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Missing package. :(


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The shipping notice from stamps.com was emailed to me the day of my wedding (Halloween). I was gone for the next week on my honeymoon, during which my sister and my MIL came by daily to check mail, feed the cat, etc. The tracking for my package says it was delivered on Nov. 4th and neither of them ever saw it! I've printed out a copy of the delivery confirmation and wrote a note to my carrier, just taped it to the backside of the mailboxes. Hopefully this will be resolved soon. My hope/suspicion is that maybe it's in one of the lock-boxes and the carrier forgot to put the key in our mailbox. I'm so upset!



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Well, I've left two notes with our mail carrier, with no response. I also went to the post office with a copy of the delivery confirmation, and they just told me to try to "catch" the carrier when he's in our neighborhood and talk to him. Which is impossible because, you know, we work and we can't freaking stalk the mailbox. I don't know what to do! This was a big order from the ladies, and I'm freaking out. : \

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Well, I've left two notes with our mail carrier, with no response. I also went to the post office with a copy of the delivery confirmation, and they just told me to try to "catch" the carrier when he's in our neighborhood and talk to him. Which is impossible because, you know, we work and we can't freaking stalk the mailbox. I don't know what to do! This was a big order from the ladies, and I'm freaking out. : \


Go on line and fill out the missing package report. Also, there's an "800" number to call with the report. You'll find both at USPS.com


Good luck hon!!

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Thank you so much, Halo. I'll have to do that in the morning. I'm so pissed right now because my doorbell rang (&I knew it was him!), so I ran to the door and by the time I got there a package (just a book I'd ordered, not LPP) was left and he was already driving off! That fast! I want to tear my hair out.

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Well, firstly, congratulations on your marriage!


Have you sent Danna a message or called her to say that your package hasn't arrived?

I'd make sure to do that right away. Just call. She'll help you.


TimesSquareProductions@yahoo.com is the email.


(818) 508-6525 is the phone.


She is awfully busy right now, and probably won't see your message on this forum, it's best to just call directly.

Edited by Pony
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Hayley-I had a five hundred dollar order go missing(I hadnt been able to order LP for 5 months, had been broke and came into some cash) for like 6 weeks or something. Maybe I'm jaded to think this way, because I live in the city, but its true that where I LIVE, the postal workers, well...frankly my dear they just dont give a damn. Why should they when they have so many others on they're route and they will still end the day with 'X' amount of dollars weather or not you get those smell goods. They just dont CARE. The supervisors are usually cool, but even they arent that great all the time.

My little story ended like this-my package was never attempted to be redelivered-not once, and I never even got a 'sorry we missed you slip'. So, Danna, Mara, Myself and 3 postal supervisors are looking high and low for the thing(or ARE THE POSTAL SUPES????),

When I called yet again-about my goods, oh--yes, here they are sitting in my local freaking post office collecting dust for 6 weeks. One of the regular gals at the PO found it buried under a bunch of other packages(and after 6 weeks, no wonder).

Did I smile through it and stay calm? Yup

Was I mad as all get out? Oh, hell yes.

In fact, today as I write this I'm yet again irritated with my post office over an LP package,(They will NOT deliver to my actual door, or ring my doorbell, cause its in the back of a house divided into apartments and this is Detroit-guess theyre afraid I'm gonna whack em over the head and steal the mail), and I'm at the point where I'm gonna have Mara and Danna disengage signature confirmation-I cant take it any more, I cant even pick my stuff up at my PO cause my address is different on my id(yup, dodgeing city taxes-sorry,sue me).


Now after allllll that babble-heres my advice.

Get on the phone, or go to the Post Office and RAISE CAIN. Cause again,unless you really make yourself stand out, they just aint gonna know you from Adam among the masses-That is what Danna and Mara will do too, start off nice, and eventually raise hell. They are the sweetest women alive,but know how to get a job done.

That is in order to locate the thing-once its located, you have to set up a re-deliver, (I suggest a supervisor for all of this), that means someone has to be tethered to the couch quietly till they bring it back, OR you can go pick it up.


If you get bossy and they STILL blow you off? Threaten to file a complaint with the Postmaster General. After 6 weeks of searching and bitching, thats what Danna did for me and guess when we found my stuff?

Magically-the next day.

So, yes, by all means call M&D-I think Mara is on vacation though? Dunno. But Danna is every bit the badass when it comes to helping you locate missing stuff.

Good luck,and try to relax-its out there somewhere.


And now I can say-HI I'm Lori, WELCOME TO OUR FORUM!!! :D

And congrats on the wedding! Always nice to see a new face-I've been on vacation too. As for insurance-no LP is not insured, HOWEVER, the ladies are very very NICE! One way or another, something will be worked out for you. I'm not speaking for M&D-just take what I said for what it's worth.

Edited by cheeseburger79
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Are LPP packages insured?


You have the option of having your packages insured for an extra charge--it's under Additional Postal Services at the top of the Gift Shoppe page but it's not done automatically. This is pretty much status quo for a lot of things I order that use the USPS--the insurance is an add-on. If you're ever wondering, call the ladies before submitting your order and they can walk you through the process.

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Well, folks,

I filed a report with the Inspector General, and filed a missing package claim. I'm not sure that I'll receive word back from either, but at least it's out there.


Danna has been amazing in working with me on this, and I can't say enough how much I appreciate her help. She sent me a replacement package, but of course a lot of the things I ordered were no longer available. She generously made substitutions for the things that she couldn't replace.


She also sent it with signature confirmation this time. I made sure to tell my mail carrier that THIS IS WHAT THE MISSING BOX LOOKS LIKE. We'll see.....


Thanks for all the support and advice, ladies.




ETA: I'll most likely insure most of my packages from here on out. Grr!

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