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I really, really smell like...

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...yeah, you guessed it. Virginia.


Not in a bad way. Not like dirty Virginia. But like Virginia that hasn't just been washed, either.


Right now I'm wearing a tiny dab on each wrist of LAM in the resinous scent, with a tiny dab of The Beach Bunny & The Surfer Dude over each. I put these on last night. This morning my wrists smell...very va-jay-jay-ish.


I know, I know. That's how things are supposed to be. And it really doesn't bother *me* at all (weirdly, I've never minded my girley-scent). But...Are you guys sure this scent doesn't bother other people??? It won't make my husband gag or anything?


If I put another dab of just-fragrance on the VJ scented spots, will that hinder the cops?


Thanks for any help... :(




Miss Va Jay-Jay

Edited by WildAutumn
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Some men are overly sensitive to cops/pheros but there's a unconscious response which happens. The smell might give him pause, but the reaction is going to be something positive, more than likely. As well, if you save cops for playtime (at least in the beginning), it's a more appropriate scent. But layering fragrance over cops is not going to dilute its effectiveness.


However, if it's freaking you out too much then you might sabotage the effect if your demeanor is not proclaiming, "It's sexy time!"

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Thanks, luna. I'm really not freaked out by it or anything and I want to amp up my overall sexiness factor...I'm just feeling so blah that way lately. But I don't want to offend anybody by smelling too much like kitty. I put on one more little dab, each wrist, of BBatSD. I do dig this combination...it's naughty but nice...it's welcoming but not...predatory. KWIM?


Yumm-O combination.


Thanks for the help.

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Let me put it this way: if you're getting ready to have sex, you should smell like that! Hence my point about saving it for playtime.

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