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Love Potion®: Autumnal Equinox 2007 - 1/3 fl.oz.


Our powerfully seductive Love Potion® Perfume, this time with a distinct aroma of Autumn blended into the brew! Limited Edition!


Click here for more info.




Oidhche Shamhna - 1/3 fl.oz.


The early Trick-or-Treaters of Scotland and Ireland went round to farmer's houses for treats of coin or fresh buttered bread. The tradition continues and crosses the pond in this more modern American treat - the fragrance of fresh buttered popcorn balls, drizzled with milk chocolate and caramel!


Click here for more info.





Sweet Revenge Potion - for Women & Men - 1/3 fl.oz.


Truly, success is the best revenge - and this is one doozy of a success potion. Not only does it contain leafy greens and woods famed throughout folklore for their ability to draw luck, wealth, popularity and boost personal power, but we've also added ingredients fabled to ward off negativity and to calm anger, frustration and irritability in the wearer - so you can get over it in a healthy way, and take the world by storm. So there. That'll show 'em! May be worn by both Women and Men.


Click here for more info.






Hecate's Night Potion - 1/3 fl.oz.


An ode to Hecate - mother goddess, sorceress and guardian of crossroads, a ward against danger - has been known to act as an avenginging spirit for injured women. This is a ritual perfume potion for calling upon her favors and thanking her for her gifts. A creamy, woodsy, incensey blend of ingredients sacred to her.


Click here for more info.





Hallowtide - 1/3 fl.oz.


Based on a traditional Samhain ritual blend to thank the universe during the change of seasons, and usher in good fortune and plenty for the winter. Apples and Soul Cake, Pumpkins and Oak, Redwood, Fall Leaves, Frankincense and Patchouli.


Original artwork by Lucia Starkey.


Click here for more info.





Dead Man's Float - 1/3 fl.oz.


A festive sweet ~ a frothy old fashioned Root Beer and Ice Cream treat!


Click here for more info.






Bubblegum Robot™ - 1/3 fl.oz


Suzi is just a typical fun-loving, teenage techie, until one day a robot appears and needs her help!


We are having tons of fun with our newly acquired Manga-Anime addiction, inspired by our appearance at the MikomiCon in September for which we created this marvelous fragrance ~ a darling youthful blend of bubblegummy berries, Japanese florals, green tea, and a tiny drop of Robot Oil!


Keep a lookout here for Suzi’s adventures with Robot - we’ll keep you posted!


Original Artwork by MUARW.


Click here for more info.





Sugared Pomegranate - A Layerable Scent - 1/3 fl.oz.


Ah, poor Persephone. Tricked into spending half the year in the underworld by her husband Hades, who fed her six deliciously sweet pomegranate arils. A sad story, but a delightful fragrance! Magickal properties: fidelity and fertility.


Click here for more info.



Sugared Bonfire - 1/3 fl.oz.


A traditional Halloween Bonfire ~ smokey woods and hot, sugary, toasting marshmallows!


Click here for more info.



Sugared Pumpkins - A Layerable Scent - 1/3 fl.oz.


Ripe Pumpkins, warm and fresh from the oven, smothered in sugary sweetness! Magickal properties: fertility and plenty.


Pumpkin artwork by Dawn Bentley.


Click here for more info.





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I just placed an order for a bottle of Hallowtide and now I can't wait to get it. This update sounds so wonderful.... I hope that I get a chance to try some of the others before they are gone. I needed to replenish my supply of LP:Black, so the bottle of Sugared Bonfire will have to wait for another payday. Will post a review of Hallowtide as soon as it arrives.

The labels are always so beautiful on your bottles!

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