, and adding cart sales, etc., so yes, add what you want here now. I should be here for another hour.

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Ok, great!


- 1 FB of Unisexy

- 6 trial vials of Unisexy

- 2 trial vials of Bacca Rustica << ONLY THESE ARE RESERVED


Thank you! 

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Cart - Order #6309

1 trial - Friendly Ghost

1 trial - Gossamer Threads

1 trial - Pumpkin Latte


Cart - Order #6308

1 bottle - Rodnoy

1 bottle - Rooted

1 bottle - Dans L'Ombre

1 bottle - Medium


2 x bottles - Magnus Drache

1 bottle - Spike & Thorn




1 hour ago, ssupytalp said:

Ok, great!


- 1 FB of Unisexy

- 6 trial vials of Unisexy

- 2 trial vials of Bacca Rustica


Thank you! 


I'm getting confused.

Unisexy you can purchase, but is not available as Sale Freebies.


Of this list, I can only reserve for you the Bacca Rustica. Is this what you intended? Please let me know, thanks.

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No reservations! :)


Just regular purchases to be added to my invoice, to save on time & shipping costs.

(Although if one of the Bacca Rustica's would be a freebie, I wouldn't say no 😉)

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Ok, this thread is now locked. If you have anything to add or subtract, please email me. CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com


I am working my way through the invoices but some are super complicated and will take a long time each, so I will get back to them tonight and through the weekend. I have to leave now to host a Drum Circle at the shop. See you later! :) Thanks everyone! 

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