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Please look down one thread and answer it---pretty please.

I don't mean to sound douchey, but I have the hell pms and I'm trying to place an order.

Info por favor! Wheres my Luna?


honestly-sorry so cranky-these cramps HURT. I just woke from a nap and took my scrip for them, but it hasn't kicked in. OW!

Edited by cheeseburger79
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I haven't tried any of the B&B except for a sample of Coeur de l'Amour olive and shea cream I got in an order a while back. I liked it, it was very moisturizing, but I have so much Villainess and Goth Rosary stuff that I just haven't gotten around to branching out from the 'fume.

Edited by luna65
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I gotcha- well, thanks for the response! I might take a chance-I might wait. We'll see how much these sprays cost- and now you have me wanting doggone pajamas for winter. I keep wearing those lil shorts-I'm cold! I shouldn't have to use my heat yet..


Thanks again for answering my friend! :Hug_emoticon:

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